[X] Bjorn Bjornson

[X] Major: Bjorn will attempt to clear his plot, making sure to check for tree mimics and watch out for the killer mosquitos. He will make sure any resource gained during this goes to the town's supply.

[X] Passive: Bjorn Will also take an in depth look around in property for anything of interest. IE Animal Tracks, berry bushes, Fruit Tree and signs of ore in the hills.

[X] Once the work is done he will hang out around camp and relax: IE Eat, Drink, let kids use him as a jungle gym etc
[X] Gefjosa Auslaugsdottir
-[X] Major Action: Use Farming Knowledge, Ox Fylgja, and Plow Kunna to make/help make the most beautiful, gorgeous, lovely productive farm possible on Njall's land.
-[X] Minor Action: Build small (deeply sad) cottage at the edge of my land adjoining Njall's cleared land. Too worried about being eaten by trees to start clearing that alone.
-[X] Minor Action: Approach Uncle Torgarr (@Sirrocco) and try to get him to ask Kare (@alexthealright) and Oddr (@Starman), both warriors/hunters and adjacent plot owners, to agree to help clear the jungle from the bottom three right plots over the next couple seasons.
-[X] Minor Action: Weep. Garden at my cottage, see if I can get any of the native fauna to be useful.

Gefjosa Auslaugdottir had trudged for a season. Each day, every day, she'd plowed until her shoulders were numb and her feet were bleeding and her thoughts were blessedly empty of the memory of her family's screams. Months passed. The sweltering heat of this new land New Land. Not new home. Home was sunk beneath the waves. Home was where the fish were picking clean her mothers bones. No home. No home. Never home again. gave way to familiar, bone-cracking cold. Gefjosa trudged through it, day after day, and day after day the plow on her shoulders seemed to get lighter and lighter. Each day, it took a little longer for the toil to bring blessed oblivion, until, eventually, it brought not solace at all.

No respite from the cold dagger lodged between her ribs. No respite from the crushing weight on her shoulders. No respite from the eyes watching her from the darkness. No respite from the accusatory stares of hollow eyed skulls. No respite from the mouths twisted between the knots of the trees. No respite from the whispers which told her that she should have died too. No respite. No respite. No rest. It's harder and harder to tell what's a dream and what's real. Eve in her dreams, she plows plows through fields of the dead, they wear her sisters' faces, her brothers', her mother's, her father's, the unborn child she never knew who met its fated day before it drew its first breath. Curse the Steelfathers. Curse Blackhand. Curse the world. Curse the Norns. the only difference is that the things she sees in the corners of her eyes move to center stage.

In the dark of the night, she whispers to herself "We never left Gotland. We never left Gotland; This is Hel.".

And in the morning she smiles to her uncles as she leaves to work in the fields for the day.
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I'd like to claim the jungle space at 2A

[X] Hrósvior's Actions
-[X] Major: Start clearing claim, using Rot Kunna on tree branches and roots to check for flesh eating trees before working on them.
-[X] Passive: Perform guard duty
-[X] Passive: Collect unused plant material (leaves, any leftovers from fruit, etc) to make into compost for everyone with Rot Kunna.
-[X] Passive: Prepare fields on claim for summer
-[X] Passive: Construct basic shelter
[X] Amlóði Tooth taker's actions this turn
-[X] Major Action: Scout hills to the north of Rikardsby with Rikard's party
-[X] Passive Action: Survey his plot of land. Maybe get some preliminary work on homesteading and housebuilding done.
-[X] Passive Action: Spend some time with the wife and kids. Do some very basic sparing with the little tykes.
Bjorn Bjarnesson? Bjorn the Bony? ;) Cousin Bjorn? Suits me fine!
Added as a clan section on the character post.

And a new Clan is born!

And for NPCs, that means Erik's mother Unna is Bjorn's aunt, Bjorn's mother whose name escapes me Erik's aunt, and your two younger siblings whose names also escape me also Erik's cousins.

Bjorn's mother's name is Bridget, the two twerps have not been explicitly named yet.

Heidi and Valdemar are my tentative suggestions right now.

Haven't quite figured out the exact Fate of the unnamed father, currently vaguely marked as having met his Fated Day in my head?

Bjorn's age is currently undefined, would you like an older, younger, or same age cousin?

Clan Bonehead would be a little too silly. Probably. Plus we'd need a third PC for proper clannage anyway.

