Crafting Roll 1
Silverking threw 10 6-faced dice. Reason: Crafting 1A Total: 39
4 4 2 2 6 6 1 1 5 5 6 6 1 1 6 6 4 4 4 4
Silverking threw 10 6-faced dice. Reason: Crafting 1B Total: 34
4 4 1 1 2 2 2 2 6 6 6 6 3 3 3 3 1 1 6 6
Silverking threw 9 6-faced dice. Reason: Crafting 1C Total: 28
5 5 1 1 3 3 1 1 3 3 6 6 3 3 1 1 5 5
Oshha threw 10 6-faced dice. Total: 35
3 3 3 3 1 1 1 1 6 6 3 3 6 6 4 4 5 5 3 3
Oshha threw 10 6-faced dice. Total: 34
3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 5 5 5 5 3 3 5 5 6 6
Oshha threw 9 6-faced dice. Total: 31
5 5 2 2 1 1 3 3 2 2 5 5 1 1 6 6 6 6
Crafting roll 29d6

22 I Believe

Silver got 19 I think and Oshha got 18 I think
AeonIlluminate threw 12 6-faced dice. Reason: Crafting Total: 47
5 5 4 4 6 6 1 1 6 6 5 5 4 4 6 6 1 1 3 3 4 4 2 2
AeonIlluminate threw 12 6-faced dice. Reason: Crafting Total: 39
2 2 6 6 1 1 3 3 3 3 2 2 4 4 2 2 3 3 5 5 4 4 4 4
AeonIlluminate threw 5 6-faced dice. Reason: Crafting Total: 19
2 2 4 4 6 6 5 5 2 2
Last edited:
I'll grab the last one as well then

25 I think for total

19/18/22/25 +mods I believe
AeonIlluminate threw 12 6-faced dice. Reason: Crafting Total: 44
5 5 3 3 4 4 5 5 1 1 6 6 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 5 5 3 3
AeonIlluminate threw 12 6-faced dice. Reason: Crafting Total: 48
5 5 4 4 6 6 2 2 6 6 5 5 1 1 5 5 1 1 6 6 2 2 5 5
AeonIlluminate threw 5 6-faced dice. Reason: Crafting Total: 13
1 1 3 3 1 1 4 4 4 4
Last edited:
Yeah, all those are Wondrous, even without Sundersight (so no need to roll it). I think we need three more given there are rolls to add runes to three of the items?
Whats the dice on the runes? I'll grab one of them

Thanks Deadman
25 I think, plus Sundersight as i don't remember how that adds
AeonIlluminate threw 12 6-faced dice. Reason: Runes Total: 42
4 4 3 3 4 4 6 6 3 3 1 1 4 4 1 1 2 2 3 3 6 6 5 5
AeonIlluminate threw 12 6-faced dice. Reason: Runes Total: 41
2 2 2 2 5 5 4 4 6 6 1 1 5 5 3 3 5 5 2 2 4 4 2 2
AeonIlluminate threw 5 6-faced dice. Reason: Runes Total: 20
4 4 5 5 6 6 4 4 1 1
AeonIlluminate threw 1 3-faced dice. Reason: Sundersight Total: 2
2 2
Last edited:
Whats the dice on the runes? I'll grab one of them

Same dice pool. I'll also roll one of them.

EDIT: And that's 25, definitely Wondrous with all the bonuses (which up it to 44).

