Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
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[X] [BLOOD] Empire (Canal linking the Urskoy and Lynsk)
[X] [BLOOD] Kislevite military aid in reclaiming the fallen Nexuses of the Forest of Shadows
[X] [BLOOD] Personal (Partnership between Kislev's libraries and KAU)
[X] [ULTHUAN] Cooperation
Back when we first learned Eike is interested in naval tactics there was some talk about maybe taking the 'Improve and expand the EIC's paramilitary river navy' and having Eike tag along, which I was and still am against because there's actually some stuff we want to do with the EIC right now and the EIC's river security is pretty much fine already. Well guess what suddenly became relevant?

Now, I'm not saying we take the relevant EIC action because it's still a very low priority and in the near future we have way more pressing matters for the EIC (the fog road, possibly one or two more trade deals with the Eonir, maybe some espionage), but we could probably have Eike do it as part of her personal lessons. We've been warned that we should not assume that Eike will actually achieve Mathilde level of results when we let her do stuff like that and that we should just think of it as a lesson for Eike, but that's fine because there's really no rush and we'll have plenty of time to worry about the security of the hypothetical EIC presence in the non-existent canal. It'll also be a good test of character for Eike:
Naval Tactics: She has a fascination with the many historical sea battles in the Sea of Claws. +1 Martial
Will Eike manage to stay on the ball and focus on the EIC's river navy, or will she keep getting distracted by the new connection between the Empire and the Sea of Claws, turning her reports into nothing more than elaborate naval fanfics?

My main problem with this idea is that Eike still got no intrigue lessons and we're going two years into her Grey Wizard apprenticeship, this is a travesty and we should all be ashamed of ourselves. Maybe we can also make this assignment intrigue related? Something like analyzing what new opportunities this whole canal business will open up for the EIC's intellgence network and how to best exploit them, in addition to thinking about military threats and piracy and such?
[X] [Blood] Empire (Canal linking the Urskoy and Lynsk)
[X] [ULTHUAN] Cooperation
"I wonder how the canal is doing" is such good food for Ulgu-brain that Mathilde is demanding it back.

[X] [Blood] Empire (Canal linking the Urskoy and Lynsk)
[X] [ULTHUAN] Cooperation
Lmao. I'd love to see Mathilde mention this to Egrimm.

[X] [Blood] Empire (Canal linking the Urskoy and Lynsk)
[X] [ULTHUAN] Cooperation
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My main problem with this idea is that Eike still got no intrigue lessons and we're going two years into her Grey Wizard apprenticeship, this is a travesty and we should all be ashamed of ourselves.

There's an argument to be made that Eike got her basic intrigue training during her junior apprenticeship, and now we're training her in all the non-standard skills a grey wizard may need.

I still think we should do intrigue training, but I don't think we should worry about not having done any so far.
I want to share information about the AV project with Eike, not like getting her to perform experiments or anything, but just letting her know what we're doing and sharing in our enthusiasm for it. When we drop the book, I think it'd be more fun if it wasn't a surprise for Eike, because then it's not just going "oh cool" at another thing Mathilde pulled out of her hat, it's being with her teacher as she accomplishes something that's really important to her that she worked on for a long time.
I want to share information about the AV project with Eike, not like getting her to perform experiments or anything, but just letting her know what we're doing and sharing in our enthusiasm for it. When we drop the book, I think it'd be more fun if it wasn't a surprise for Eike, because then it's not just going "oh cool" at another thing Mathilde pulled out of her hat, it's being with her teacher as she accomplishes something that's really important to her that she worked on for a long time.

I agree, I would like her to participate in the Orbs thing—whilst I don't think she'll contribute much, she could learn a lot, especially with her magical materials trait, and I think the whole scene would be pretty cool with her involved.

I also think our apprentice would be a fine exception from the "no collaborators" rule.
I agree, I would like her to participate in the Orbs thing—whilst I don't think she'll contribute much, she could learn a lot, especially with her magical materials trait, and I think the whole scene would be pretty cool with her involved.

I also think our apprentice would be a fine exception from the "no collaborators" rule.
While I am pro 'get Max to write it', I don't actually want to ask Eike to contribute, though it would be awesome to have her there and explain it to her.
Eike then rolls a nat 100 on her understanding primordial winds roll.