Small Clan apparently works?

I have no opinions about the clan name, though something vaguely dinosaur related would be funny. Not "As An Actual Coincidence This Is Immensely Relevant" funny, but still funny.
For any still looking to find Glory this season, Gunnar's hunt for the T-Rex is still on the tables and taking volunteers. No need to pledge to a clan or anything, and almost certainly gonna be a cool fight at least. And potentially a chance for us to learn more about the local wildlife and their territories.
[X] Erik Hardhead
-[X] Passive: Erik builds his family a house. Another house. He feels kind of rushed and it's not his best work, except one very tight and leak-free corner for his daughter, little Ingfrid, to lay her head in.
-[X] Passive: Erik, often accompanied by his wife or mother, sometimes both if the weather is warm enough to bundle up Ingfrid and carry her along, all walk the property, blazing markers and looking it over, mostly with an eye to picking out several places to plant crops- grain and flax, the basics. Hard to be sure where they'll do best. Any other resources, such as good clay or whatnot, that catch their eye will of course be on the list.
-[X] Passive: Start preparing the fields. Erik's family probably won't bring in a bountiful harvest on their first try in a new land, but it'll be something.
-[X] Passive: Erik occasionally trades good woodworking for food. This may be helpful to some others, especially the fishermen.
-[X] Major: They're going to need some real food during the long, long wait for the first, probably unsatisfactory, harvest to come in. Erik joins his cousin Bjorn Bjarneson ( @Walliseatscheese )on some of his hunting trips. Things may get wacky.
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For any still looking to find Glory this season, Gunnar's hunt for the T-Rex is still on the tables and taking volunteers. No need to pledge to a clan or anything, and almost certainly gonna be a cool fight at least. And potentially a chance for us to learn more about the local wildlife and their territories.

I'll be entirely honest, if it wasn't for the respawn thing I'd call your mission suicide bait.

As it is, Bjarneson wants his first Tyrant Hunt to be a singular affair for foundational backstory reasons, so he'll just wish the group good hunting.
[X] Amerion Wardson (Winter 1)
(Changing Actions)

[X] Amerion Wardson (Winter 1)
-[X] Active Action: Join in Gunnar Toad-Terror's hunt for the Gravity Lizard
-[X] Passive Action: Attempt to Ward the freshwater pool/spring created by Liz Clearwater to repel smaller lifeforms and grains of dust/detritus. (IE, ward the freshwater pool/spring itself so that it remains pure/clean.
-[X] Passive Action: Carve Runes of Bloodletting and whatever the equivalent for enhancing something's perception of touch/physical contact to the tips of the Stakes in the light trenchworks (assuming they are there). Ideally-- these runes should be triggered by the stakes drawing blood, with the bloodletting then hindering the wound being clotted and said entity then continuing to bleed (to continue to power the runes even more), with the perception enhancing runes amplifying the pain felt.
-[X] Passive Action: Using their Fire-Kunna and some of the branches from the felled/cleared trees, plant them in clusters around the inner perimeter of the light-trenchworks (so on the side with the Settlement), and when the sun begins to set each night before going to sleep, set them alight to provide those on Guard duty with visible light with which to see by, and (some semblance of) warmth.
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I'll be entirely honest, if it wasn't for the respawn thing I'd call your mission suicide bait.

As it is, Bjarneson wants his first Tyrant Hunt to be a singular affair for foundational backstory reasons, so he'll just wish the group good hunting.
Just to be clear, you're okay with Cousin Erik coming along on some of the hunting trips, right?

Worst case, as someone with a Carpentry kunna, he probably knows better how to put a workable sled together than Bjorn does, so having him as a design consultant on the bone sled will probably help. ;)
Oh thank the gods, I can write the thirsty lines in my omake in peace trusting that I'm not the only person trying to accurately portray a single teenager.
(Make sure to PM any player asking if it's okay to thirst over their character beforehand. Doesn't matter if it's an NPC, I suppose. I know this is probably a joke, but probably a good idea to clarify just in case)
Ivor Lindholm and Njall Ulfson Exploration Report (KreenWarrior)
Ivor Lindholm and Njall Ulfson come back to camp. Ivor bears the body of some strange small mushroom-headed creature with large eyes, and Njall bears a large club made of iron. Both have a look of exhaustion to them, and an expression on their eyes of wonderment, a mix of fear and exhilaration.