Thanks Deadman
25 I think, plus Sundersight as i don't remember how that adds

Yours is only 20 by my count without Sundersight...which adds successes directly, so 22 total. Still a Wondrous result. Some of the other counts were also slightly off, but anything 12 successes or above is Wondrous and they were all at least that, so it doesn't matter at all.
DeadmanwalkingXI threw 12 6-faced dice. Reason: Runecraft Total: 43
4 4 2 2 3 3 2 2 6 6 3 3 3 3 5 5 5 5 1 1 5 5 4 4
DeadmanwalkingXI threw 12 6-faced dice. Reason: Runecraft Total: 38
1 1 4 4 3 3 4 4 4 4 3 3 2 2 4 4 1 1 6 6 2 2 4 4
DeadmanwalkingXI threw 5 6-faced dice. Reason: Runecraft Total: 23
5 5 3 3 5 5 4 4 6 6
DeadmanwalkingXI threw 1 3-faced dice. Reason: Sundersight Total: 2
2 2
Last edited:
I think we need one more? So I'll do it.
mythfan12 threw 12 6-faced dice. Total: 40
1 1 3 3 1 1 6 6 1 1 2 2 4 4 5 5 6 6 4 4 4 4 3 3
mythfan12 threw 12 6-faced dice. Total: 44
6 6 1 1 5 5 3 3 2 2 5 5 6 6 6 6 3 3 1 1 1 1 5 5
mythfan12 threw 5 6-faced dice. Total: 23
3 3 6 6 4 4 6 6 4 4
mythfan12 threw 1 3-faced dice. Reason: Sundersight Total: 3
3 3
Winter 11/Turn 2
[X] Plan Welcome Gifts
-[X] [Social] (Personal)
--[X] Aki and Kolla
--[X] Specifically, we're trying to use our Calling For Congress to talk to Kolla and inform her of her mother's death and that we swore to look out for her and she can call us for anything she needs. We know she probably doesn't need our help, but we promised Solrun. We'd also, after ensuring security, tell her the truth of how and why her mother died, and if she or Aki wants to get involved in accomplishing the task her mother died for, ask for help contacting Veny.
--[X] We may not be able to call her, but we should be able to get in contact with Aki and he can either pass the message along or put us through to her. We'd also like to talk to him, see how he's doing.
--[X] In both cases they'd be welcome to come back to the Hading and stay with us, if they want (if Kolla wants to collect her inheritance for instance, or be more involved in the Drysalt matter).
-[X] Dwarf Trading
--[X] We have various stuff we'd like to purchase
--[X] We can also pick up the decoded 'ledger'
-[X] (Crafting) Try to make something (1)
--[X] Ice Iron Sword for Trygve (+17 successes from Tools/Workshop)
--[X] Add Crowfeeder's runes and a copy of the same speed-increasing runes we put on Sagaseeker
--[X] Add wolf bone ash
--[X] Add three Experiences to the forging (see Experiences below under Work Dice...the three that aren't the Bridge + Burl thing)
--[X] See what effect the Experiences have on the final product
--[X] Combine **1 Odr** and reassigning Aspect use to make for +2 successes each on the crafting and runes
-[X] (Crafting) Try to make something (2)
--[X] Drafty Iron Sword for Eyesteinn (17 successes from Tools/Workshop)
--[X] Add the same Experiences as above if they worked on the sword for Trygve
-[X] (Crafting) Try to make something (3)
--[X] Storm Iron Sword for Hakon (+17 successes from Tools/Workshop)
-[X] (Crafting) Try to make something (4)
--[X] Reforge Trausti's Axe (+17 successes from Tools/Workshop)
--[X] Being careful to leave the intent of the runes unaffected
-[X] (Exploration) Go on a walk through...
--[X] The hills!
---[X] (Optional) Send your fylgja in your place (Does not cost an action)
-[X] Special Note: On all Crafting add the following if possible unlessotherwise specified:
--[X] For metal items have Heat Hold available just in case
--[X] Using Sundersight (+1d3 Successes)
