This is much less of a problem, yeah.
That said, are we sure we want to go to them and fight them? Like, they have fled leaving behind all their stuff, slaves included, which is what we are here for. It seems to me like the thing to do is maybe begin our looting (in an organized fashion, preparing for them to try and stop us).
Now, to be clear, I'm pretty sure that doesn't avoid the fight (they will come and try and stop us, I think), but it does force them to come to us (unless they want us to steal everything that isn't nailed down and some stuff that is...we'd likely leave food, because of the whale, but not other valuables), which seems more advantageous than going to them at what is likely a prepared defensive position where they are, in fact, likely keeping their families and thus desperate. Force the fight on our terms rather than theirs, make them leave people to guard their families, and avoid killing a bunch of noncombatants for no gain.
Going after them is also definitely an option, don't get me wrong, I'm just thinking through decision trees here, and staying and having our people loot while we jack up our Perception shapeshifts and use Mind's Eye Blinks to keep watch may be the right play here. It constricts their decisions to 'let us win' and 'come stop us with less forces and at a disadvantage' and that's nice. It does give them some prep/planning time so it's not all straight upside, but I think it's probably still right.
Honestly I had assumed at the time I was making the plan that they'd taken the scholar with them.
Other than that Halla might be personally annoyed about the illusion of Gabriel, we've certainly gotten what we came for here. There's no particular feud we have with these people, and whatever retribution might need to be meted out for having stolen Johannes's property has been paid already in the blood of the warriors we've killed. They've essentially given us what we wanted here.
So, yeah, we could chase them down for the thrill of the fight, but there's not a compelling reason to do so. Is it really worth losing a good man over, when neither honour nor necessity compel us to fight here?
So yeah, screw it, third version of my plan:
[X] Plan: Fireball is the Universal Counterspell to Everything MK II, Thermic Boogaloo
-]X] Attempt to dispel the magic
--[X] Use a Rewrite to Alloy our Banishing Rebuke and Thermic Reckoning, creating
ULTIMATE ABJURATION ART: THERMIC REBUKE. Unleash our empowered counter-spell to break the enchantment of the opposing caster, as well as eardrums and tree branches within a six to ten mile radius.
--[X] Gather up our men and make preparations for an organised departure scholar and stolen goods we came for, as well as any other thralls who would like to be freed and dropped off along our route/come to Norway to work as waged farmhands.
--[X] Keep using Mind's Unblinking Eye and Banishing Rebuke at regular intervals to forestall any trickery. Use it on the Latin scholar (without being too intimidating) to ensure he's not a fake.
One thing I would say in favour of my plan if we're leaving right now, then spending an Aspect is less of a cost as it's less likely we're going to engage in combat. Also "rattling" the Wolonian illusionist with a big fuck-off-and-die spell may well help signal that we're Not To Be Fucked With, dissuading them from any further attempts at trickery whilst we collect our winnings and go. But I imagine both should work out.