I do feel strongly that we have been neglecting Eike's intrigue though, and would like to have it be between a third and a half of her lessons over the next two turns. Unless there is something really shiny, I suppose.
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Female paramours also have the advantage of not calling into question the legitimacy of her children. It's not a great rumor, but it could be a lot worse.
Right up until Mathilde ascends into an immortal ulgu shapeshifter and the tyranny of biology stops applying to her at least.
Or to put it another way:
Can I just say, I love the low level current in the thread and in universe of, "Mathilde's obviously not going to abandon everything she cares about to embrace dark magic, but if she *did*, she'd blow all those other losers out of the water."
There's an argument to be made that Eike got her basic intrigue training during her junior apprenticeship, and now we're training her in all the non-standard skills a grey wizard may need.

I still think we should do intrigue training, but I don't think we should worry about not having done any so far.
Obviously Eike got basic training as a junior apprentice, but are we seriously going to settle for the basic training she got? Mathilde 27 intrigue Weber isn't going to teach her apprentice to be sneaky? What is the world coming to?
[X] [Blood] Empire (Canal linking the Urskoy and Lynsk)
[X] [ULTHUAN] Cooperation

It is a bandwagon, yeah, but it is not a bad option.

There are considerable potential advantages for Kislev in the mid to long run with the building of the canal, with increased economic activity, improved communications/logistics in a critical part of the country and so on. There is an opportunity cost re: military spending, in potentially important years, but Kislev's high command has been stated to have been overtly favoured under the previous Tzar.

A large economic development project may not be the sexiest thing around for the generals, but it is going to help Boris establish his bona fides as somebody who doesn't have quite the same priorities as his father. Some of the nobility will likely grumble about this, but the guy seems to have the common folk, the local magical traditions and the priesthoods largely onboard with the reform program.

It is also the kind of large scale infrastructure project that would be remarkably hard to undo. While canals require maintenance and don't have the staggering endurance of, say, roman-pattern roads, a canal isn't something that an invader can easily destroy long-term (although attacks on locks and such can render such inoperable until repairs are carried out). The upfront costs are tremendous, but the rentability is high, too.

I know that Josef Bazalgette has been referenced a while back, but is that guy supposed to still be around? Because this sounds up his alley, if so.
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Obviously Eike got basic training as a junior apprentice, but are we seriously going to settle for the basic training she got? Mathilde 27 intrigue Weber isn't going to teach her apprentice to be sneaky? What is the world coming to?
We had a great training opportunity fall into our laps last turn, but we didn't think to assign her to the Kislev Tributary Rollout action.
My main problem with this idea is that Eike still got no intrigue lessons and we're going two years into her Grey Wizard apprenticeship, this is a travesty and we should all be ashamed of ourselves. Maybe we can also make this assignment intrigue related?
Eh, compared to Mathilde when she hit Journeywoman, Eike's less Grey but more Wizard (she knows spells, for one), and that's fine.

Besides, she's what, 16 right now? And she's more skilled overall than Mathilde was at 29. We're hardly hobbling her education.

Right now, the story arc's revolving primarily around Learning, Diplomacy, and Stewardship, all of which are relevant to trade heiress/wizard extraordinaire Eike Hochschild. Strike while the iron's hot, and then get around to Intrigue some time within the next 13 years of Eike's remaining apprenticeship.
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Obviously Eike got basic training as a junior apprentice, but are we seriously going to settle for the basic training she got? Mathilde 27 intrigue Weber isn't going to teach her apprentice to be sneaky? What is the world coming to?
I mean, I'd love to take a full AP to teach her infiltration with all of Mathilde's experience with sneaking through human castles, skaven camps and greenskin holds.
Eh, compared to Mathilde when she hit Journeywoman, Eike's less Grey but more Wizard (she knows spells, for one), and that's fine.

Besides, she's what, 16 right now? And she's more skilled overall than Mathilde was at 29. We're hardly hobbling her education.

Right now, the story arc's revolving primarily around Learning, Diplomacy, and Stewardship, all of which are relevant to trade heiress/wizard extraordinaire Eike Hochschild. Strike while the iron's hot, and then get around to Intrigue some time within the next 13 years of Eike's remaining apprenticeship.
Mathilde was 20 when she became a Journeywoman.
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