Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
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when, in the fullness of time, the Runesmith Clans of Karak Eight Peaks and Karak Vlag are refounded, it will be as Brother-Clans, more so than is usual for even the descendants of Thungni.
it is a testament to the resurgence of the Karaz Ankor that the idea of such closely interlinked clans living on opposite ends of it is no longer an absurd idea.

also Kas is cool, would be pleased to see more of them in the future

[X] Portativ
[X] Fiddle
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You need a wizard with auditory windsight to tune the instruments and even the good people of nuln would hesitate to do that openly.
Well, you need one for the first, and it's probably a good idea to have one verify some every now and then. But one of the advantages of having a mechanical solution is that you can tune the second based on the first. Or the first ten, for safety, but you don't actually need a wizard to make them anymore.
It's a bit to late to vote for a
[x] Mandolin
but wouldn't
Mandolin of Aetheric Tones and Harmonics, Interpreting Leyline Dimensional Energies
be a nice name for the instrument?

Also, approval vote for
[x] Bagpipes
Unrelated to the current discussion, but i was thinking.

The Dwarfs don't allow the Empire to reverse engineer their crossbows and guns, right?

But what if we stole Dwarfish firearms from the Chaos Dwarfs? They wouldn't have any problem with that, right?
Which order is Kas from? It wasn't clear in the update—I'm guessing Grey?

Yes. I didn't realize I hadn't specified.

Unrelated to the current discussion, but i was thinking.

The Dwarfs don't allow the Empire to reverse engineer their crossbows and guns, right?

But what if we stole Dwarfish firearms from the Chaos Dwarfs? They wouldn't have any problem with that, right?

I can think of a few problems they might have with that, but it wouldn't be considered a breach of Guild secrets.
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[X] Spinning Lyre
Classic folk music option.

[X] Fiddle
Because Fiddles with resonating strings under the main string set have a nice haunting sound. This actually seems like the easiest one to me.
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And what up with you, Egrimm good buddy? Did some Daemon-bird inform you that you are a candidate in EverBowl XV?

…Did you find out you aren't a candidate, but we are?
If he did get a Chaos-i-gram, it probably said we were a candidate whilst also informing him of his own candidacy. I wonder what they claimed Mathilde's motivation for taking the world's shittiest job was? We're pretty happy with where we are in life.

We sort of already did that—a lot of the Skaven firearms we studied had been originally reverse engineered from dwarven weapons.
Having relatively recently reread some of that, I'm pretty sure the dwarves are explicitly fine with reverse-engineering skaven technology. With the chaos dwarves, maybe they'd be upset because their knowledge is extremely obviously and directly taken from the Karaz Ankor, even if they can't reasonably try to claim it'd be infringing on guild secrets to steal it from them?

Or maybe it's just that an awful lot of chaos dwarf smithing is inextricably tied up in daemonsmithing.
[X] spinning Lyre
[X] fiddle
EDIT: Thanks
I would like to do pipes but I forgot to consider the enchantment, it would have to be able to be repaired without effecting the enchantment and I can't see a pipe or flute able to do that as it's very much a one item deal.

as far as who would want it and having to evict the local inhabitants you are of course correct. But consider this, near everyone is trying to get the Asrai to the table and make them stop going on a rampage every spring.
"Hey instead of sending that warhost at us, why don't you throw yourself into reclaiming an ancient holy site?" All of a sudden they need to be able to conserve their strength to get there and negotiate (I don't see them being ok with it being owned by Greenskins) to get there. Then if they succeed they have to be able to support a outpost there in a hostile forest. That requires support.
If they don't succeed all of a sudden they have to negotiate to get help on reclaiming it, again bringing them to the table. It's an issue that is not immediately solvable or one that should be focused on at this point, but it is an option. One more arrow for the quiver as it were.

Also it does raise an interesting thought about Athel Loren. What do they do with the magical energy? How would they respond if some of it started going somewhere else instead of them?
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