Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
Voting is open
So it's been a few hours and I'd like to reiterate my question, why are so many people voting for

[ ] [LIBRARY] Colleges of Magic - The Nehekharan Pantheon, The Mortuary Cult, Nehekharan Incantations, Prophecy
[ ][LIBRARY] Colleges of Magic: Liminal Pathways, Nehekharan Pantheon, The Mortuary Cult, Nehekharan Incantations

Could someone please explain? I asked earlier as you can see in the quote but it's been over 3 hours and no one's responded.

I think it is both plus Nehekara being interesting. We have put off buying those books for a while
[x] [COLLEGE] Translations of Extensive/Obscure Asur Medicine and Anatomy texts into Reikspiel, to be donated to the Temple of Shallya (Pay with 6 College Favor)
[x] [LIBRARY] Colleges of Magic - The Nehekharan Pantheon, The Mortuary Cult, Nehekharan Incantations, Prophecy
Could someone please explain? I asked earlier as you can see in the quote but it's been over 3 hours and no one's responded.

I'd say it's because Nehekhara is one of the obvious holes in our library regarding relatively nearby polities.

Araby is in a similar situation. At some point we'll probably want to get our dwarven booksellers to look for books on there - and also see if they can get books from rather than about Araby. Given Barak Varr's location they probably historically trade as much or more with the cities of Araby as they do with the Empire.
So it's been a few hours and I'd like to reiterate my question, why are so many people voting for

[ ] [LIBRARY] Colleges of Magic - The Nehekharan Pantheon, The Mortuary Cult, Nehekharan Incantations, Prophecy
[ ][LIBRARY] Colleges of Magic: Liminal Pathways, Nehekharan Pantheon, The Mortuary Cult, Nehekharan Incantations

Could someone please explain? I asked earlier as you can see in the quote but it's been over 3 hours and no one's responded.
There's been an interest in learning stuff about Nehekhara for a while. There's a bunch of reasons for that: interest in theology stuff (especially the possible Ranald/Qu'aph connection and the Morghur stuff Borek told us), interest in their magic system, and just interest in a part of the setting that hasn't made a ton of in-quest appearances. There's also some practical uses for that kind of knowledge - studying the Nehekharan network as part of the Waystone project is something we'll probably get around to eventually, and our vampire writings mean we will probably learn Nehekharan at some point - and while they're probably not things we will do next turn, at the moment there isn't really any pressing need for other stuff so some voters feel like this is a good time to finally make that purchase.
Another thought on Eonir books. It's interesting that this is asymmetrical:

The Empire of Man +10 - Extensive and Esoteric Imperial / Extensive and Esoteric Dwarven
The Eonir of Laurelorn +15 - Extensive and Esoteric Imperial / Extensive and Esoteric Dwarven / Extensive and Esoteric Eonir

How do the Empire know enough about the Eonir to have written Extensive and Esoteric books about them, but the Eonir don't know enough about the Empire to write anything?

You'd have thought that at least the Eonir's records of the pre-Black Plague empire would count for something, given how much of their history and records the Empire has apparently lost about that period.
Another thought on Eonir books. It's interesting that this is asymmetrical:

The Empire of Man +10 - Extensive and Esoteric Imperial / Extensive and Esoteric Dwarven
The Eonir of Laurelorn +15 - Extensive and Esoteric Imperial / Extensive and Esoteric Dwarven / Extensive and Esoteric Eonir

How do the Empire know enough about the Eonir to have written Extensive and Esoteric books about them, but the Eonir don't know enough about the Empire to write anything?

You'd have thought that at least the Eonir's records of the pre-Black Plague empire would count for something, given how much of their history and records the Empire has apparently lost about that period.

Coverage. Laurelorn has only meaningfully interacted with three provinces of the Empire, and one of those doesn't exist any more.
Trickery, illusion, asymmetrical warfare, the protection of homeland. Not all those who wander are lost, but if you are, Ladrielle might point you in the right direction - which might not necessarily be the direction you thought you wanted to go in. If the ones wandering are enemies, intercession more commonly comes in the form of something sharp and metallic to somewhere soft and vulnerable.
... Is she Ulgu ascended Mathilde? :p:V:p
That feels like quite an accurate description of her.
There are no poles, you can go north, reach 90 degrees latitude, and continue onwards forever if you survive long enough
Grimnir says skill issue
So it's been a few hours and I'd like to reiterate my question, why are so many people voting for

Colleges of Magic: Liminal Pathways, Nehekharan Pantheon, The Mortuary Cult, Nehekharan Incantations

