We were able to notice all our Felag using Puncture on their attacks in the fight against Moonless Night.

Yeah, the question is whether we can recognize it quickly enough to react differently to attacks with it or without it. Knowing it was used after the fact has limited utility while recognizing it quickly to decide whether to use Perfect defenses or not is actually really good.
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Hopefully we can figure out how to use a Fylgja like a Stando from the spar.

Steinarr used his Craghound as part of a combo chain by having it suddenly appear and lunge in to disrupt then ragdoll Firehair and that was pretty hecking cool.
"The Ulfhednar," Hal nods with a small, wry grin on his face, like it was the most casual thing in the world, "and yeah, yeah I did. My father is a Skirsvikingar survivor, so he taught me a couple tricks, which helped."
Man, just what is Odin cooking?
Hm.... at least, we got a kind of balance now? so, perhaps not the whole of the warband will jump us? Or it will be a duel, next time...
This certainly adds interesting implications on why Swordfury looked at us so long though, aside from memorizing who he will fight with to the death....

[X] Yes, spar with Hal
@Imperial Fister, so, three questions:

1. Can we in fact see Puncture coming in time to react to it differently? Like, would a plan saying 'Use Halting Vortex unless the enemy uses Puncture then do X' be valid?
2. Is a Hugr or Tactics based defense/counterattack that works like Contested Movement (except Hugr or Tactics based) viable as a 'perfect prediction of the enemy's moves' thing, and if so what skill would it be? Like, something that makes a combat check into an opposed Tactics roll?
3. Actually, speaking of Tactics, does our Taafl Board apply to Tactics Tricks, or just the base skill? I was assuming just the skill, but it seems worth asking.
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Things to try feeding Sagaseeker over the next few seasons
- storm iron
- other magic metals, as available
- hearthberries (may be too spicy, given his dislike of Molten Iron)
- sealwood
- mutton (and other human food, but start with the best)
- water from the healing spring
- forged iron
- gold
- one of the water wolf pelts, if we have any left after Wessex
Magic metals should probably wait until we've made weapons for our household

Anyone else got ideas?

Unrelated: have we tried cooking with the hearthroot oil?
1. Can we in fact see Puncture coming in time to react to it differently? Like, would a plan saying 'Use Halting Vortex unless the enemy uses Puncture then do X' be valid?
Yes. Puncture resembles a blue shell or coating on a weapon.
2. Is a Hugr or Tactics based defense/counterattack that works like Contested Movement (except Hugr or Tactics based) viable as a 'perfect prediction of the enemy's moves' thing, and if so what skill would it be? Like, something that makes a combat check into an opposed Tactics roll?
I'm gonna say no for now
3. Actually, speaking of Tactics, does our Taafl Board apply to Tactics Tricks, or just the base skill? I was assuming just the skill, but it seems worth asking.
Tricks as well
Yes. Puncture resembles a blue shell or coating on a weapon.


I'm gonna say no for now

Ah, well. Would a Hugr-based Trick in that vein be possible at all and it's just that specific version that doesn't work, or is that not possible?

Ah, well that's good...we've been doing that wrong on Talent Tell for a few turns then. I dunno if it's worth going back and changing it, though maybe it is (it's only been 3 turns at 1d per turn)
Summer 9/Voyage 1.2 | A 'Chance' Encounter 6
[X] Yes, spar with Hal

After telling your respective comrades about the upcoming spar, you and Hal take opposite sides of the camp—his idea. Apparently, it makes for a more interesting battleground and you certainly see why. Leftover tents and constructed walls litter the ground, providing cover, concealment, and plenty of ideas.

However, you're not the only one sparring today. While you and Hal meet as cousin to cousin, Hal's second—Edvin Silverscales—waits for a sparring partner of his own on the hillside.

Who of your crew steps up to challenge him?
[ ] Write in

(Tactics: 6x4, 5x3, 3x3, 2x3)14+5=19 Successes

You and Hal stand across from each other on opposite sides of a freshly abandoned encampment. He's bent slightly at his knees as his arms hang ready at his sides. He bears no obvious weapon, but that won't matter if he's the ghostly-wolf man you've been hearing about.