--[X] Burning Frami, Virthing, and Saemd (for +1 Success each, +3 successestotal) to enhance the crafting process
-[X] (Research)
--[X] Our remaining retainers should have their Fylgja revealed by now, I think. What are they?
--[X] See if we can follow Brimir's instructions on Sword Stepping(attempting with both sword and atgeir) – 1 Research
--[X] Continue our Slavic Language Lessons (and reciprocal Norse ones) – 2 Research
--[X] Get information on Hakon Thunderclap – 1 Research
--[X] Get information about how Logi Firehair fights – 1 Research
--[X] Attempt to duplicate the seeming intent of the prayers on Knightly Armor with our own Gods and system of cultivation, effectively writing a saga upon it focused on the glories of a God. For this first test, specifically aim for talking about Odin. – 1 Research
--[X] Start adding more mundane animals to our soulscape to establish an ecosystem – 1 Research
-[X] (Training) Hamr (511 xp to rank up)
--[X] Train Stoking Cleave 6xp (3xp)
--[X] Train a Tactics or Glima or Fang Trick to accurately judge people's wrestling prowess specifically 4xp (2xp)
-[X] (Training) Hugr (255 xp to rank up)
--[X] Train Hugr itself 72xp (36xp)
--[X] Train Atgeir Strike 6xp
--[X] Train Vortex Gathering 6xp
--[X] Train Traps Skill-Trick 6xp (3xp)
--[X] Train Stutter Step 36 xp (18 xp)
--[X] Train a Campfire Trick for resisting cold and water-based damage 4xp (1xp)
--[X] Train a Campfire Trick to project a comforting warmth around ourself 4xp (1xp)
--[X] Train a Firestorm Trick to create small motes of flame across the battlefield that project harmless effects like our auras and provide fire for other Tricks without harming anyone directly 4xp (1xp)
--[X] Train Slow Time, Neutralize Poison, and Mind/Soul Shroud (as invented by [@Shard]( [here]( 18xp
-[X] (Work Dice Usage)
--[X] Buildings, Resources, and Livestock: 7 Quality, 1 Storage, 2 Resources Goods, otherwise maxed out (66 Total)
--[X] Crafting: Create Grand Silver Arm-Rings for 7 Retainers (including 3 Giant-Blooded), and 5 Superior Gambesons for Retainers we have not given armor (60 Total)
---[X] Hand out arm-rings now that we have one for everyone.
--[X] Construction: Complete a level of Building Quality 64 (64 total)
--[X] Seidr: Capture 4 Experiences - Bridge + Burl Method Experience, then "The glint of a sword as it is sharpened " (using our magic whetstone), "The feel of a sword being unsheathed." and "The sounds of battle." (36 Total)
--[X] Conversion: Spend for 6 Research Dice (12 Total)
-[X] (Incidentals)
--[X] Adding Taafl Board Capacity Gains to: Eyvor, Asgeirr,
--[X] Receiving Metal from Dwarves: 24 oz Forged Iron, 6 oz Icy Iron
-[X] (Fylgja Capacity)
--[X] Put a Restful Clay Cup in our new Capacity
-[X] (Capacity Slots)
--[X] Unassign Fireside Barrage, Unleash Inferno, Flamecalling, and Identify Concept. Assign new Experiences.
Size-Up Trick (Passive): Allows you to tell if someone is better, equal, or worse than you in wrestling. (4/9)
Warm Up (Cost 8 Orthstirr/2 Odr): By mantling a comforting fire, one can project an aura of calming heat.
Dry Off (Cost 8 Orthstirr/2 Odr): A surge of warming flame robs cold of its bite. Using it too much can result in burns.
Dancing Sparks (Cost 80 Orthstirr/16 Odr, 0 if Flamecalled): Small motes of flame dance across the battlefield and channel whatever passive effects the user has to those the flames touch.
Fylgjur Unveilings
Vagn - Buck
Kare - Wolf
Ingolf - Wolf
Eysteinn - Raven
Hakon - Dog
Alvis - Magpie
Trygve - Boar
Magni - Bear