Could someone please explain? I asked earlier as you can see in the quote but it's been over 3 hours and no one's responded.
A big reason is the lack of compelling proposed alternatives. The only other one raised is upping our general wind knowledge by a handful of points. I think that one would be a clear winner if it was a full +5 on all four, but its partially filled in already so getting a larger boost to a more niche topic seems to be doing well.
Some questions about Ellinill and the Ellinilli:
  • The canonical lore on Drakira suggests that she instigated the slaughter of Her siblings by hardening Isha's heart or whatever. Wouldn't this have also run the risk of getting Drakira killed? Is this addressed anywhere in myth, like did Drakira escape to the mortal world in advance or something?
  • If Drakira is said to be in the mortal world, is there any specific physical location She's associated with?
    • Same question for Mathlann and Estreuth
  • Was revenge Drakira's original domain, or was She in charge of some disaster and then pivoted to revenge, kind of like how Mathlann became a God of the sea?
  • Is there any record of the disasters that were the domains of the many Ellinilli that died? In particular, are there any Ellinilli with domains that resemble those of the Kislev pantheon?
    • ...or the domains of Ulric or Lupos?
  • Canon lore says that Ellinill was weakened by His fights with His children. Is that a thing that our Ellinill books agree with? Does it have any practical effects, like do the Eonir believe that disasters are less common ever since the Ellinilli slaughter or something?
If Drakira is said to be in the mortal world, is there any specific physical location She's associated with?
I can give a bit of an answer to this one: where other gods aren't.
Total War: Warhammer Guide's description of the Drakira, Queen of Vengeance technology
<Total War: WARHAMMER - Game Guide>
Those who seek a quiet life, away from society, honour Drakira.

[...] She choses to spend her time away from the other gods and as such is the favoured goddess of the Waystalkers, who prefer to spend their time deep in the forest.
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So it's been a few hours and I'd like to reiterate my question, why are so many people voting for

[ ] [LIBRARY] Colleges of Magic - The Nehekharan Pantheon, The Mortuary Cult, Nehekharan Incantations, Prophecy
[ ][LIBRARY] Colleges of Magic: Liminal Pathways, Nehekharan Pantheon, The Mortuary Cult, Nehekharan Incantations

Could someone please explain? I asked earlier as you can see in the quote but it's been over 3 hours and no one's responded.

There are a few reasons to dig into Nehekharan lore.

Firstly, it's kind of neat and a lot of people are interested.

Secondly, we have a bunch of rare documents written in High Nehekharan, so we need to learn the language anyway if we want to decide their secrets.

Thirdly, there's a Nehekharan lord buried somewhere near Gretel's domain, and we'd like to have some background research done before we start plundering the tomb.

Fourth, we know very little about Nehekhara's waystone network, so investigating it would add to our knowledge base. Additionally, we know they used the river as a leyline, which is also what we are doing, so it might be interesting to do a comparison and see the original idea in action.

Fifth, learning Nehekharan is a prerequisite to deciphering the language of the Old Ones, which is a neat project many people are interested in.

Sixth, we've had independent verification that both Krell and Kemmler are active in the Old World, and whilst its likely they are candidates for the Everchosen thing, they are also disciples of Nagash, and I'm worried that might be a prelude to him waking up and being active again.
Mathilde *squints*: Come on, it's a +2, every Journeyman should have at least that much studying Dhar. Would've sure helped me with the matrix, I can tell you that. It's not like I put the Liber Mortis in there. :V

I'm going to be super pedantic here and point out that the Liber Mortis predates Teclisian magic by about a thousand years, so even if it wasn't a super forbidden book, it would still be wrong to shelve it in that section.
I'm going to be super pedantic here and point out that the Liber Mortis predates Teclisian magic by about a thousand years, so even if it wasn't a super forbidden book, it would still be wrong to shelve it in that section.

Well yeah, but I was talking about access, the Teclisian magic shelves are for general wizard use, you actually need to be more trusted to get into the dark magic shelves. It was talked about at one point in the quest.
Some questions about Ellinill and the Ellinilli:
  • The canonical lore on Drakira suggests that she instigated the slaughter of Her siblings by hardening Isha's heart or whatever. Wouldn't this have also run the risk of getting Drakira killed? Is this addressed anywhere in myth, like did Drakira escape to the mortal world in advance or something?

There is now, because you just told it. That's how mythology works. There is no one true version of the myth that actually happened and has all the plot holes neatly solved, there's just ever more competing versions of the tale. They are threads to collect and weave together, not puzzle pieces to try to find the exact edges where they all click together to form a single picture.

  • If Drakira is said to be in the mortal world, is there any specific physical location She's associated with?
    • Same question for Mathlann and Estreuth

Plenty. Usually the location being claimed just so happens to elevate the status of the Temple that the teller is associated with.

  • Was revenge Drakira's original domain, or was She in charge of some disaster and then pivoted to revenge, kind of like how Mathlann became a God of the sea?

That was always Her domain.

  • Is there any record of the disasters that were the domains of the many Ellinilli that died? In particular, are there any Ellinilli with domains that resemble those of the Kislev pantheon?
    • ...or the domains of Ulric or Lupos?

You could find dozens of possibilities if you went looking for them. There are gods of wildfires and droughts and heatwaves that each might be Dazh, gods of storms and tempests that could be Tor, gods of winter and blizzards and the gnawing hunger of winter that could be the Widow or Ulric, and gods of wild animals that could be Lupos or Ursun.

  • Canon lore says that Ellinill was weakened by His fights with His children. Is that a thing that our Ellinill books agree with? Does it have any practical effects, like do the Eonir believe that disasters are less common ever since the Ellinilli slaughter or something?

Yes. The world when the Old Ones were playing bumper cars with continents and then during the Great Catastrophe and the Coming of Chaos was a more turbulent place than the world today.
Yes. The world when the Old Ones were playing bumper cars with continents and then during the Great Catastrophe and the Coming of Chaos was a more turbulent place than the world today.
Jumping off from this, Eillinill and Addaioth fought for three days, and also Ulthuan suffered major natural disasters for three days after Caledor's vortex went up.

Canon lore says that Ellinill was weakened by His fights with His children.
Voting is open