Starfleet Design Bureau

Oh, just thought of another possible concern. If these ships are deployed out in the Deep Black, and their heavier fleetmates are destroyed, would they have enough provisions aboard to make it back to friendly space?
Implying that these suckers have an operational future is very bold, given our losses so far!

Shields may well mean a redesign of everything we have, if there are survivors.
I think you are exaggerating our losses quite significantly. That said they don't appear to have a use outside of local defense or escorts for something with the supplies to keep them operating far from home.
The point isn't to destroy the Romulan Empire, it's to prevent them from running amok and committing warcrimes.

Furthermore, these dudes are meant to be deployed with Thunderchild-class Dreadnoughts, which have a fair amount of cargo space. I think the combination will work out for our purposes.

The 24th century Thunderchild would just be a 4km Aeon Czar launching 24th century Selachii. I want this so bad now lol.
[X] UES Selachii
[X] UES Shark
[X] UES Skate
[X] UES Piranha
[X] UES Mako

I like the aquatic predator theme
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Oh, just thought of another possible concern. If these ships are deployed out in the Deep Black, and their heavier fleetmates are destroyed, would they have enough provisions aboard to make it back to friendly space?
The crews will find ways to cram supplies into every nook and cranny. Bet you every bunk will have a few dozen emergancy rations hidden under the mattress before they even leave port for the frist time.
We might be able to stretch things by going the submariner route. Pack supplies and food EVERYWHERE they can fit. Under bunks, in maintenance compartments, put shelves in the hallways.
[X] UES Piranha

I just like it Piranha are esencial cleaners of the amazon and vicius if
if they are provoked.

By the way, what do you think about making a ship that follows the Remora fish concept in the future?

Small ships that attach to a larger and faster ship to transport them in long distances and that take off when exiting the system.
[X] UES Selachii
[X] UES Shark
[X] UES Piranha

This thing has a higher Alpha and Max Sustained than the NX, and two of them have a higher Alpha Strike than the Thunderchild.

Making two of these also costs less than an NX, and making four costs less than one Thunderchild.

This is our Shark equivalent of a "Print small ships to do a lot of damage".
[X] UES Falcon
An incredibly fast agile bird domesticated by humans to hunt other birds.

[X] UES Mako
Fastest Shark Species, not quite as big as some other sharks.

[X] UES Kite
Similar to the falcon being a bird of Prey, but I feel like the name also fits the shape of it.

[X] UES Skate
Out of the standard names Skate fits really well too,if you actually look at a skate from above they really look like this ship, also Skates are usually smaller than Rays, so that fits too.
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Not for this project but whatever replaces this one I'd like to suggest Dragonfly, Dragonflies are some of the most successful hunters on the planet with a greater than 90% kill rate.
Real talk, I dont thing completely removing 'necessary' components leaves a good representation unless you are saying that the parts involved are so 'cheap' that Starfleets industry literally does not notice the cost.

Every ship will have those components yes, but they still need to be built. Maybe instead split it up into baseline plus extras? Just so that cost is still at least visible?

Espescially since, as was mentioned earlier, it makes the Thunderchild LOOK hideously expensive compared to the new interceptors when that's not quite true.

Edited it in so you have the civvie cost + the military cost. So it's represented there, I guess. I don't see the civilian number coming in relevant except in total war situations, though. Might constrain the number of ships you can put out, I suppose. I welcome any suggestions for a less confusing way to label it, though.
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[X] UES Arrow

yey a lil ship! I'm happy! no protruding nacelle ship!
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You know what's hilarious, this tiny ship masses 10,000 tonnes more than the Battleship Bismark.(When fully loaded without it's combat load the Bismark would be nearly 20,000 lighter)

I just find that really funny for some reason.

Also half the mass and length of the Stingray, really this thing is tiny but also really big.
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