Trying to Sword-Step
No matter how you try, you can't seem to listen to your weapons. Well, that's not entirely true, as Sagaseeker is quick to comment on all your actions.

"Come now, meowther-mine," he laughs as you still can't hear Burning Caress, "surely you realize the problem?"

Sighing, you lean on your sword as you direct a withering glare at the atgeir leaning against a tree, "And what, exactly, is this 'problem' you speak of?"

"You're trying too hard, is my guess."

Trying too hard? What?

...You might have to try something else here, as it seems like the straightforward route isn't the answer.

Slavic Language
Learning Slavic is going well, as is the teaching of Norse.

Hakon Thunderclap: General Info
According to stories, gossip, and rumors, Hakon Thunderclap is the youngest son of three brothers—Haklangr the Large and Haleikr Underfoot, both now deceased, were his brothers. Though his family have a certain affinity for lightning as a result of being decedents of Thor, Hakon was the only one of his brothers who the gift of thunder passed to.

A young man, Hakon is eager to prove himself to anyone who would give him praise. Lightning flows across his body as he fights, delivering shocking force to all who would try to bring him down.

Due to his young age, not much is currently known of his feats. However, with his heritage expressing itself strongly, he is expected to make quite the name for himself in the coming years.

Logi Firehair: Fighting Style
According to stories, gossip, and rumors, Logi Firehair fights more like a beast than a man. He is brutal, bold, and swift, able to land blows that others would regard as foolhardy thanks to his ability to simply shrug off wounds others would find mortal.

Logi has fought more battles than most men see years and it shows in how he thinks. Where others see an unassailable ledge from which to shoot down at their enemies, Logi sees a route with which to flank his foes. His weapons are crude and battle-worn, but never have they failed him in all the years of his life.

It is said that Logi once dueled a fire giant and drank its blood upon victory, from which he earned his kenning and fiery disposition. Quick to anger and even quicker to act, Logi is a man you don't want to make a foe of as he will quickly see the situation resolved, one way or another.

It is known that he wields all of the fire hugareida, barring those flames trapped in the depths of Muspelheim. Even Sunfire finds a place in his arsenal, the rare and intense hugareida being rather uncommon to see. How he managed to acquire Sunfire is a mystery, as he refuses to speak of the matter and doesn't much like to talk about it.

He practices the Martial Styles of Mirror Waltz, Flame Step, Sword-Step and Crevice Crush. Flame Step is a ring style he acquired and mastered on one of his adventures. It allows him to move at shocking speeds and close gaps that otherwise might not be possible.

Attempting to adapt the prayers on Knightly Armor
As you and Sten stand back a ways and he pulls a jury-rigged string—which dumps paint into the rune channels—you're met with a grand load of...


"What went wrong?" You scratch your head as Sten crouches over the pile of armor parts, a frown on his face.

"I think," he begins as he rises to his feet, "well, the runes are all right and the painting is correct, but..." His frown turns thin as he sighs and slumps his shoulders, "I reckon I know what went wrong."

You blink, long and slow, "Well? Don't keep me waiting!"

"We're asking the Gods for aid, right?" He begins, like he's piecing it together as he speaks.

Your brows furrow as you speak, "Yeah, bu- Wait," you sigh as your shoulders slump and your head falls, "We... forgot the sacrifice."

Sten nods, "Yep."

Adding more animals to your soulscape
Sheep, cows, and chickens now wander your soulscape, but you imagine it'll take more than that to get it feeling right.

Still, you're absolutely on the right track here. There's no doubt about it.

Crafting: Everything is Wondrous
Ice Iron Sword for Trygve (Wondrous Quality)
-Crowfeeder's Runes
-Speed-Up Runes
-Wolf Bone Ash
-Experiences: Strengthens the wielder's courage both before and during battle

Drafty Iron Sword for Eysteinn (Wondrous Quality)
-Experiences: Strengthens the wielder's courage both before and during battle

Storm Iron Sword for Hakon (Wondrous Quality)

Trausti's Axe (Wondrous Quality)

Exploring the Hills (Hamingja: 10) 10 Successes
The hills stretch out under you as you soar high overhead. The sun providing warmth to your feathers, you watch the ground for any hint of irregularity.

It's as you fly over a crevice that you notice something out of the normal: a structure in the shadows of the earth.

Landing to get a better look, you quickly note it to be a hideout. Likely for an Outlaw, either now or in the future.

This may be something to investigate in the future.
Calling Kolla to Congress
"Am I doing the right thing?" Companionable silence falls to the wayside as your words slip your lips, Blackhand sighing in the back of your head.

Abjorn frowns as he scrubs at a tough stain, his thick arms elbow-deep in the freezing water. In his grasp—and yours beside him—is your children's mud-drenched clothing. After a day of playing rough in the snow-wet-dirt, they'd tracked more mud into the house than you'd ever seen in your life!

