Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
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Here is a question, is this sufficient to bring in Brettonia and act as the bait to get a lot of stuff from them?

Like I can imagine that there would be a ton of stuff that they would offer in exchange. Like a ready supply of muscle bound men willing to fight gribbles in the places we want to set up the stones.
[X] Empire to Empire
Ask the Karaz Ankor on behalf of the Empire.

The High King signed a treaty to this effect, let's hold him to it.

[X] Karak to Karak
Ask Karaz-a-Karak on behalf of Karak Eight Peaks.

Belegar has spent years building alliances and friendships with the other holds precisely for this reason. All he needs is an excuse.

[X] Okri to Okri
Ask Kragg on behalf of yourself.

Two experts hiding behind a closed door, discussing the fate of the world is a very human thing to do, but I think Kragg respects us enough to appreciate being asked directly.
I'm not entirely convinced that this is actually our business. I'd rather that the Waystone Project under Mathilde focuses its efforts entirely on expansion of the network and leave potential utilisation to whoever takes over after we move on. Getting an answer seems likely to end up causing arguments that would distract from the primary purpose, as does not getting an answer if we demand one.

So I'm out on several of the options -
[ ] Empire to Empire, [ ] Guild to Guild, [ ] Okri to Okri, and [ ] Waystone Project Head to Waystone Project Signatory

And in favour of
[X] Do not ask

That said, both of the Karaz Ankor-internal options will be coming from people with good reasons to seek answers separate from dreams of new megaprojects, so I'll approval vote
[X] Karak to Karak
[X] Runesmith to Runesmith
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In a bit of a digression can you guys imagine what the last year has looked like from Eike's PoV:

Mathilde: *partners up with another Lord Magister to help make a mage sense for dwarfs apparatus*
Kragg the Grim Legendary Runelord of the Karaz Ankor: *Glances over sending the winds of magic recoiling from his presence*: What do you have there Mathilde?
Mathilde: Hopefully the solution to your Bok problem
Eike: Master is that an elemental, one of those things we do not talk about because they should not work?
Mathilde: Oh yeah, I got some books about that, you can read them if you like.
Eike: ...
Kragg the Grim, Legendary Runelord of the Karaz Ankor: *Gets so excited he starts to exposit about lost ancient Runelore aloud*
Eike: ...
Later that year:
So Thorek about this ancient network of power that binds all the dwarf Karaks together, which no other wizard alive knew about until now. How do you want to handle it?
Thorek Irownbrow Legendary Runelord of the Karaz Ankor: Well there's internal politics, only you know the thing or external politics... and of course we should consider elf and Kislev reactions...
Mathilde: *Nods along knowingly*
Eike: ... :V
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I really like this vote, the choices have very interesting implications.

In my heart I just want everyone to get along, so is the Karak to Karak choice an opportunity to reconcile Belegar and the High King? Thorgrim isn't stupid, he'll know that the question being asked in Belegar's name must mean that Belegar suspects that Karaz-a-Karak is taking Eight Peaks's magic in order to restart the Silver Road Wars. Once Thorgrim knows this, maybe he can use some careful diplomacy and a few scraps of lore to stop Belegar from quietly resenting him so much.

Karak to Karak sets a pretty bad precedent if we want to learn Ice Witch secrets, but it sets a reasonably good one for poking at Ulthuan. The principle being relied on here would be that the ruler of the lands being harvested for magic has the right to know how that magic is being used. I guess it might be helpful for Boris if he wants leverage over the Ice Witches: the Karaz Ankor is sharing its secrets internally, so why are you hiding things from me?

The precedents implied by each choice:

Empire to Empire: Civilized nations have a responsibility to share relevant information within the multilateral framework of the Bokha Palace Accords. Sharing uses for Sevir flow is a matter of foreign policy, and is ultimately up to the ruler of each polity.

Karak to Karak: Local rulers have a fundamental right to know how 'their' magic is being used. Sharing uses for Sevir flow is a matter of respect; but if your magic isn't being used, it's not your business.

Guild to Guild: The Waystone Project is empowered to seek out the secrets of its constituent traditions for the purpose of a common goal. Sharing uses for Sevir flow is done as a trade of secrets for secrets, with the ultimate aim of recapturing the glories of the past.

Runesmith to Runesmith: Gets the question tangled up in the internal conflict of the Runesmiths without many international implications. Sharing uses for Sevir flow is part of the battle between renewal and tradition.

Okri to Okri: No precedent set unless Kragg chooses to let us talk to someone else about it. Sharing uses for Sevir flow is at the discretion of the greatest living magic users.

[X] Karak to Karak
[X] Guild to Guild
Once again Mathilde has changed the world she lives in.

Going to be a lot of reluctance amongst the Dawi to admit these things are better than the originals. They are rather invested in the idea of an unrivalled golden age. But while they might not talk about it they might feel a string of hope that the glories of that lost age might not be quite so out of reach.

I'm still fairly keen on designing a budget waystone. As cheap and simple as we can make it, build to secure and clean already held territory rather than be beachheads.

Said escort had harrumphed quite a bit at the presence of an Umgi child until Thorek had explained that she was your Apprentice, at which point she became considered an extension of yourself and her presence on this trip was as beyond question as that of your weaponry.
Whatever happened to Thorek's apprentice swarm? They don't seem to have been around for the Project.

Both being vary careful here. Both know. Both know that the other knows. And yet so long as neither actually acknowledges it out loud they can pretend they don't.
Kinda wonder if it is all for Thorek's benefit or not. Mathilde is deep in the Dawi mindset, even if she retains the fundamentals of Ulgu.

Off-hand I say either: [ ] Guild to Guild or [ ] Runesmith to Runesmith, but I would accept anything other than [ ] Do not ask.
There will be costs and damages to asking these questions. But I think Mathilde's rep is enough to leverage open this deadlock.
[X] Empire to Empire

I'd be fine with Karak to Karak too, but I'm not sure I want to risk the Belegar-Thorgrim relation sinking even further if it fails. If Empire to Empire succeeds, Belegar will get his answer anyways.
Karak to Karak sets a pretty bad precedent if we want to learn Ice Witch secrets, but it sets a reasonably good one for poking at Ulthuan.
I don't actually think the precedent is that bad. Mostly because karak to karak is an internal matter. The empire hasn't "asked " at that point. Theoretically if we really needed to we could send an official envoy of the empire to ask on it's behalf after belegar cleared his grievances.
Some could of course say that Lord Magister Weber did the asking but then we rightly point out it was loremaster and thane Weber who asked on behalf of their karak.
[X] Empire to Empire

Empire to Empire would probably be more usefull as a means to convince other countries to also share what they are doing with all the magic.
I have a hard time to see how Karak to Karak will help us with that issue, both Karaks are parts of the same empire, they would be sharing secrets internally not with outsiders.
I guess it could push the Grey Lords to share with other factions within Laurelorn and Ice Witches to share with the Hags, but that's not really what we want.
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