If hitting all targets simultaneously isn't possible, Oneiros wouldn't have asked for three or see previous statement.

Correction; the Ked Paddah commander has noted that with current available forces he believes it's possible to hit no more than 3 targets at the same time with a sufficient margin of success. He may be wrong.

Also, we don't have to engage the system with the intent of knocking it out in one blow. Quite frankly, breaking 1 or 2 defense systems this month and having another go next month are also possibilities. The Arcadian Empire is likely to reinforce, but that's not really a problem; we either force the Empire to focus resources on the defense of House Ix, weakening them elsewhere, or they refuse and we can pick away at the defenses of Ixaria.
Another consideration is that if the Sun station is indeed a WMD and that the Licori are willing to use it, half our fleet makes for a far more tempting target than a third of our fleet, same reason why we're splitting our fleet into Task Forces strategically.
The objective is not to destroy every station, but to take and hold the orbital of Prime. While each station is a potent force multiplier, the true threat to our fleet is having to run a minefield each time we attack one. Refer to the previous battle against the outpost. In addition, only a few stations actually have . The enemy still depends on their ships and installations for battle power. Therefore, we should:

1. Minimize minefield exposure. BY FAR the biggest deal.
2. Take down the sensor damping field to detect their ships. clarification has made this less of an issue
3a. Maybe hit the moon silo so our own fleet can be massed.
3b. Draw out their fleet, which we outgun like 3 to 1 even with their boosts. The best way is by hitting Ixria Prime, as those two outposts need to be cleared anyway, and minimize minefield exposure.
4. After the fleet is gone, attack and destroy the remaining long range installations at our leisure.

There is no need to attack installations willy nilly, and doing so will get our fleet killed.
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If follow-up objectives are not reachable the admirals will not try to go for them. If hitting all targets simultaneously isn't possible, Oneiros wouldn't have asked for three or see previous statement.

Because something is possible does not make it probable, much less advisable. And we will take greater losses dispersing our strength.
The objective is not to destroy every station, but to take and hold the orbital of Prime. While each station is a potent force multiplier, the true threat to our fleet is having to run a minefield each time we attack one. Refer to the previous battle against the outpost. In addition, only a few stations actually have . The enemy still depends on their ships and installations for battle power. Therefore, we should:

1. Minimize minefield exposure. BY FAR the biggest deal.
2. Take down the sensor damping field to detect their ships.
3a. Maybe hit the moon silo so our own fleet can be massed.
3b. Draw out their fleet, which we outgun like 3 to 1 even with their boosts. The best way is by hitting Ixria Prime, as those two outposts need to be cleared anyway, and minimize minefield exposure.
4. After the fleet is gone, attack and destroy the remaining long range installations at our leisure.

There is no need to attack installations willy nilly, and doing so will get our fleet killed.
So, basically:
[x] Moon: Lux - Subspace Wavefront System
[x] Ixaria VI - Silent Repose
[x] Ixaria Prime

// Split fleet, so IP next turn earliest
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The objective is not to destroy every station, but to take and hold the orbital of Prime. While each station is a potent force multiplier, the true threat to our fleet is having to run a minefield each time we attack one. Refer to the previous battle against the outpost. In addition, only a few stations actually have . The enemy still depends on their ships and installations for battle power. Therefore, we should:

Point, but I'd argue that letting ourselves be bombarded at-will by Torpedos and Solar Flares is going to inflict just as much damage as the minefields.
[X] Ixaria Prime - Moon Only (Silo Storage Centre)
[X] Ixaria Star
[X] Ixaria VI - "Silent Repose"
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[X] Ixaria Prime - Moon Only (Silo Storage Centre)
[X] Ixaria VI - "Silent Repose"
[X] Ixaria Star
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[X] Ixaria Prime - Moon Only (Silo Storage Centre)
[X] Ixaria VI - "Silent Repose"
[X] Ixaria Star

We have *got* to drop that subspace wavefront system, and not knowing where enemy ship are is terrible. I was tempted to vote "no third target" but I do not like that station around the star. I do not like it at all.

...I do find it a little unusual that we get to vote on this at all. Usually this would be the point where we'd get, "You appointed Commodore Thuir. Now he's going to decide based on his traits."
[X] Ixaria Prime - Moon Only (Silo Storage Centre)
[X] Ixaria VI - "Silent Repose"
[X] Ixaria Star

We have *got* to drop that subspace wavefront system, and not knowing where enemy ship are is terrible. I was tempted to vote "no third target" but I do not like that station around the star. I do not like it at all.

...I do find it a little unusual that we get to vote on this at all. Usually this would be the point where we'd get, "You appointed Commodore Thuir. Now he's going to decide based on his traits."

Well we did just have people complaining about how our votes don't seem to have an impact, so maybe it's in response to that?

Wait, what?! Why are you three voting for Ixaria Prime, the one thing we were told *not* to do?

"So we will need to choose carefully what we want to soften up first before taking on Ixaria itself?" asks Thuir.

"Precisely. Okay, let me take you through what we know of their defences..."
Sorry. Reading comprehension failure.

vote changed.

[X] Ixaria Prime - Moon Only (Silo Storage Centre)
[X] Ixaria VI - "Silent Repose"
[X] Ixaria VII - "Ixira Scapel"
Also, we do not want to split our forces too widely within the system, as with the Silent Repose system in place, we will have no means of tracking enemy ship movements within the system. I wouldn't be comfortable splitting them any further than thirds."
This statement implies that we are voting on a split of the fleet. The Admiral may not be comfortable with smaller than thirds, but I would recommend halves at best. Therefore do not vote for Ixria Prime, they will tackle that after the targets we list are handled.

@OneirosTheWriter important: does the Silent Repose system prevent targeting of ships once they are within short range? Does it prevent detection of mines?

Also do you want an individual vote or a vote by plan?
@OneirosTheWriter important: does the Silent Repose system prevent targeting of ships once they are within short range? Does it prevent detection of mines?

Also do you want an individual vote or a vote by plan?
You can target ships once you enter near-combat range. However, you won't be able to use your sensors to identify what they are currently defending.

Individual vote.
Quick question, is it possible for us to beam onto the research outposts to take them over from within, switching who they support from our opponents to ourselves? Doing so should be of great assistance to our fleet battle, as well as extracting said data for our own R&D teams to go over.
Based on the fact that we can still engage their ships, I recommend NOT hitting the Silent Repose system. The minefield there is noted as "heavy" and we don't need to hit it.

We can corrale enemy ships by keeping our fleets large. To minimize exposure to minefields, I recommend hitting the moon silo and one remote weapons system. Because this is a fleet split, it is a single minefield (times waves) exposure to each ship before we hit Prime. The sun device is most concerning to me, as it could even be a suicide system or a method to direct the star collapse pulse as a weapon.

[x] Ixaria Star
[X] Ixaria Prime - Moon Only (Silo Storage Centre)
[X] No third target

Please vote for No third target, a three-way split is suicide.