He is part of Norse Society at this point and that gives norse word-law an anchor-point to grip him with.
That is a good point, but I'm thinking like...
At what point does he stop being an English In Norse Society and just starts Being...Norse?
What age did he come to Norse a Thrall? 14? 15? Came during Year Two. He's been here 6 years. He's spent long, formative years here. If he came here at fifteen, he's spent what, 30%~ of his life here so far? That number is only increasing. It doesn't seem like he very much wants to leave. He could, he's not a Thrall anymore, iirc. He's a freeman.
But I have a feeling he won't
Not while Halla still lives, at least.
At some point, not to long from now, in 4 years, it'll be 40%, five years after that, 9 Years from now, it'll be 50% of his life.
Half of his life then, spent among the Norse, in less then a decade's time
At what point will he catch himself thinking of the Northlands as home?
Has it already happened? Would we notice?
At what point does he hear the Thunder and think- if just for a moment- not of The Christ-God, but of Thor?
I've always been of the thought that conversion happened on both sides, Historically, I mean, even if Christianity won out in the end.
What would a Crisis of Faith like that do to his Cultivation? What if it's already happening?
That sort of stuff