Still, despite the femininity inherent in the act of cleaning clothes, Abjorn does it without a care in the world. It's nice, you know? With how busy you can be, you don't really get all that much time with just the two of you. The fact that Abjorn—who, by tradition, would not and should not lower himself to such tasks—takes the time out of his day to clean with you? Well... It just means a lot, that he'd do that for you.

Times like this send your mind back to when you first felt something towards Abjorn, when he took an arrow meant for you all those years back. To think, if you'd have been a better warrior, you might never have realized your love for your husband!

What might have been, had you caught that arrow on your shield? Would you have ever married Abjorn? Would you have instead married someone else?

Traitorous thoughts turn towards a certain blonde Christian and a lucky, ever-grinning rogue, but you shut that down with a flexing of will. Your time is better spent on the now and what is rather than the what could be.

Abjorn, after a long time spent thinking, thankfully chooses that moment to speak up, "I... Don't know what you're talking about. Is this an odr thing?"

"It's..." You blink, nearly losing hold of Sigurdr's clothes, not yet used to hearing that word from mouths not your own, "I'm talking about the situation with Solrun and you-know-who."

"Well," he scratches at his chin as he folds Eyvor's dress and sets it off to the side to be dried by a small campfire, his free hand already reaching for Asgeirr's mud-caked clothing—the poor boy had fallen into a cooling clay pit and nearly froze his toes off, if not for Sigurdr and Eyvor getting Stigmar's help, "I still don't really get what you mean. What is it you're doing that you're confused about?"

Sighing, you remind yourself that Abjorn can't read your mind—despite how useful such a thing would be... Though maybe it's better he can't, with how traitorous your mind can sometimes be—and lay it out for him, "I'm planning on calling Kolla up."

"Using magic?"

"Got it in one," you nod before continuing, "and telling her about Solrun's death and that she can call me if she needs anything."

Abjorn blinks, "I, uh," he runs his fingers through his hair and grimaces as he inadvertently slicks it down with mud, "I'm really sorry, Halla, but I must be having an off day. I just don't see what there is to be unsure about? Like," he shrugs, Asgeirr's half-cleaned clothing floating in the stream while Sigurdr's still sits in your grasp caked with mud, "are you sure you're not just overthinking it? I know how you can get sometimes."

You open your mouth to respond, wait a moment, and then close it with a sharp click. Ear-tips burning red, you duck your head and mutter a sullen, "Yeah... Yeah I probably am."

'I told you that you were overthinking it!' Blackhand preens as you blow a sigh, Abjorn listening through your gaze, 'You really should listen to your grandfather more, you know!'

"If I did that," you retort as you hasten to pick up your cleaning's pace, "I'd be leaving a trail of bodies wherever I went!"

"So, not much different to how our adventures normally go, then?" Abjorn, traitor-husband, adds as he neatly folds Asgeirr's shirt and pants in a pile beside Eyvor's.

"I-I'm not that bad!" You cry as Blackhand chortles in the back of your head, "Seriously! I've only killed, like, twenty, thirty people, tops!"

"Halla." Abjorn stares at you for a long time as Blackhand's laughter grows ever-louder. "That's around a tenth of the Valley."

'To be fair,' Blackhand says while you gape like a fish caught out of water, 'I'd killed around double that when I was about your age, so I suppose you're not as bad as I was.'

"And I killed, like," Abjorn tilts his head to the side as he thinks, the tip of his tongue sticking from between his lips, "a dozen or so mortals when we went to Frisia."

"Honestly," you frown as you grab the new topic with both hands, "I'm not entirely sure that we actually went to Frisia."

"How do you figure?" Abjorn leans back as he finishes with his share of the clothes.

"Well, I speak English and Frisian isn't that different to English, right?" Abjorn shrugs, but it was rhetorical so whatever, "But, I couldn't understand them at all. Furthermore," you jerk a thumb over your shoulder at your house on the hill, "I read a book and it talked about how Frisians were all cultivators, but it wasn't nearly like that when we went there."

Abjorn tilts his head to the side, brows furrowing, "If we missed Frisia, then where did we raid?"

