Is T'Pal alive? I feel it wouldn't be appropriate to name a ship after someone still living.
[X] UFS Peanutbutter
No reason other than it would be funny.
[X] UFS Peanutbutter
No reason other than it would be funny.
The thing most people don't realize about most sci-fi ships and most real spacecraft is that most of their volume is basically empty space; I pretty much assume that the mass of the ship listed is specifically dry mass not including fuel, atmosphere, or expendables (Eg, probes, photon torpedos, spare self-sealing stem bolts...) Which tend to make a lot of sci-fi numbers more reasonable.He'll never live it down. Right now Starfleet ships have the density of cork, about 1/4th that of water. I guess how ridiculous that is depends on how much of them is atmosphere.
Why not peanut hamper then? it has a degree of mathematical perfection.Is T'Pal alive? I feel it wouldn't be appropriate to name a ship after someone still living.
[X] UFS Peanutbutter
No reason other than it would be funny.
What's the density of a wet ship, to compare?The thing most people don't realize about most sci-fi ships and most real spacecraft is that most of their volume is basically empty space; I pretty much assume that the mass of the ship listed is specifically dry mass not including fuel, atmosphere, or expendables (Eg, probes, photon torpedos, spare self-sealing stem bolts...) Which tend to make a lot of sci-fi numbers more reasonable.
When they're not wrong in the Other direction and making one wonder why someone is using ploy-trans-uranics or neutronium for large portions of the ship's structure....
I look forward to them hating it because it's over-armed and too good at science. Just to make sure we're all annoyed.Well, while I didn't get everything I wanted, we did get one hell of a Science Cruiser with some very respectable secondary functionalities, and we didn't break the bank to get there. I think Starfleet'll be quite happy with this.
Depends on the ship.
That makes my vote clear!For reference, Kea are notorious for being rather destructively inquisitive when bored. The signs saying not to feed them are there for a Reason.
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