What we know is that Klingons are rolling out warp 7 ship that are marginally better than our current designs, these are probably their newest generation.This is genuinely a hard one. But ultimately quantity has a quality all its own, and one we're going to be completely lacking if we go with the no-refit option. Bleeding edge new rollouts are what we want for hero ships doing hero things, not for a stable space nation.
If we keep up the bleeding edge philosophy we'll wind up like the Romulans - flying around in ships powered by artificial black holes only to be forced to drop the whole tech tree when they find out extradimensional aliens like to lay eggs in them. Star Trek is a WEIRD PLACE, stuff just happens sometimes.
.... But ultimately quantity has a quality all its own, and one we're going to be completely lacking if we go with the no-refit option. ....
So I just realized something.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but the High-Performance Injector has requirements that appears to render the nacelles incompatible with ship built for the old Warp 7 Nacelles, completely going straight to incompatible if I'm reading it correctly. So if we do go with the High-Performance Injector, it would've made the Horizontal Core a pointless choice.
Welp, I'm glad I voted for, and that most voted for, the Vertical Core.
A valid possibility. Thanks for responding. I did ask to be corrected after all.Most likely we wouldn't have the choice of HPI if we went for Horizontal Core.
Just a heads up, due to the space between the bracket and the X it won't count your vote.[ x] High-Performance Injector System (Size Reduction) (Type-4 Nacelle: +Max Warp) (Refit -> Incompatible)