I don't think we need to take a bunch of Top/Upper Top/etc people, unless we expect a big fight during this trip? It seems to be a smaller scale thing, personal family business and some peaceful trade, and since we are bringing a ton of kids around we probably aren't gonna divert like last time to raid a castle.
So, yeah, I think this?

[X] Take them with you
-[X] This includes our little brothers, and Randi if she wants to come

I think those are covered in Sten bringing people, but just to make sure.

[X] Plan Bring Everyone
-[X] Bring everyone who showed up.
-[X] Of our own people, Kurt and Haydis are staying home to take care of things on the farm (with a request from us for Halfdan to look in occasionally), we bring the rest.

Our siblings are bringing their kids, so we should as well, and all these people seem fine? I'm not seeing anyone who is gonna be a problem.

I don't think we need to take a bunch of Top/Upper Top/etc people, unless we expect a big fight during this trip? It seems to be a smaller scale thing, personal family business and some peaceful trade, and since we are bringing a ton of kids around we probably aren't gonna divert like last time to raid a castle.

Violence can always happen. Better to have powerful backup and not need it, than need it and not have it. They know this is a trading mission and a funeral, they chose to come along anyway, I see no reason to turn them down. Especially since they might find that weird and insulting...like, why would we not bring them? Doesn't make sense to me. They have as much right to trade goods for currency and vice versa as anyone.


Upper Middle
-Halle the Hairless (A man... at least, you think they're a man. Has an unusually feminine face and overall slender appearance.)

Halle has hit Upper Middle. Go him.
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Come to think of it, Njal the Tall. We know now that progressing through Norse cultivation makes you taller. Wonder if he's an Odr cultivator too. Probably not, since Halla would've probably noticed last expedition, but it would be a logical explanation that isn't just 'he just is.'
Actually, the only reason you can read is a result of Blackhand teaching you... Can your brothers read? How many people do you know that can't actually read?!

This might put something of a damper on your plans to spread knowledge...
You know, could put the wisdom into poems and spread those.
And add literacy to the things we teach our kids n followers/friends.
A dreng ought to know the runes Odin died for!
That's fair, yeah. I guess we are telling them this is mostly for trading and funeral purposes, so they're the ones who volunteered despite probably being able to find a good raid.

That makes sense to me!

Yeah, I suspect some of them may be disappointed if this is uneventful, mind you, as they're joining based on stories of the last one...but we are telling them what the trip's about.

Come to think of it, Njal the Tall. We know now that progressing through Norse cultivation makes you taller. Wonder if he's an Odr cultivator too. Probably not, since Halla would've probably noticed last expedition, but it would be a logical explanation that isn't just 'he just is.'

Kennings can have physical effects. It might just be that. He got called 'the tall' for being, like 7' without Giant's Blood and then he just kept growing until he was 8'6" or whatever he is.
[X] DeadmanwalkingXI

That's fair, yeah. I guess we are telling them this is mostly for trading and funeral purposes, so they're the ones who volunteered despite probably being able to find a good raid.

That makes sense to me!
Yeah, I suspect some of them may be disappointed if this is uneventful, mind you, as they're joining based on stories of the last one...but we are telling them what the trip's about.

Well, we could maybe do a little bit of fighting on the way back, as a treat.
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[J] Everyone except Haldor, unless he promises to not bring any of his cheese onto the ship and lets Halla burn off his stench periodically.
I do not think the rest of the crew would thank us for bringing this guy along in tight quarters on a sea voyage. :p
We just won't bring his cheese with us. Easy fix.
Bold of you to assume that we can keep a man who is literally named Stink-Cheese from bringing stinky cheese along with us.

But then, what are the Norse if not bold?


I really like to believe that the cheese is a key part of his fighting style.

The man has a Blue Cheese Hugareida.