Starfleet Design Bureau

[x] Expanded Main Energiser (+10% Next-Gen Shield Output)

It is easier to add more thrusters if we have a ship we want to be nimble. I don't think shields scale the same way.
[ ] Expanded Main Energiser (+10% Next-Gen Shield Output)
[X] Impulse Shunt (+20% Impulse Engine Output)

Starfleet crews will be cursing our names as the shields fold like tissue paper, but nevertheless: SPEEEEEEEEEEEED!
[X] Impulse Shunt (+20% Impulse Engine Output)

Torpedo gang.

Occasionally we'll get more space out of it but I suspect that most of the time the space improvement would end up not being enough for a whole slot. Even if advanced shields are harder to create than higher maneuverability (in theory) I think higher baseline for evasion, navigation, and launching torpedoes is the way to go.
[X] Impulse Shunt (+20% Impulse Engine Output)

Impulse shunt is the most logical choice here, imo, we've kinda generally trended towards ever larger ships and have somewhat suffered with them due to the output of the impulse engines (between their thrust and how many we'd need to get the manoeuvrability ratings we'd like), and whilst not a straight up defence increase like the main energiser would give the increase in manoeuvring we'd get out of this will help us both offensively and defensively (especially for larger ships).
[X] Impulse Shunt (+20% Impulse Engine Output)

Shields let you do one thing: tank attacks and damage better. Engine output lets you avoid hits, put your own shots on target more easily, perform more complex maneuveurs, catch up to (or escape from) enemies, etc. It's just generally more useful and applicable.
[X] Impulse Shunt (+20% Impulse Engine Output)

Basically a no brainer because we designed a core that literally can't work in a smaller ship. Even with it 'only' being 7 decks tall, that's still too big to fit in the engineering section of the Kea class (not counting the neck). So going big is literally the only way to fit these cores in, therefore we probably want the maneuverability bonus as it'll always be useful, no matter if we're designing a warship or a tug, whereas the tug would have no use for the shield boost and desperately need the engines, the warship could use either, therefore isn't actually losing anything by going with the engine boost.
[X] Expanded Main Energiser (+10% Next-Gen Shield Output)

Eh, going against the flow a bit here, since I don't really have much of an issue with torpedoes on big ships with low maneuverability?

Sure the Kea said that it would only be able to reliably get them on targets that are heavy cruisers or larger, presumably anything lighter needing to be forced into the firing line by a friendly ship or get outwitted/blunder into it as a misplay. But I also agree with the very next sentence that those big targets are what you actually need the torps for, the lighter faster ones can be handled alright with just our phasers that keep getting more and more damage even as we increase their firing arc.

There's also the bit that while Impulse would help the non-combatant ships jet around a system quicker, which is always nice, there's likely a bunch of negative space wedgies of the week or whatever that those ships would benefit from having stronger shields to resist. So I don't think we'd lose much if anything on the science side either.
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[x] Impulse Shunt (+20% Impulse Engine Output)

Gotta go fast. The slow disco-ball route was fun for the Kea, but now we've got that out of our system lets ensure everything from now on can fly rings around the enemy.
Iirc were going to be working on some new hull materials soon, so missing out on the +10 to shields is going to be even less of a concern than it already is.
[X] Impulse Shunt (+20% Impulse Engine Output)

Easy choice. Our ships aren't going to be getting smaller going forward after all.
Honestly I'm fine with either winning. Impulse bonus is either faster ships or saved tonnage for other things, while better shields leans more into the chonky capital ship feel that I associate with Starfleet in particular (compared to most of the other local navies).