You didn't, but the Sea-Snake was the important part. Goods can be replaced quite easily if you know the right people, but ships are expensive no matter who you are


That makes sense, I forgot the Sea Snake was Johannes' ship.

Also, can we cut Brother Bartholomew's bindings? I'd kinda like to start this relationship off on the right footing.
Also, can we cut Brother Bartholomew's bindings? I'd kinda like to start this relationship off on the right footing.

I was sort of assuming we do this purely on a practical level...we want him to walk, not have to carry him.

@Imperial Fister is Brother Bartholomew a cultivator? And how powerful of one if so, roughly speaking?

Oh, and unrelated question, but how many Slavs did Halla actually kill, if any, based on the bodies? We thought 5, but some of those were almost certainly illusions.
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Also, can we cut Brother Bartholomew's bindings? I'd kinda like to start this relationship off on the right footing.
@Imperial Fister is Brother Bartholomew a cultivator? And how powerful of one if so, roughly speaking?
He's on the 4th Decade, but hasn't cultivated properly in a long, long time
Oh, and unrelated question, but how many Slavs did Halla actually kill, if any, based on the bodies? We thought 5, but some of those were almost certainly illusions.
Those first two were real


I'll call voting in 30 minutes
I'm curious, where was the defending force ? Did we just roll them over and the Wizard was trying a saving throw? Or did they just anticipate us coming and fuck off before the fight even began?

Well, either way, a clean operation as long as we can get away clean and don't get Baltic Nam'ed before we're off.
I'm curious, where was the defending force ? Did we just roll them over and the Wizard was trying a saving throw? Or did they just anticipate us coming and fuck off before the fight even began?

Well, either way, a clean operation as long as we can get away clean and don't get Baltic Nam'ed before we're off.

We killed some. Given how much stuff is missing (including the whole civilian populace), I think a few defenders bolstered by illusions bought time for the rest of the people (including the other warriors) to evacuate with all their stuff. They just retreated rather than have a straight fight with the Norse (which is smart of them, honestly...I think we're better at straight fights than they are).
Overland is, I believe, 16 dice and Hamingja is 30
I'll take hamingja then (with d6s, for alectai's blood pressure's sake :V)
5/6s: Ten -> 20 successes
3/4s: Ten -> 10 Successes
1/2s: Ten -> -10 Successes
Total: 20 Net Successes
...Someone double check that that seems too clean XD
Abby Normal threw 10 6-faced dice. Reason: Hamingja 1-10 Total: 38
1 1 5 5 5 5 6 6 3 3 6 6 2 2 4 4 1 1 5 5
Abby Normal threw 10 6-faced dice. Reason: Hamingja 11-20 Total: 35
4 4 4 4 6 6 2 2 2 2 6 6 2 2 4 4 4 4 1 1
Abby Normal threw 10 6-faced dice. Reason: Hamingja 21-30 Total: 37
5 5 4 4 4 4 2 2 6 6 1 1 4 4 5 5 4 4 2 2
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Okay, that's 5 successes on Overland, and 20 on Hamingja.

I think I'll spend a Reward Die on the Overland and someone might want to do the same on the Hamingja.
DeadmanwalkingXI threw 1 6-faced dice. Reason: Reward Die Total: 4
4 4
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20 on Hamingja, Overland isn't great though. Might need a Reward Die.

EDIT: I'll use my regenerating Reward Die on Hamingja to get it to 21.
daaaaaaamn, i am hours late....

I would have said we go back through the forest, we have the churned earth to follow, after all... But i realize they could hide both ways, or just be waiting at the ship to attack us when most of the men are on the ships already.

...Good thing our light isn't time limited!
Wolinian Adventures Final
[X] Head straight to the sea
-[X] Have Abjorn carry the _Sea-Snake_
How fast do you move? (Overland: 5+1(Reward Dice)) 6 Successes. How lucky are you? (Hamingja: 20+1(Reward Dice)) 21 Successes
Under the shadow of the ship splayed across your husband's strong shoulders, you dart through the trees with as much haste as you can muster. You had first made for the stream Grodno was built beside, but found it far shallower than you'd thought—too shallow for even a Norse ship to sail.

Forced to change heading, you instead make for the sea in as direct a path as you can muster. Every footstep fills your ears with a thunder as you pass through tree after tree on a gentle, sloping decline leading you ever-closer to the sea. Heart hammering in your chest, you can't help but shudder as a wave of uncontrollable fear suddenly climbs your spine—only to meet a fiery demise as Blackhand savages the magic and casts it back beyond the mountains of your soul.

Mists swirl about your ankles as you watch the tree-line, every warrior feeling the hostile eyes on them. The Wolinians are in the trees, watching and waiting and warlike. You're not moving fast enough to outrun their regrouping, meaning that you've got a fight on your hands.

The only question on your mind, as that knowledge creeps through your head like a mouse under the cat's nose, is when?

As you break through the trees and lay eyes on the out-tide waves, you're certain that they'll attack while you set the ship to sea. Calling for your men, you prepare to meet the charge that is sure to come as Abjorn gently sets the ship ashore.

And yet, the trees are silent if only for the rustling of their leaves. The mists don't follow and the fear ebbs away. The wind's breeze serves only to catch in the sails of the Sea-Snake as the cloth unfurls and the ship sets free.

Clambering aboard the ship one last time, you turn your gaze to the trees as your men set to rowing. The glint of eyes answers from the leaf-cast shadows as the sea greets her children and carries you away.

They were there, they were ready, and yet they didn't attack.

Finding the Wavedancer is an easy enough task, though you pay the process little mind as a single syllable question keeps running through your mind.


(Feat: Illusiory Banishment +3 Orthstirr a year)
(+32 Orthstirr)
Current Destination:
[ ] Denmark (1 Day, 5% chance of Bad Luck)
[ ] Whale Carcass (1 Day, 5% chance of Bad Luck)
Personal (Pick equal to days spent travelling)
[ ] Talk to a Crewmember
-[ ] Write in who and about what
[ ] Pay Close Attention to a Crewmember
-[ ] Write in
[ ] Craft or Repair
-[ ] Write in
Training (You get 30 XP per day spent travelling)
[ ] Training
-[ ] Write in
Nighttime (Number of Nights equal to days spent travelling)
[ ] Write in how many nights are spent in each
-[ ] Put to shore (+5% bad luck per night spent sleeping ashore)
-[ ] Lodge with local landowners (Silver-Tongue Check, -1 Success for every 10 crew you have, +1 Morale)
-[ ] Sleep on the ship (No XP per night spent sleeping aboard the ship)

AN: Very lucky, you folks are

15-minute moratorium
I guess they didn't want to take the risk when we took what we needed and left immediately. Not when the terrain wasn't great for them (Wide open space) and they probably couldn't be certain we couldn't repeat the feat we did to break the illusion earlier. Not when all we did was take back what they took in the first place anyway.

Oh yeah, @Imperial Fister , the Whale Carcass isn't in the Wolin territory, is it?
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