In such a situation, his hands alone would serve well as weapons. With that in mind, it's best to keep him at arm's length. Too close and he'll be able to wreck havoc. Hal clearly isn't an idiot, so he knows that too. He's got Frenzy, he'll be able to puzzle that one out pretty clearly.

He has roughly equal combat dice as you, likely more. His orthstirr pool, however, is higher. His fylgja is his greatest strength.

He's going to get in close and aim to stay there as best he can. He's most dangerous when he's close, a lot like Abjorn in that respect. If he can't get you in melee, he'll resort to a variety of ranged attacks both precise and area. He may also throw rocks.

Endurance: (13/13) | Frenzy: (5/5) (+5 to all Combat Rolls) | Armor Health: (17/17) (+4 to Defense)
Orthstirr: (559/623) | Odr: (16)
( ) Frami: 208 | ( ) Virthing: 208 | ( ) Saemd: 207
Sagaseeker has 49 orthstirr in his reservoir.
Your Armor has 13 orthstirr in its reservoir.
Shapeshifting is granting you (+1 Damage and +1 Attack-Speed)
Your combat pool is 104d6 and you have 15d6 Stoked Dice

What do you do?
[ ] (Plan Name)
-[ ] (Dice) Attack
-[ ] (Dice) Defense
-[ ] (Dice) Intercept
-[ ] (Dice) (Trick) (Orthstirr)
-[ ] Tactics Write in


AN: Not much to say here other then that we may have to pull back on the update rate as I am not sure I can keep doing 2 a day in this state. 1 a day, sure, 2 a day? I dunno.

No moratorium.
AN: Not much to say here other then that we may have to pull back on the update rate as I am not sure I can keep doing 2 a day in this state. 1 a day, sure, 2 a day? I dunno.
No, Alas, How could we deal with only, check notes, one update a day, this make this quest only faster then 99% of the quests on this site, and not 99.5%!

Take whatever speed you need boss, it's frankly amazing you managed this frequency for so long. better to lay back then to burn out or let it effect your RL commitments.

wonder how he will fare against Silverscales, especially when Silverscales should be used to by now to fighting his style if he is Hal's second in command, Abjorn might even learn a thing or two on how to counter people who are ready to his style.
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AN: Not much to say here other then that we may have to pull back on the update rate as I am not sure I can keep doing 2 a day in this state. 1 a day, sure, 2 a day? I dunno.

One update a day remains super fast. Do not worry about it at all.

On the update:

Try staying at range for the first round and see what Kindle Spinners actually do to the guy, maybe?

And we probably let Abjorn try against his cousin. That seems fun. I'll add a vote for that to my actual plan post.
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AN: Not much to say here other then that we may have to pull back on the update rate as I am not sure I can keep doing 2 a day in this state. 1 a day, sure, 2 a day? I dunno.
As others said, take all the time you need. You are priority number 1.

[X] Abjorn
Try staying at range for the first round and see what Kindle Spinners actually do to the guy, maybe?
Yeah we wanna keep distance, but i doubt KS will do much. Fire Resist and, with a melee spec, either DR or a healthy pool of defense.

I would like a FFC as a can opener and a Spark Bomb but thats too much for a spar... i think.
Heat shroud and do fly byes with occasional Stoker State?
Yeah we wanna keep distance, but i doubt KS will do much. Fire Resist and, with a melee spec, either DR or a healthy pool of defense.

KS does 8 damage right now. It'll do something unless he has DR 6+, which seems a tad unlikely...it'd wreck his armor even with infinite DR unless he has something to defend the armor.

The defense pool will be high, but we can easily put a lot into the KS as well.

I would like a FFC as a can opener and a Spark Bomb but thats too much for a spar... i think.
Heat shroud and do fly byes with occasional Stoker State?

Heated Shroud does 4 damage and really will probably do nothing between DR and Fire Resistance. Melee attacks at all are risky if he's got a grapple defense like Abjorn.