Ivor Lindholm and Njall Ulfson come back to camp. Ivor bears the body of some strange small mushroom-headed creature with large eyes, and Njall bears a large
club made of iron. Both have a look of exhaustion to them, and an expression on their eyes of wonderment, a mix of fear and exhilaration.
Ivor has never had an opportunity to earn distinction before, nor to proclaim his deeds. But that is not to say that it is not something he has practiced in his head before a time or ten. After taking a moment to catch their breaths (and letting people gather to hear), Ivor strides into a clearing, planting his feet and puffing out his chest. He calls out, "Fellow Norsemen! We come bearing strange tidings, the only kind that this land seems to offer! Njall and I travelled north and east, in hopes of finding plants or animals that might help improve our village! We found neither, but we found a great deal else!"
"Our first encounter was with, of all things, a giant-sized
sauna, like the Finns make! It was constructed of stacked stones, twice the size of any Norseman's dwelling. Beside it was a giant club of solid iron," Ivor gestures at Njall's burden, which is as tall as a Norseman, "and a set of armor likewise sized." He pauses for dramatic effect. "We never saw the inhabitant of this
sauna fully as we did not wish to gaze upon an unwilling maiden, giant or otherwise, but we conversed with her from afar. Her hand was sized to fit the building, and the skin on it was red. She somehow spoke our tongue, or perhaps had some magic that let us understand her, for we had no trouble conversing, though she used a few strange words. However, if she knew our people, it was by a different name - "Norsemen" was strange on her tongue. In the end, she settled on calling us '
muck-afavi'. She confirmed there was a settlement of
muck-afavi far to the west, along the coast. She called her people the
Onigar, and," Ivor said, "It seems they are a warrior folk as well, for when I told her of the valor of the Norse, she said they would no doubt test our mettle. She spoke of thunder in the distance, and indeed, it crashed while we spoke. She called herself Kesk-Kavar, and told us to shout for her should we wish to find her on the battlefield."
Ivor takes a sip from his flask, staring off into the middle distance for a moment, before resuming. "But that is not the worst of the tidings, for a Norsemen, to find a strong foe is only a promise of ordstirr and Valhalla! No, the true dread came next, for there is no glory in being ground out of existence without a chance to fight at all."
Taking a stick, Ivor drew figures of himself and Njall in the dirt, and then drew a picture of the cave. Primitive though it is, it shows the scale - the entrance is the size of four or five houses stacked on top of each other. "Njall and I found a cave, surrounded by broken trees and tossed aside boulders. We could hear the rumbling inside of a figure of Fenrisian scale. But we knew we could not return without confirming the nature of this threat, and so we moved closer." He sketches a figure there, as best he could. Four bear heads, resting on long, coiling, snakeline necks, attached to some body that the pair had never fully seen. "It is not boasting when I say this creature had the heads of many of the great lizards we saw around its lair, and the beak of one of the Void Eagles as well. Piles of bones littered its lair, and among them, glittered gold, gems and iron."
Ivor cleared his throat. "We knew this beast was beyond us, but we could not simply leave its lair unplundered, because the monster slept. Njall devised a plan using his Kunna to create a carpet of soft moss for us to move on, and we stole on forward. We were able to remove an iron club, like those used by the Onigatar, and retrieved it. We would have sought more, but when I moved to a second pile, I was confronted by a strange creature." He gestures to the corpse. "It was friendly in manner, but bore a brass bell - it was no doubt a guard. I drove a needle through its eye and slew it before it could react, and we retreated before we encountered any other strangeness."
"Or so we thought!" Ivor leaps back to attention. "Upon our return, we attempted to pass through a swamp, which appeared to be full of logs. But it was as strange as anything else in this land of danger. Warned by intuition, we used Kunna to probe the swamp, and found an area that was separated from contact with outside. Njall could not call plants from inside it, and when I threw fire inside the area, it froze. We thought we could simply avoid it, but we soon realized that the strange area must be a cloak for some creature or spirit, because it followed us. Seeing no way to slow an area of stopped time, we retreated so that we could bring our tidings back to those who needed to hear them."