The nacelles out of the way, we get to the... impulse thrusters... man, what I get for going to sleep...
[ ] Type-3 Impulse Thruster [Theoretical] (Three Success Rolls: Size -> Thrust -> Prototype Performance)
[ ] Type-2 Impulse Thruster (Type-3: Theoretical -> Experimental, Size: Standard)
Alright, I'm all for pushing the boundaries when it comes to just about every aspect of a ship's design. And boy, the thought of a brand new engine making us just
zip around real-space makes me somewhat giddy at just the possibility. But with the way the current Theoretical-Experimental-Prototype pipeline is at the current moment, the idea of getting stuck with a subpar impulse engine line, for the long haul, just before we likely jump into the next truly
big project makes me more anxious than I'd like for such an important component of how our ships work.
As I understand, there's a rework to the tech advancement system in the works with this decision as the testbed, but until the system is ironed out, I'm going to have to stick with the Type-2. It gives the concept of the Type-3 time to start cooking in the oven, and doesn't run the risk of hobbling this delightfully strange vessel we've finished the spaceframe for. Once the new tech advancement system is presented, and if it comes in time for this vote, the possibility stands on me changing my vote to include the Type-3.
[X] Type-2 Impulse Thruster (Type-3: Theoretical -> Experimental, Size: Standard)