Starfleet Design Bureau

I think given that we were told that going over on credits was acceptable, but not good, yet going over on industry was very very bad we would be much better off going maximum thrusters at 200 credits per than extra phasers at 3 industry per.
I'm totally amenable to the arguments of not putting on an extra nacelle if it would be too much of a prototype, but the whole reason I brought it up was that going by that list it doesn't look like an extra nacelle would add industry cost, unless a hypothetical extra one would bring us over one of the 50k benchmarks by itself and drive up the shield emitter cost.

[X] 75-Meter Hull (+Shuttlebay)
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One extra deck doubles credit cost and almost doubles industry cost of the basic design. Doesn't seem efficient?
No? The difference between the shuttlebay alone and the shuttlebay with the extra deck is a mere 20 ktons; the final size would be 190 ktons, 210 ktons, or 230 ktons, plus whatever the nacelles cost; for the extra aux slot and phaser coverage that's plenty worth it.
Having a shuttlebay is basically mandatory for a workhorse ship like this, getting an extra Aux slot is more questionable but I think will be worth the relatively low cost.
[X] 75-Meter Hull, 4 Decks (+Shuttlebay, +Auxiliary Slot)
That's a bit of a trap, since it assumes a 1-vs-1 combat. Having good coverage is vital for dealing with multiple combatants.
I mean, when you have comparable maneuverability you are totally correct, but in general why would it ever be an advantage to spread your damage over multiple ships in a fleet situation when you have the ability to focus fire perfectly on a single ship?

Edit: please note I'm assuming same total amount of phasers in alternate positions here. With unlimited budget and max phasers in every position it's a totally different discussion.

Our skates got close to this, but this is the step beyond that. Without that ability, yeah, very terrible idea. I guess it depends on how perfect perfect maneuverability actually is. We might be hitting inertial damper limits before hitting the engine limits here.

But I should have worded it better anyway. I would still want 50% coverage at minimum, but what I mean is I would rather have 3 phasers that all overlap so our sustained fire score is the same as the alpha damage over having two forward facing and one rear.

I guess technically you could go 30% like the science ships, but I wouldn't want to do this with less than perfect maneuverability on a dedicated war ship. Though we just discovered we are fully capable of doing that :p
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[X] 75-Meter Hull, 4 Decks (+Shuttlebay, +Auxiliary Slot)

Whether or not we need the extra auxiliary slot, being able to have a cargo bay next to the shuttle bay (instead of over in the saucer) makes too much sense for me to ignore. :)