'I think you might have hit France,' Blackhand mutters as he rubs at his chin, 'but that's just my guess as I'm not quite sure where else you might've wound up at, given the circumstances.'

"France?" Abjorn squints as he hears that, "But... But I thought France was past Frisia? How'd we hit France but miss Frisia?"

At that, you can only shrug, "I don't know. Sometimes," a second shrug leaves you as you finally finish Sigurdr's clothes and stack them next to the campfire. Climbing to your feet, you stretch and sigh as a yawn escapes your lips, "sometimes, weird shit just happens and you kinda just have to..." You pause as something clicks.

"You kinda just have to what?" Abjorn stands up as your thoughts race at a mile a minute.

"Sometimes you just have to let go and ride the current," your answer is an absentminded whisper as your focus finds itself latched onto an event from earlier that week. You've been trying to recreate Sword-Stepping by listening to your weapons, but had made absolutely zero progress no matter how hard you try. Even with Sagaseeker's help, you've had no luck with learning the style.

That is, until now.

If what you're thinking is true, then the trick isn't to train harder, it's to simply let go and let the sword tell you rather than the other way around. You're stepping to the tune of the sword, not playing the song! It's obvious now that you really think about it! Damn it all, how can you be so stupid sometimes?!

'It happens to the best of us,' Blackhand's platitudes go half-heard as you shake your head and collect yourself.

"Sorry, I just..." Struggling with your words, it's Abjorn who comes to your rescue.

"Had a realization?" He offers a fond laugh as he shakes his head. His eyes widen as a realization of his own shoots through his head. Looking to you with unusual determination, he takes a deep breath and takes an unsteady, uncertain step, "I, uh, I think you look cute when you're so focused?"


No seriously, what?

Abjorn never compliments you outright, not like that. He shows his love through actions and displays of affection, not words! He'd be the first to say that talking is far from his forte, so what's going on here?

Abjorn shifts his weight from one foot to the other as you stare at him, looking to all the world as any would-be-suitor. "Abjorn," he gulps down a huge lungful of air as you squint, brows furrowing, "are you okay?"

"Y-yeah!" He's too quick to answer as his cheeks burn red, "I, uh... Didn't you say you wanted to call Kolla to tell her about Solrun?"

"Nice dodge," your stare doesn't waver as he flinches, "but you're right. I was going to do that, thanks for the reminder." You start backing away, eyes staying narrowed as you leave him, "We'll take about this later."

Abjorn sighs and rubs the back of his neck. In the last moments before he disappears from view, you catch a worried thought spoken aloud, "Did I screw up?"

"You didn't, don't worry about it!" You cry out a parting goodbye as Abjorn offers a now-even-more-worried wave. That'll be fun to tease him about later. For now, though, you've got some work to do.

Finding a private glade in the Hading, you settle down with your legs crossed beneath you—after laying down a blanket, of course, nobody likes a wet bottom. Taking a deep breath, you close your eyes and call forth your fylgja.

A shuffle of feathers and a greeting hoot announces the towering presence of your Cindersoot Owl. Not wanting to waste any time, you fix the image of Kolla in your mind's eye before directing your fylgja to seek out and deliver a certain spell to her.

Though you can't see the bob of your fylgja's head, you've seen it enough times to know the sound as your owl takes flight and returns to the space between realms. Settling in to wait by playing a game of 'counting things' with Blackhand, you only get about halfway through tallying all the visible leaves by the time your owl returns.

The connection springs up and you take a deep breath as you wait for Kolla to answer your request to talk. After a few heartbeats of silence, a voice filters through the spirit realm directly into your mind's ears.

"What business have you with me?" Kolla is, as ever, straight to the point. No wonder she and Aki went and got married!

"How've you and Aki been, Kolla?" When delivering bad news, it's often better to be gentle and make sure that the receiver isn't already going through a bad situation... Right? Well, it's the strategy that you're u-

"Doesn't matter, you're here to tell me about Solrun's death," blunt and uncaring, Kolla cuts your thoughts off with a stated question.