Ivor has never had an opportunity to earn distinction before, nor to proclaim his deeds. But that is not to say that it is not something he has practiced in his head before a time or ten. After taking a moment to catch their breaths (and letting people gather to hear), Ivor strides into a clearing, planting his feet and puffing out his chest. He calls out, "Fellow Norsemen! We come bearing strange tidings, the only kind that this land seems to offer! Njall and I travelled north and east, in hopes of finding plants or animals that might help improve our village! We found neither, but we found a great deal else!"

"Our first encounter was with, of all things, a giant-sized sauna, like the Finns make! It was constructed of stacked stones, twice the size of any Norseman's dwelling. Beside it was a giant club of solid iron," Ivor gestures at Njall's burden, which is as tall as a Norseman, "and a set of armor likewise sized." He pauses for dramatic effect. "We never saw the inhabitant of this sauna fully as we did not wish to gaze upon an unwilling maiden, giant or otherwise, but we conversed with her from afar. Her hand was sized to fit the building, and the skin on it was red. She somehow spoke our tongue, or perhaps had some magic that let us understand her, for we had no trouble conversing, though she used a few strange words. However, if she knew our people, it was by a different name - "Norsemen" was strange on her tongue. In the end, she settled on calling us 'muck-afavi'. She confirmed there was a settlement of muck-afavi far to the west, along the coast. She called her people the Onigar, and," Ivor said, "It seems they are a warrior folk as well, for when I told her of the valor of the Norse, she said they would no doubt test our mettle. She spoke of thunder in the distance, and indeed, it crashed while we spoke. She called herself Kesk-Kavar, and told us to shout for her should we wish to find her on the battlefield."

Ivor takes a sip from his flask, staring off into the middle distance for a moment, before resuming. "But that is not the worst of the tidings, for a Norsemen, to find a strong foe is only a promise of ordstirr and Valhalla! No, the true dread came next, for there is no glory in being ground out of existence without a chance to fight at all."

Taking a stick, Ivor drew figures of himself and Njall in the dirt, and then drew a picture of the cave. Primitive though it is, it shows the scale - the entrance is the size of four or five houses stacked on top of each other. "Njall and I found a cave, surrounded by broken trees and tossed aside boulders. We could hear the rumbling inside of a figure of Fenrisian scale. But we knew we could not return without confirming the nature of this threat, and so we moved closer." He sketches a figure there, as best he could. Four bear heads, resting on long, coiling, snakeline necks, attached to some body that the pair had never fully seen. "It is not boasting when I say this creature had the heads of many of the great lizards we saw around its lair, and the beak of one of the Void Eagles as well. Piles of bones littered its lair, and among them, glittered gold, gems and iron."

Ivor cleared his throat. "We knew this beast was beyond us, but we could not simply leave its lair unplundered, because the monster slept. Njall devised a plan using his Kunna to create a carpet of soft moss for us to move on, and we stole on forward. We were able to remove an iron club, like those used by the Onigatar, and retrieved it. We would have sought more, but when I moved to a second pile, I was confronted by a strange creature." He gestures to the corpse. "It was friendly in manner, but bore a brass bell - it was no doubt a guard. I drove a needle through its eye and slew it before it could react, and we retreated before we encountered any other strangeness."

"Or so we thought!" Ivor leaps back to attention. "Upon our return, we attempted to pass through a swamp, which appeared to be full of logs. But it was as strange as anything else in this land of danger. Warned by intuition, we used Kunna to probe the swamp, and found an area that was separated from contact with outside. Njall could not call plants from inside it, and when I threw fire inside the area, it froze. We thought we could simply avoid it, but we soon realized that the strange area must be a cloak for some creature or spirit, because it followed us. Seeing no way to slow an area of stopped time, we retreated so that we could bring our tidings back to those who needed to hear them."
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I'll be entirely honest, if it wasn't for the respawn thing I'd call your mission suicide bait.

As it is, Bjarneson wants his first Tyrant Hunt to be a singular affair for foundational backstory reasons, so he'll just wish the group good hunting.

