Yeah the canon option here is probably the Oberth, so a CL would probably be better for a variety of reasons.
Not the least of which being more room for Cool Science Toys.
That occasion was before torpedo shields were invented, to be clear.Fair, but that's.. kinda a really weird issue considering a major part of Trek canon is that you can't point-defense them. Why do you think everyone cares about shields and every ounce of power to the shields?
In any case, the problem then becomes "phasers aren't phase cannons.", and you can still attempt a saturation attack.
Emphasis mine. Photonic and Photon torpedoes have a shield, but that shield has a limited lifetime. Thus, if you launch from too far away, the shield runs out before the torpedo impacts, allowing the torpedo to be shot down by phasers.after the launch sequence a graviton emitter uses the antimatter as a power source to create a short-lived shield around the weapon as it tracks its target. It isn't very sophisticated, but the disruptive effect of even a crude graviton field means that a beam weapon will spread most of its energy over the shell of the torpedo rather than in a concentrated blast, during which time the warhead can reach its target
We made that frigate hull for a very different role, though.We just made a Frigate hull about a decade ago. Do we really need another new one so soon?
To comment on the concept of a fully tactical Starbase. I'm all for making one like that over member species home worlds.We did not "Completely ignore defenses", we de-prioritized them. That doesn't mean this thing can't bitchslap anything but a dedicated fleet action even on it's own. Its secondary Phaser Banks alone have the throw weight of two Sagarmathas each, and the Primaries are even more terrifying.
That it can't solo entire fleets does not mean it's "Completely helpless" It just means that "Singlehandedly fighting Entire Fleets is not its job."
Because, frankly, given the standards that are being waved around. An immobile god station that can singlehandedly check the entire Klingon Empire would be useless because they'd just go around it, it's not like that god station can move from place to place.
The simple fact of the matter was that it's strong enough to slap anything but a dedicated fleet action out of the sky, and even that dedicated fleet action has to accept it's going to lose some of its heavier metal because the 2Xs outrange and outpower just about anything in the stars in this era.