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On Thread Etiquette:

I'm not going to weigh in on the logic of either side's arguments, but I will ask that everyone read over what they write and really consider if the words they used are polite and won't be inflammatory intentionally or not. You cant account for people's tolerances perfectly but at least try to say your piece without saying things that can be easily construed as overly dismissive of the other side of the argument, thank you.

Please endeavour to be cordial. :^)
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Does You wish to take any more Apprentices?
[X] [Snorri:] No.

Very simple reasons. Taking an Apprentice and then immediately going about with a very risky meddling with a Storm of Magic while making Skaudardrengi is one of the worst lessons we can teach a beardling. I think it frankly makes Snorri a more hubristic and kinda stupid guy if that's the order of things we do. At least take one after we wrestle with magic beyond our comprehension.

Also, since we're going to be away for most of the next decade building the dragon, their teaching won't even really get started for that long either! They will be learning out of lesson books and riddles first! (and probably Karstah) What a poor way to start an apprenticeship.

Second simple reason, we've only ever managed one other time to devote 100% of our attention into a creation. Khazagar, which ended up a Wonder in part because of that. (That ended up being a ritual cause we hit 42 progress into it btw, which is not an issue here)

With our smaller creations we've never had the chance to devote 100% of our attention to building an item with part 2, until now. If there is any creation we've made, this can absolutely benefit from the narrative of devoting *all* of our attention to it. On a mechanical perspective it can hold the overflow, and losing out on 4 progress is a meaningful fraction of what we could put into Skaudardrengi.

An apprentice would also take away our ability to devote 100% of or even just some of our time to a War. (The discussed 6 War sometimes mentioned, plus war in general)

E: I'm not sure if anyone else has mentioned it, but it'd also be better for Snorri to teach after we make the no maiming required Windsight rune. That way we have a better grasp of what we're looking at when teaching them.

Finally, it fucks us in terms of getting research and crafting done for the next IRL year at least, because we have to manage dealing with a sprog for 10 turns (till turn 70). And we can take an apprentice whenever we want after the dragon.

[X] [Karstah:] Yes. Apprentice Vote in next Turn Results. (Taking apprentices will lock minimum 1 action per turn for 12 turns)

I think it'd be neat for her to get the experience.
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[X] [Snorri:] No.
[X] [Karstah:] Yes. Apprentice Vote in next Turn Results. (Taking apprentices will lock minimum 1 action per turn for 12 turns)

Not now, bad timing for us but Karstah should go for it.

Btw, when he talked about Akazit, I was reminded about Thaumacraft Mode for Minecraft when concerning the essence and how it could be manipulated.
[X] [Snorri:] No.
[X] [Karstah:] Yes. Apprentice Vote in next Turn Results. (Taking apprentices will lock minimum 1 action per turn for 12 turns)
I don't suppose we could have a Yes (But wait a turn or two until after we get our super important and possibly hazardous to our health project done) option? Because I do agree with the people that want to say no on the grounds that doing it NOW seems a bit reckless, but I also would rather not say no and then have to wait another five or ten turns to get the option again, or just never do.
As much as I'd *love* to have Svina as an apprentice (I loved her interaction with Snorri), we just have too much cooking to lose an AP, if this was after *next* turn it would have been fine. But as it is, as long as its not a permanent No to any future apprentices, I'm going to have to vote No for Snorri.

[X] [Snorri:] No.
[X] [Karstah:] Yes. Apprentice Vote in next Turn Results. (Taking apprentices will lock minimum 1 action per turn for 12 turns)
[X] [Karstah:] Yes. Apprentice Vote in next Turn Results. (Taking apprentices will lock minimum 1 action per turn for 12 turns)
[X] [Snorri:] Yes. Apprentice Vote in next Turn Results. (Taking apprentices will lock minimum 1 action per turn for 10 turns)

Losing some AP a turn will be annoying sometimes but it won't kill us. I enjoy the apprentice interactions.
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It's entirely possible that there is no way to create such a variant. Going against a fundamental part of dwarven nature may inherently require sacrifice.
Determining whether a variant is possible and, if it is, releasing such a thing to the Burudin should still be one of our top priorities. It's Durin's Consternation. Even if it does require sacrifice, which it hopefully won't, that's not a good enough reason to withhold it from the rest of the Runesmith's Guild.
[X] [Snorri:] No.
[X] [Karstah:] Yes. Apprentice Vote in next Turn Results. (Taking apprentices will lock minimum 1 action per turn for 12 turns)

I really liked Svina but I also like not even falling into an even lower layer of AP hell.
[X] [Snorri:] No.
[X] [Karstah:] Yes. Apprentice Vote in next Turn Results. (Taking apprentices will lock minimum 1 action per turn for 12 turns)

Finishing giant magic school first any apprentices later.
I don't suppose we could have a Yes (But wait a turn or two until after we get our super important and possibly hazardous to our health project done) option? Because I do agree with the people that want to say no on the grounds that doing it NOW seems a bit reckless, but I also would rather not say no and then have to wait another five or ten turns to get the option again, or just never do.
The option exists in the action list to be picked at any time we like.

Folks just haven't been making plans with it in there because of a variety of reasons - in my case, I don't want to take one until we finish up the current part of Windsight so we have a better grasp of what we're doing and can revamp the teaching curriculum.