While a fair assessment perhaps, we aren't just tackling it with pure muscle brain! And we are taking the full Norse-Meta; bringing friends. The more the merrier.
(Make sure to PM any player asking if it's okay to thirst over their character beforehand. Doesn't matter if it's an NPC, I suppose. I know this is probably a joke, but probably a good idea to clarify just in case)
I think there should be a rule to ask if the NPC is the family of another voter's player character since NPC families are basically extensions of the player character.
Mission Report: Hunting to the West

Grid, Volo, and Kare went off to the Jungle in the West to hunt beasts for their blood and meat. If possible, to also find a beast that can be domesticated and capture it.

When the enter the forest they retraced Grid's steps during her last adventure in the forest and encounter the Mouth-Tree that killed Grid previously digesting her corpse. Grid swore she will come back and kill that monster herself when the time is right. Volo tracks the hedgehog that was used as bait for the tree-mouth back to a shallow den.

Volo launches a guiding light into the den to try to see what can be inside but was not able to get a good look. Kare then shoots a lightning arrow into them den to try to drive out whatever beast is inside out while Grid prepares to freeze it when it comes out. Instead they hear a large squeak, then the thunderclap of the arrow, and finally a large thump. Blood now oozes out of the entrance of the den.

Grid freezes the blood the oozed out of the den while Volo and Kare enter the den with their bows up to check what happened. They find a bloody scene of blood, guts, and gore, with the den walls covered in the large hedgehog quills. Grid freezes the rest of the blood and the other two gather the quills.

After collecting the Hedgehog remains they decide to continue hunting and travel further into the forest when suddenly a large shadow appears and they find themselves face to face with the Void Eagle. Kare shoots a lightning arrow at it but it does not faze the Void Eagle and it takes flight into the sky and starts charging frost in its ice beak. Grid runs to the rear of the Void Eagle while the Void Eagle teleports in front of Volo and Kare. Thankfully Volo had an ocean water dome up that was able to slow down the hail of ice spikes the Void Eagle shot at them. Instead of being peppered with holes all over their body, only their legs got shredded.

While Volo and Kare were under fire, Grid called upon her Lion Frygja and launched a focused stun roar at the Void Eagle, stunning it. Making use of the opportunity, Grid then launches Ice Spikes at the Void Eagles wings and shreds them. The Void Eagle then stares back at Grid before teleporting again. Grid and Kare prepare for the next round but it never comes, it seems they were able to drive the Void Eagle away for now.

They now return back to the village with the Large Hedgehog fresh frozen blood which they give to the seeress and the Large Hedgehog's Quills, and the experience of fighting one the more dangerous beasts in these strange lands.
Things may get wacky.

Oh dear.


Just to be clear, you're okay with Cousin Erik coming along on some of the hunting trips, right?

Absolutely. The Hunt Of The Tyrant will likely be a good 6 to 10 PTs from now, unless I'm misjudging the scale of things, one way or the other.

For now, the worst that'll likely happen is Bjorn asking Erik to let him kill Toads solo for a little while, assuming the Toads are even active in winter.

Ivor bears the body of some strange small mushroom-headed creature with large eyes, and Njall bears a large club made of iron.

Holy crap, Not!Japan is here too!
Musings of Sigmund (Oshha)

Musings of Sigmund

Sigmund Sigurdsson is at a loss. Things had looked promising, his future set in stone. He apprenticed under his father, learning to be a smith that would forge iron and other metals into weapons, tools and other items for people to use. He had his darling Torunn as his beloved wife and Sigurd, named for Sigmund's father, would be the first of their many children together.

Then in a blink of an eye, he lost almost everything. His parents are gone, Gotland destroyed and everything in his future has been overturned. He has his sweet Torunn, his wonderful son and some of his clan, but his home, his parents, his future? They are all gone, destroyed in what others are calling a battle between the Blackhand and the Jomsvikings. He doesn't know what they were fighting over, his Gotlander blood compels him to side with the ruler of his home in the absence of knowledge. He hopes that the Blackhand gave the Jomsvikings a good fight for destroying Gotland, his home, for such a thing is easily beyond Sigmund himself.

Sigmund believes he is lucky, but he doesn't know if that luck is good or bad. He had the ill fortune to see his home destroyed, but he had the good fortune to survive it. He had the ill fortune for him and his family be blown off-course, but the good fortune to survive as the ship he was on along with five others successfully washed ashore.

