Lights... Camera... ACTION!!: A Hollywood Quest

Hi Magoose here one of the guys helping Duke.

So we have some bad news.

The quest has been canceled as duke does not want to write it anymore.

I'm going to ask if I can take over for it, because I like this quest, and it would be a shame to kill it
TBF, Mags, you have been doing a lot of the heavylifting for the quest, so this will be in good hands. :)

To be clear to everyone, this is just me burning out on imagination of the quest, since my muse has been hitting me over the head a lot with so many different ideas that I just can't find myself too interested in this.

I'll still hang out here, though, since this still does have a sepcial place in my heart.

I'd like to thank you all for making this a wonderful experience while it lasted.

I'd also like to thank @Magoose, @Fluffy_serpent, and @Martin Noctis for doing so much to help prepare and write this quest. I couldn't have done it without you all. :D

I'll see you all around.

With so many regards, Duke William Of.
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Uhura and the Savage Syndrome was rather tame in comparison to the "Kill Chekov" movement where in the leadup to the show's premiering, the Romanian-American community and many other ethnic groups in the US whose people had been victims of Communism and the Soviet Union in particular had loudly demanded that Chekov die or be written out of Star Trek because to them a Russian being a hero and part of the main cast with the ongoing horrors of the Soviet-Romanian War was a disgusting travesty. Trekkies fought back that Chekov was not a Communist but a good man and valued member of Starfleet, and the Russian-American community were mad and fought like hell to have Chekov remain on as he became a symbol of good Rusisans and what the culture could be free of Communism. While Walter Koening seemed resigned to getting written out of the show, all of the cast stood by him as a good man who played a character that was in no way connected to Communism and Gene was adamant that Chekov would stay as he was an integral part of the crew. The Kill Chekov movement largely died down after Phase II's release as it was clear that Chekov would stay, but this reinforced Romanians, Western and Southern Slavs along with Chinese, Vietnamese and Koreans major fans of Star Wars.
That... That's just wrong on so many levels, including the fact that it implies that all Russians are savage monsters who'll eat your children.

While I'm not a big fan of most of the stuff in this pitch(not a condemnation of Kaiser's writing but a condemnation of what on earth Roddenberry is smoking), this is just sad. I understand the trauma these people have faced, but it's not going to be solved by more hatred.

Ok who wants to join in the star trek movie and show to literally save it and also make it more on buget and become as great as star wars
While I'm not a fan of financing Star Trek, I absolutely want to guest star if only to osmosis Bruce into that sphere of Sci-Fi culture as well.
Okay I hear you guys. What do you want the action to be filled with instead? I guess I'm partial to Flash Gordon distribution, although I think we can do that next turn and there's other worthwhile pursuits. Kind of tempted to do auditions again so we can get on Mork and Mindy or Muppets.
Well, I want to get the rigths now before the 1980's, since that's when the movie was released, and I want to have enough time to give it the Marketing it needs.
Juste a random action idea:
creation of the center for the perpetuation of the cinematographic heritage bruce the goose, creation of a center intended to safeguard as soon/much as possible the different films produced in the world and to avoid as much as possible the creation of more lost films ,2
[X] Plan Thankful for Autopass

Yes, time to make the perfect Arnold plan!

Step 1: Meet Arnold.
Step 2: Somehow get on his good graces.
Step 3: Make Starzan.
Step 4: Write as many omakes for the creation of James Cameron's The Terminator to make sure it comes out to be the mega blockbuster, incredible film that it is.
Step 5: Make cheesy 80s action films throughout the 80s and release them as a duo: in one Arnold plays the the hero and Bruce plays the villain while in the other Bruce plays the hero and Arnold plays the villain.
Step 6: Profit.

Next to plan is my Sean Bean and Michael Biehn plan:
Step 1: Give them plenty of roles.
Step 2: Make sure their characters always die.
Step 3: ???
Step 4: Profit.
How much money would it be to set up the beginnings of Lucasfilm Parks/imagineering division? Because while I want to set up a plan that's the only thing I want to change.

The first thing the new division could do is buy Steeplechase park and make it part of the brand. Thought that'd be mostly putting "A Lucasfilm Park" under the name. I think George can agree that "Lucasland" doesn't work.
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That... That's just wrong on so many levels, including the fact that it implies that all Russians are savage monsters who'll eat your children.

While I'm not a big fan of most of the stuff in this pitch(not a condemnation of Kaiser's writing but a condemnation of what on earth Roddenberry is smoking), this is just sad. I understand the trauma these people have faced, but it's not going to be solved by more hatred.

While I'm not a fan of financing Star Trek, I absolutely want to guest star if only to osmosis Bruce into that sphere of Sci-Fi culture as well.

Sorry for your discomfort. Considering that the Soviets committed genocide on the Romanians, I figured that the return of Star Trek with one of the most popular and well known fictional Russians would unfortunately cause controversy as the traumitized Romanians wouldn't want any positive representation of Russia, out of hatred or a belief that there are no good Russians.

My overall intent for that segment was to give Star Trek a Based W by having them stand by their principles and refuse to kill off a beloved character over real world events while also showing that people aren't defined by their ethnicity, plus some wholesomeness of Walter Koening being backed by the whole cast strongly. I imagine that in the next season there will be a Chekov-centric episode that deals with the legacy of the Soviet Union and maybe some more prominence for him before the finale.

Would be funny to have Bruce guest star on Star Trek as a smuggler.

Well, I want to get the rigths now before the 1980's, since that's when the movie was released, and I want to have enough time to give it the Marketing it needs.

Okay everyone, distribute Flash Gordon, meet Arnold or something else? Want a firm consensus before changing.
Jesus Christ, where the hell is all that money going?!
Building Infrastructure to blow away the compatition. Esspecially since George would want to do some crazy shit and the boys and girls at ILM... would use all the shows as guinie pigs for their new stuff.

Also George would totally do crazy shit for TV just like he does for movies.

You think that setting up a TV studio, station and all that jazz is cheap?

You got to remember the bribes too.
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Of course not, but 200 million as set up and then 50 million every year on top of that? That's bonkers. It wouldn't be difficult to pay for that with our successes, but it's still pretty damn insane.
the 50 million a year is mostly for upkeep, budgets for shows, and George's...


george has all that star wars money to blow through to drag the film world kicking and screaming to the modern age. And George Lucas will be the one who does it.