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...I have to imagine that if the locked-in social action isn't attending Boris' coronation, it's gotta be Ulthuan poking its head in.
It would be both interesting and worrying.

[X] Middenland
I'm really curious to see how elves adapted to the worship of a human god. Human worshipping elvish gods often turns up badly, I wonder how the reverse goes.

[X] Druchii Diplomats
I think it would be fun to read, and also that letting those assholes move unimpeded leaves the door open to being sucker punched by surprise. When being forced to leave near vipers, I'd rather know what they're doing.

[X] Tzar Boris Bokha
We owe him that.

[X] Eonir Tourism
That seems fun. Cultural misunderstandings will likely to much comedy.

[X] Niedzwenka
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"We can simplify that by only dispending the two Winds that the Waystone has accumulated the most of, even if this does reduce the throughput, but even then we're looking at twenty-eight possible combinations. I'm hoping there's at least one paradigm where that doesn't mean you need twenty-eight different enchantments."
I think that number could be reduced further. I have gotten the impression that mono-abundance tends to be beneficially weird, so you could go down to 21 by just keeping, for example, the Ulgu in the vicinity of the stone.
Next you can probably make do without every single combination. Being unable to send Hysh unless you also specifically have Azyr would probably be too inconvenient, but if you only link each wind with, like, three others you should be able to handle stuff just fine while still reducing the overall complexity by a lot.
he spends several weeks walking the Fanpatar Mages through your logic and several hours getting you to include details so minor and self-evident you have to look up how to actually describe them.
It's fascinating to me that even something as technical as creating a spell seems to be so greatly affected by the immersion in their wind collegiate wizards have.
I can't really answer that for GW, but I would turn a questioning eye towards the Wolf God Lupus, theorized to be the original God of the Cherusens, and His defeat and the usurpation of the canine sphere by Ulric, who is unquestionably a God of Humanity.
I did a bit of digging, starting by questioningly eyeing Lupus. Firstly, I think it's Lupos, not Lupus. Both appear in Tome of Salvation, but Lupos appears seven times and Lupus only once, leading me to believe 'Lupus' was a typo.

The word "dog" doesn't appear in Ulric's wiki page or anywhere relevant in Tome of Salvation. Beyond that, I can't recall off the top of my head Ulric having anything to do with dogs, only wolves. He's the guy who sends wolves to kill isolated peasants to toughen up their communities and such, not tame wolves into not-wolves. The only form of animal companions I remember associated with him are straight up wolves, like the ones Mathilde and Wolf met in Middenheim.

Archives of the Empire 3, the biggest source of lore on Rhya, implies she's responsible for the endoggening of the wolf. Belthani myths say she gave "domesticated grain" and tamed animals, and a contemporary myth says her handmaidens gave tame aurochs and secrets on how to tame the wild. Main problem here besides being 4e is that the first paragraph of this page (66) is entirely dedicated to talking about how unreliable all her lore is. That said, domestication and taming of animals is 100% within her purview, and she's old, so I think she's a more viable candidate than peasant-eating Ulric for who made dogs.

That all said, it makes perfect sense that Mathilde thought selective breeding was the origin of dogs instead of divine intervention. Her peasant upbringing would've first primed her with the usual Rhya myths, but since then she's gotten +5 Imperial Canines books. Books are written by scholars, and scholars are so urban they believe Rhya is a dead or dying deity, and so would've attributed the existence of dogs to secular causes. Mathilde's an academic herself, so she'd be biased to believe secular answers over the half-remembered myths she heard decades ago, and of course, Panoramia has an aversion to gods in general, so she'd grab for a secular answer too.
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I'm noticing a pattern with Egrimm ever since he got promoted—he gets interested in a project, but tapers off about half way through and stops contributing.

He didn't trek through the wilderness to find a nexus, he obtained the materials for the servioscope but Mathilde and Eike were the ones who assembled it, and he didn't actually write his own paper, but instead left it to Mathilde to do.

