[X] Gunnar Toad-Terror
-[X] Passive Action: Construct a fence around my land.
-[X] Passive Action: Hunt Storm Toads in the marsh, trade the bodies to Hrolfr for Mushlings.
-[X] Passive Action: Expand the house, to better accommodate current and future members of the Clan.
-[X] Passive Action: Make a leather bag from Storm Toad Skin, to hold javelins made from Storm Toad Spines.
-[X] Major Action: Travel North, to the Oni Quarry. Be prepared for battle.

Sworn to his burdens,
[x] Eirny;
-[X] Passive Action: Clear area on Gunnar's land, for use as a designated Training Area, away from the farm/house
-[x] Passive Action: Hunt minor beasts to satisfy her bloodlust + trade as Gunnar does, attempting to gain Mushlings for his farm.
-[X] Passive Action: Attempt to commune with her sword, via meditative focus.
-[X] Major Action: Travel North to the Oni Quarry, alongside Gunnar.
I'm thinking that I should start the Bird fight with me warning everyone I'm going to shoot a blinding flash of Lightning, doing so, and then shooting it with a Full Power Armor Piercing Shot to the head.

Can anyone think of a flaw in this plan?
[X] Sigmund Sigurdsson
-[X] Major Action: Accompany his cousin and blood-brother Ragnarr Fair-Spoken on his expedition to the west.
-[X] Fylgia Action: One Ant to accompany Gunnar's expedition to the Onigar Quarry (unless it puts it at over nine people in which case it will go along with Bjorn Bjarneson as a second Ant), one Ant to Bjorn Bjarneson expedition. Actions of other seven Ants are pending.
-[X] Passive Action: Sigmund builds a basic home and attempts to grow golden grass in sheltered locations with his wife at his beach plot.
-[X] Passive Action: Sigmund builds a basic home and attempts to grow golden grass in sheltered locations with his wife at his hill plot once it has been cleared.
-[X] Passive Action: Sigmund's wife Torunn gives birth to twin girls called Astrid and Sigrid.
-[X] Passive Action: Sigmund patrols Clan Jarnblod land (minus his beach plot due to distance) when he isn't on an expedition or building on his land.
-[X] Passive Action: Ask Krakr Gudrunsson to teach him how to eyespeech (so Sigmund can talk via Ant Fylgia). In exchange, he gives Krakr that crest from the cresthead he had kept as a trophy and he promises to lend aid to Krakr on a future expedition provided that doing so doesn't get in the way of any other commitments that he has made.
-[X] Passive: Have playdates between his children and appropriately aged ones from his blood-brothers and any family who are interested.
-[X] Passive: If Sigmund has the time to spare it, he will attend the celebratory party of his kinsman Moli Spotlight.
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Bjorn hears of the the hunt which gunnar is planning. He walks up to gunnars house, waiting in front of it menacingly with his bow and arrows ready.

Bjorn doesnt wanna fight. he is just bad at communicating so he showed up armed because he wanted to demonstrate his prowess
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[x] Ivor will join the westward expedition
-[X] Spend time attempting to learn the native language
-[x] Trade my Stone to Steiner Stonelicker in exchange for him making salt pans on one of my rocky sections of beach - wide, shallow sections of stone that can be filled with water for evaporation, leaving behind salt residue.
-[x] Contribute to building the central defensive hall
-[x] Attempt to cultivate a small patch of Golden Grass in a sheltered area
[X] Oddr Gunnvaldson
-[X] Major Action: Join the Onigar Quarry expedition.
-[X] Minor Action: Start the work on that leather workshop, realize midway that no one is tanning the leather, then trying to add a tannery in there.
-[X] Minor Action: Ask the elder native about the animals they know of and often exploit.
-[X] Minor Action: Get Gunnvald Oddrson to learn this land's language as well, that native boy could have interesting knowledge that the elder doesn't.
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[X] Steinarr Stonelicker
-[X] Major Action: Travel North to the Oni Quarry, alongside Gunnar.
-[X] Passive Action: build a smokehouse on Ivor name-giver's land as agreed.
-[X] Passive Action: Teach unattended children the Joys and Mysteries of STONE
-[X] Passive Action: Improve Fence around clangrounds with stone.
-[X] Passive Action: give stone to Erik Hardhead and help plan/build the runestone for a favour.
-[X] Passive Action: join Moli's disco
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Someone should probably go investigate the crabs more, since we know they're gonna be a threat some day. Maybe not try to kill them all immediately, but hey, if you manage to kill a few and bring them back... the more we know!
[X] Passive: Set up home above the waterline if possible, or on stilts if not.
[X] Passive: Investigate what sort of formation the beach is. Does it gradually deepen or is there a sudden drop? Is there a riptide on my patch of beach?
[X] Passive: make a Tapestry illustrating the laws as set by the first Thing.

@Shine is Alyssa still planning to do the expedition? What number of people did you decide on and who?