This though was a spontaneous Apprentice spawning.
[X] [Snorri:] No.
[X] [Karstah:] Yes. Apprentice Vote in next Turn Results. (Taking apprentices will lock minimum 1 action per turn for 12 turns)

I really liked Svina but I also like not even falling into an even lower layer of AP hell.
Windsight and the simple research we get each turn have done a number on the actions we potentially have to do. So at the very most we'd probably be on the same level of AP Hell.
[X] [Snorri:] Yes. Apprentice Vote in next Turn Results. (Taking apprentices will lock minimum 1 action per turn for 10 turns)
[X] [Karstah:] Yes. Apprentice Vote in next Turn Results. (Taking apprentices will lock minimum 1 action per turn for 12 turns)
Definitely not the time for Snorri to get more apprentices. I want to make my big dragronti and make all the other elders cope and seethe with envy!
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It seems that some people are voting in the opposite direction of what I want! In order to distract myself from the fact that God decided to put his penis through a cloud outside (aka Tornado), I shall now utilize that most terrible of arts, Persuasion.


Listen, hepcats, you gotta grok s-man's jive! You let this shot slip past, you gonna bring him, dig? S-man's all about the kids, and learning a hipster ain't a fall on down, you know? Instead we gotta fall in on that mess, cause S-man is really in there when it comes to the Runes. But his little girl ain't got none of that when it comes to teaching, not yet. We aren't gonna hold back the dawn forever, and we need her to know what's what. What better way to make sure she's lockstep like needed, you know make sure she's really in there, is to put a puppy through the paces at the same time. She can see the do herself, ya dig? Besides, I know S-Man, when it comes to turning down the yutes, he says Neigho Pop, ya-know? If we get less AP, then S-Man says we gotta get it straight, not give up! The QM ain't no Clipster, we'll find a way, and it'll be groovy!

*Clears throat*

You are now all convinced.
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[X] [Snorri:] Yes. Apprentice Vote in next Turn Results. (Taking apprentices will lock minimum 1 action per turn for 10 turns)
[X] [Karstah:] Yes. Apprentice Vote in next Turn Results. (Taking apprentices will lock minimum 1 action per turn for 12 turns)
The option exists in the action list to be picked at any time we like.

Folks just haven't been making plans with it in there because of a variety of reasons - in my case, I don't want to take one until we finish up the current part of Windsight so we have a better grasp of what we're doing and can revamp the teaching curriculum.

This though was a spontaneous Apprentice spawning.
High quality Apprentices spawned yeh. The one above in between Fjolla and Snerra alone deserves consideration especially as a Winterhearth
[X] [Snorri:] Yes. Apprentice Vote in next Turn Results. (Taking apprentices will lock minimum 1 action per turn for 10 turns)

[X] [Karstah:] Yes. Apprentice Vote in next Turn Results. (Taking apprentices will lock minimum 1 action per turn for 12 turns)
[X] [Snorri:] Yes. Apprentice Vote in next Turn Results. (Taking apprentices will lock minimum 1 action per turn for 10 turns)

[X] [Karstah:] Yes. Apprentice Vote in next Turn Results. (Taking apprentices will lock minimum 1 action per turn for 12 turns)
[X] [Snorri:] Yes. Apprentice Vote in next Turn Results. (Taking apprentices will lock minimum 1 action per turn for 10 turns)
[X] [Karstah:] Yes. Apprentice Vote in next Turn Results. (Taking apprentices will lock minimum 1 action per turn for 12 turns)

Don't care what the discord cabal says, I want more dwarfling stuff.
That content tends to be my favorite stuff.
[X] [Snorri:] Yes. Apprentice Vote in next Turn Results. (Taking apprentices will lock minimum 1 action per turn for 10 turns)
[X] [Karstah:] Yes. Apprentice Vote in next Turn Results. (Taking apprentices will lock minimum 1 action per turn for 12 turns)

Don't care what the discord cabal says, I want more dwarfling stuff.
That content tends to be my favorite stuff.

do you want to bring on an apprentice right before we vanish for a decade to go do the kind of forging that kills a good chunk of the master runesmiths that attempt it? hell we have good odds of spending most of next turn recovering from the attempt. It would be bad for the kid for their first experience with us being we hare off to do a mega project that involves stuff that would kill them to even attempt for a while, and will remain lethally dangerous to them for most if not all of their own career.

Apprences are great, they are adorable and pull Snorii out from just being pure RnD and crafting, we should for sure have one around most of the time. Which is why I think we should take on within the next two or three turns, but right this instant is the worst possble time to bring one on.

To get meta with it for a bit, we're not going to have much room for dwarfling scenes next turn anyways, given that narrative focus is going to be on the Dragon Gronti super weapon. There has simply been to much build up for it, to many in game resources invested and to much player effort spent planning it, for it to be anything but 90%+ of the focus of the turn where it gets made. Bring on the dwarfling after that so there introduction will be given the narrative focus it deserves rather than being a footnote.
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[X] [Snorri:] Yes. Apprentice Vote in next Turn Results. (Taking apprentices will lock minimum 1 action per turn for 10 turns)
[X] [Karstah:] Yes. Apprentice Vote in next Turn Results. (Taking apprentices will lock minimum 1 action per turn for 12 turns)

I'm having deja Vu with the Storm Cloak and Dragon Caring ...

... I'm sure it'll be fine! :V
[X] [Snorri:] No.
[X] [Karstah:] Yes. Apprentice Vote in next Turn Results. (Taking apprentices will lock minimum 1 action per turn for 12 turns)
Voting is open for the next 7 hours, 34 minutes