I don't begrudge him this—he's a lord magister afterall, and doesn't actually have to listen to our orders. But it is a thing I'm noticing, and it might be worth keeping in mind for the future.
[X] The Black Water Canal
[X] Tzar Boris Bokha
[X] Eike
[X] Swordplay
[X] Nordland
[X] Skull River Ambush
[X] Kalishiniviks
[X] Niedzwenka
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Right uh could anyone tell my phone browsing self exactly what this is? Cable cars?
The city of Danzig on the baltic sea, back then in Prussia or early Germany. In modern times part of Poland and called Gdansk.

[X] Middenland
[X] Nordland
[X] The Black Water Canal
[X] Druchii Diplomats
[X] Tzar Boris Bokha
[X] Eonir Tourism
[X] Swordplay

Im fine with all these.
Collegiate Fascis
Stone Flower
Runic Inductor


Enchantment (Collegiate)
Material + Collegiate Enchantment
Enchantment (Reverse-Engineered, Unrefined)

Orbital Mechanism
Dwarven Clockwork
Grey Lord Enchantment

Riverine - Hedgewise
Riverine - Jade
Riverine - Spirit

It seems we can almost create a pure dwarven Waystone at this point, so at least they aren't walking away with this project with nothing.

(The Leyline stuff is something that their neighboring friendly polities can supply)

EDIT: That both the Eonir and the Karaz Ankor can build Waystones but need to rely on humans to establish Leylines seems like a pretty cozy state of affairs from our PoV.
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Sarvoi reads over the schematics, laughs, frowns, mutters something about cobbling for centipedes, then disappears for several days. When he returns it's with an armful of scrolls and a manic gleam in his eye, and he spends several weeks walking the Fanpatar Mages through your logic and several hours getting you to include details so minor and self-evident you have to look up how to actually describe them.
Okay, just from this, I wonder how well suited Sarvoi would be to tutoring, well, the skill of teaching itself. Among others.
Just because being able to break down an action into its most basic components like this seems like a core part of teaching. (Among other skillsets.)

Throughout all of this you've been keeping a very careful eye on the hole itself, which remains static in size while under use but, once you finish delving in and turn most of your attention to other tasks, begins to heal up - first at the tears you made and then, very slowly, at the initial slit. It seems like a liminal realm, or at least one created in the way you created this one, requires at least semi-regular comings and goings by living beings to maintain its entrance. The realm itself, however, remains unchanged. You begin to wonder how many forgotten liminal realms there might be out there, the entrances healed over but their contents remaining preserved, like an insect in amber or a pearl within an oyster.
Well, certainly broaches an idea: Finding a way to locate liminal realms without poking holes in things. Like a metal detector made for bubbles of reality.

*reads thread*
Good news: this area of research is already well-established and there's a fair few people out there actively trying to teach it to willing students.

Bad news: it's called Daemonology.
Ah. Dang.
Thorek is not completely against engineering—Morgrim was an Ancestor God afterall. He just thinks that one of the present day flaws of the Karaz Ankor is that engineers are trying to do their job and Thungni's job at the same time, which is dangerously unbalanced. Every tool has its place, and you need both hammers and saws to build a shed.

That said, it is interesting that he went to the Engineers for a mechanical solution to the waystone foundations, rather than seek out a purely runic option.
This would seem like it would be the easier task, but Dhar interactions and manipulations are a rather suppressed topic of study in most places, so there's much less existing theoretical research to work from." There's nods from some and thoughtful frowns from others at that.
Now which category did Egrimm fall under, I wonder?
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[X] Eike
For duty. And cute apprentice. Also Mathilde actually being extremely close to her god who might want to put in a good word for his wife.

[X] The Black Water Canal
The final payoff.

[X] Eonir Tourism
Honestly this just sounds fascinating on general principle.

[X] Tzar Boris Bokha
Sure, why not?

[X] Amber College
Sure, why not?

[X] Nordland
[X] Middenland
Adding these because I am actively against interacting with the Druchii.
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[X] Eike
[X] The Black Water Canal
[X] Eonir Tourism
[X] Tzar Boris Bokha
[X] Kalishiniviks
[X] Niedzwenka
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[X] Eike
[X] Middenland
[X] Nordland
[X] Wissenland
[X] The Black Water Canal
[X] Tzar Boris Bokha
[X] Skull River Ambush
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