Though caught off-guard by the sheer bluntness of Kolla's words, it takes more than that to knock you off your game! ...Nowadays, at least. When you were younger, such a phrase would have put you on the back foot for the entire conversation, but with age comes experience and you are far from inexperienced.

"You're right, I am," you start to nod before realizing that she can't see you. "Though you probably don't need my help, I gave my word to your mother that I'd look after you so, if you ever need anything, don't hesitate to give me a call, yeah?"

"You know as well as I that Solrun isn't my mother, but I'll keep it in mind."

"That's a little harsh, don't you think?" It's not exactly the sort of thing anyone expects to hear, let alone when you're telling someone about a death.

Kolla sighs, "Get to the part where you talk about why Solrun died."

Gritting your teeth, you remind yourself that Kolla is barely an adult and doesn't know any better, "Right, yeah, I-"

And she cuts you off, "I already know why Solrun died," so why did she ask?! "and I have been preparing for the consequences since before I could walk."

...Wait, what?

"What do you mean?" Your brows furrow as a frown presses down on the sides of your lips.

"You heard me right," Kolla continues, uncaring for you, "it's the whole reason I decided to leave with Aki rather than arrange for any other method of leaving the Valley. By birthing me, Solrun involved me in this struggle whether I wanted it or not, so I'm doing my best to survive it."

Rubbing at your brow, you sigh and shake your head. Changing the subject—because what in all the worlds do you say to that?—you turn your mind to Aki, "Speaking of Aki, how's he doing?"

"Fine, but busy thanks to his success," Kolla is being unusually abrupt with her words. She's trying to dodge the question.

"Oh? What's he been up to, then?" Kolla doesn't even give you five seconds before confirming your suspicions.

"You're not going to be able to contact Veny, by the way, her father had an anti-scry spell put on her family stopping anyone from using magical means to contact them, amongst other things."

Alright, you've had enough of this. "You're dodging the question."

"Yes, and?"

...The surge of cooling calm soothes your irritation as you breathe out a heavy sigh. She's probably grieving her mother's death, right? You can cut her some slack here... even if it's hard... "Just, this plan of yours. Will it work? Will it stop Drysalt?"

Kolla stays silent for longer than the entire conversation up until that point. Eventually, as the sun starts setting in the distance, her voice warbles as her mask slips, "I... I don't know."

The connection goes dead, she terminated it.


"Ah, Halla! I didn't expect to see you there!" Toki greets you with a broad-if-nervous grin as he stands in the doorway, his size just enough to stop you from entering. "What brings you to my humble abode?"

With the week you've had, you're not exactly in the mood for dwarf bullshit. Sighing, you run your hands down your face as you grit your teeth and fix Toki with a half-glare stare, "Toki, I'm here for the ledger."

"The ledger? What ledger?"

"Toki," a warning growl slips free of your throat as he twitches, eyes flicking down to your hands as fear plays across his gaze.

Swallowing, he nods, "Oh, yes, that ledger..." He trails off as he stands in the doorway, finger-tips pressing together.

"Is there something wrong?"

'Fucking dwarves,' Blackhand groans as Toki grimaces.

"Well, you see," he begins as he looks left and right, "My sons seem to have misplaced the-" The look on your face puts a stop to any half-baked lies as he stutters to a stop. "We don't have it."


"Dwarves!" You finish for Blackhand as you hold your head in your hands. "Alright, why don't you have it?"

"Because, we couldn't crack it and so I contacted another family who are experts in that sort of thing. They haven't given it back yet, however, and I was hoping you wouldn't come back until we received it." If dwarves could sweat, you imagine that beads would be trickling down his brow by now. "I-If needed," he hurriedly adds as you stare at him, "I and my sons will happily go to war to take back your ledger! Or give you a discount on your next trade! Or both!"

"So," you begin after a long stretch of silence, "who did you give it to?"

Toki blinks as he tilts his head to the side, confusion playing across his beady gaze, "I can't just tell you that, Halla of Clan Volsung, you know the rules as well as I."

"Fucking dwarves," you mutter under your breath as you follow Toki to the negotiations chamber.