Sigmund knows has good luck in two ways. The first is that he has been blessed to meet with Torunn and win her heart, something he is always thankful for. The second is that his paternal great-grandfather is Tyr himself and while many are able to claim divine ancestry, Sigmund doesn't know of any who can claim it as closely as he can. Now if only he knew what it meant to be the great-grandson of a god.

Tyr wields a sword just as Odin wields a spear and Thor wields a hammer and he does so one-handedly because he sacrificed his right hand to ensure that Fenrir was bound. Perhaps there is something in that for someone of his blood like Sigmund? Torunn would have his head if he decided to lop off his right hand and truth be told, Sigmund isn't sure he is willing to make such a sacrifice yet. But wielding a sword with just one hand? Sigmund is confident he can work with that.

He has to work with something after all. Sigmund might have his bloodline, but he has no kunna or notable skills. Ragnarr is skilled with both his spear and tongue, using his emotion kunna to paralyse his foes in battle. Kare can fly and toss lightning whilst slaying his foes from afar with his archery. Moli blinds his foes with his light kunna before stabbing them to death with his glass kunna. His cousins can do all that while Sigmund has to rely on the basics and hope that the gods and the Norns are smiling upon him.

"Are you brooding again?" comes the sweet voice of his darling wife, startling Sigmund out of his thoughts.

"I was not brooding," protests Sigmund as Torunn comes up to him and leans against his side.

"You certainly looked like you were," Torunn teases him while Sigmund begins to stroke her golden locks, which go perfectly with her blue eyes and fair skin.

If Sigmund is a son of ash, his beloved Torunn is a daughter of elm. Even more so than Sigmund as while he is struggling to find his course in life, Torunn is always settling into being a mother and housewife.

"If you weren't brooding, what were you doing, Sigmund?" asks Torunn as she gives him a playing poke in the side.

"Reflecting on the past and future," answers Sigmund, "The past is gone and with it my future. So I must find a new one because I am still alive and so is my beautiful wife and my wonderful son."

"Oh you charmer," says Torunn as she snuggles in closer to him, "And what is your future to be?"

"I don't know," admits Sigmund, "I can't be a smith, there isn't anyone here to teach me. I could be a warrior. I am a great-grandson of Tyr after all. To be a valorous warrior is in my blood after all, more so than most Norsemen. When you showed up, I was thinking of learning to wield the sword one-handed on its own."

"Forgive me, husband, but that sounds foolish?" replies Torunn and Sigmund can spot the small frown on her face out of the corner of his eye, "I am no warrior, but why only one hand? Surely it would be better to make use of both hands."

"Tyr sacrificed his right hand to see Fenrir bound," explains Sigmund, "You don't need to worry about me going that far, but I believe there may be some value in copying some aspects of my great-grandfather's fighting style. I need something more than just my blood."

"Fretting about your lack of kunna again?" tutters Torunn.

"All of my cousins have kunna," grumbles Sigmund, but his heart isn't in it, not when he has Torunn at his side, "Kare has his lightning kunna, Ragnarr has his emotion kunna, Moli has his light and glass kunna, Harald has his soil kunna and Steinarr has his stone kunna. Even you have a shapeshifting kunna when I don't have any."

"You'll get one in time," his wife reassures him, "But enough of that. What do you want out of the future, my darling husband?"

"A farm," says Sigmund reflectively because what Norseman doesn't want a farm of their own to call home, "Glory and adventure."

"A farm would be nice," agrees Torunn, "I would like a farm to call our own. We should claim some good land before it is all gone."

"I think it already is," says Sigmund as he thinks about it, "There might be some land remaining north of our clan's land. Untamed jungle and hilly to the boot, but still unclaimed and neighbouring our clan."

"Hills are good for livestock but bad for crops," muses Torunn.

"Don't ask me that," replies Sigmund, "I always intended to be a smith not a farmer."

"I would have preferred some flat land for corps, but a farm is better than no farm," says Torunn, "Livestock is good prestige too if we could get some horses. Do they have horses here?"

"I have no idea?" admits Sigmund, "I could ask one of my cousins? Most of them seem to have a better grip on what is going on."

"That seems like a good idea," says Torunn, "Now, Sigmund, there is another problem that the village is facing that we can help with."

"Oh?" inquires Sigmund as he tries to work out what his wife might be referring to.

"There aren't many of us in this new home of ours," says Torunn with a lustful grin on her face as she looks up at Sigmund, "How about when you join me in bed tonight we get to work on helping increase our numbers?"