Starfleet Design Bureau

[X] Highly specialised, short ranged, minimally armed. (Frigate: ~200k)

We made that frigate hull for a very different role, though.
The Selachii can be a science ship you just have to be creative about it.
"This is the UFS Longfin on a mission to learn precisely how people explode when you hit them with two photon torpedoes simultaneously instead of just one. Kzinti ship, would you like to become a datapoint or would you like to surrender?"
[X] Secondary capability, medium range, decently armed. (Light Cruiser: ~400k)

Two reasons for this:

1) We are Starfleet. Starfleet wins wars through science just as much as through military might, just remember a Galaxy class being destroyed in first conflict with the Dominion in DS9 by Jem'ha'dar weapons going through their shields. This was solved, off screen, in like months in universe. Thus a light cruiser that actually can be there during a war, scanning enemy ships, detecting cloaked ships/mines and doing the usual Star Trek technobabble stuff would save lives and help other, more dedicated warships win.

2) Again, Star Trek verse. How often do we see some anomaly that actually requires decent shields to survive at first, or to get near enough, or a torpedo launcher to modify a torpedo into something extremely none torpedo like? How often does the shield dish gets modified to do some crazy stuff? Well, all this requires, respectively, a torpedo launcher with torpedoes and a shield dish of decent strength, things a science frigate is unlikely to have.
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[X] Secondary capability, medium range, decently armed. (Light Cruiser: ~400k)

I wonder if we could reuse the Sagarmatha's saucer, the result would have a high science score and a decent armament even if you partially strip back its weapons. Change the cargo bay to dedicated science labs and you have the Curiosity on steroids.
[X] Secondary capability, medium range, decently armed. (Light Cruiser: ~400k)

[JK] Absolute Chonker, Big Range, A gun attached to engines. (Super-heavy Cruiser: ~1,200k)

[] Secondary capability, medium range, decently armed. (Light Cruiser: ~400k)

Ok, but hear me out...

Orb Cruiser. 400k tons of orb, no secondary hull. Internal nacelles.
I'm willing to Ponder an Orb
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[X] Secondary capability, medium range, decently armed. (Light Cruiser: ~400k)
There's a good point to make that the limitations on range are mitigated by the existence of an extra 2 logistics starbases from the original plan.

[x] Highly specialised, short ranged, minimally armed. (Frigate: ~200k)
[X] Secondary capability, medium range, decently armed. (Light Cruiser: ~400k)

Good arguments for the frigate, but this is more of an "I want to" than "I think this is best" vote for me.
[X] Highly specialised, short ranged, minimally armed. (Frigate: ~200k)

First Ship of the 23rd century; choose a small non-combatant ship, take the opportunity to plug some prototypes on for testing, then use that knowledge when we start our next mainline cruiser.