What would you like to trade for today?
[ ] Write in

(After this, you'll go on to the normal selection with your options and so on listed)

AN: How have you been finding the new update schedule?

No moratorium, short vote like as not.
Just... Damnit, okay, we'll give them some extra time to sort it out for some modest concessions I guess
That conversation with Kolla is interesting. Very interesting.

In terms of plan:

[X] Plan The Stuff We Want
-[X] We want to trade for additional Iron, including elementally infused Iron of various sorts, as well as plans for Bolt Throwers like the one we have, if possible.
-[X] Use the fact that they're late on their commitment to give us back the ledger to get a better deal on the potentially other stuff, depending on how far we can push that.
-[X] Use our social Tricks to get an idea of how far we can push without offending the dwarves...push a bit less far than that, probably, depending on details.

Okay, so, the basic idea is to get actual plans for Bolt Throwers. Those things are neat and being able to make one ourselves would be really good for assorted reasons.
[X] Plan The Stuff We Want
-[X] We want to trade for additional Iron, including elementally infused Iron of various sorts, as well as plans for Bolt Throwers like the one we have, if possible.
-[X] Use the fact that they're late on their commitment to give us back the ledger to get a better deal on the potentially other stuff, depending on how far we can push that.
-[X] Use our social Tricks to get an idea of how far we can push without offending the dwarves...push a bit less far than that, probably, depending on details
Would the dwarves have anything that might be of help against Drysalt? Not directly of course but maybe they know something?

Also can we try contact Aki next turn? He is far more likely to be friendly and helpful
Would the dwarves have anything that might be of help against Drysalt? Not directly of course but maybe they know something?

I'm a little dubious about trying to get that from the dwarves for a few reasons, but maybe? What do other people think?

Also can we try contact Aki next turn? He is far more likely to be friendly and helpful

Not next turn, our actions that turn are constrained, I think, but we could potentially give it a shot within the next few.
What's on deck for next turn incidentally? I do want to follow up on Hasvir the Elder, or alternately approach one of the other local "Greatest Allies", getting Buri involved now that we've got an actual shot at Dorri might be entirely viable.
What's on deck for next turn incidentally? I do want to follow up on Hasvir the Elder, or alternately approach one of the other local "Greatest Allies", getting Buri involved now that we've got an actual shot at Dorri might be entirely viable.

The consensus seems to be Folkvangr, which winds up being two actions, as we probably want to recruit Hasvir the Younger to go along (one action to talk to Hasvir the Younger, then one for Folkvangr). We have one Travel action left this season thanks to IF being generous and that qualifies, so it's really incentivized to do that before Winter ends. I was also thinking we then finish up the magic weapons for our retainers.

The turn after that we'd send off Brother Bart and start working on additional allies (likely Buri first?).
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Anyway, I figure we can charge them Interest on the late ledgers.

How much did they cost in terms of trade value? A percentage of that for every season in arrears in other materials until it's provided seems a fitting incentive to encourage them to work at it, without actively pissing them off.
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So, it turns out that I lied and it wasn't 30 minutes.


Anyhow, voting is now closed
Scheduled vote count started by Imperial Fister on Jan 6, 2024 at 4:43 PM, finished with 10 posts and 3 votes.

  • [X] Plan The Stuff We Want
    -[X] We want to trade for additional Iron, including elementally infused Iron of various sorts, as well as plans for Bolt Throwers like the one we have, if possible.
    -[X] Use the fact that they're late on their commitment to give us back the ledger to get a better deal on the potentially other stuff, depending on how far we can push that.
    -[X] Use our social Tricks to get an idea of how far we can push without offending the dwarves...push a bit less far than that, probably, depending on details.
The update schedule is a minor improvement, since it is better matches the ebb and flow of update schedules for other threads I follow. The larger update sizes also have more to digest per 'attention instance', which makes reading each update feel more worthwhile. I also appreciate the reduced feeling of update FOMO, of checking in to see several posts that I had no (theoretical) way of influencing or interacting with in a timely way.

Most importantly, if it's working better for the singular QM, that's a good thing. There are enough reasons for projects to sputter out without borrowing troubles like holding onto old schedules.