In a bit of a digression can you guys imagine what the last year has looked like from Eike's PoV:
Mathilde: *partners up with another Lord Magister to help make a mage sense for dwarfs apparatus*
Kragg the Grim Legendary Runelord of the Karaz Ankor: *Glances over sending the winds of magic recoiling from his presence*: What do you have there Mathilde?
Mathilde: Hopefully the solution to your Bok problem
Eike: Master is that an elemental, one of those things we do not talk about because they should not work?
Mathilde: Oh yeah, I got some books about that, you can read them if you like.
Eike: ...
Kragg the Grim, Legendary Runelord of the Karaz Ankor:
*Gets so excited he starts to exposit about lost ancient Runelore aloud*
Later that year:
Mathilde: So Thorek about this ancient network of power that binds all the dwarf Karaks together, which no other wizard alive knew about until now. How do you want to handle it?
Thorek Irownbrow Legendary Runelord of the Karaz Ankor: Well there's internal politics, only you know the thing or external politics... and of course we should consider elf and Kislev reactions...
Mathilde: *Nods along knowingly*