So are all Elementalists able to do basic Elemental magic with the three elements they don't specialize in?
Not necessarily 100% of them, but most of them could.
Are there any Elementalist equivalent of Arcane Marks that render them unable to use other elements?
What about Stromfels? He is as much of a Sea God as Manaan (representing the ocean's harsher aspects). He's proscribed, but the fact that the Elementalists had books on Hashut suggests that isn't an eliminating factor.
Water Elemenentalists worshipping the God of Drowning would be an easy argument for why the entire College needs to be torn down. If they have books on him, they didn't hand them over to the Grey Lady Magister.
I also expected more bunk knowledge than just humorism. Dowsing, attempts to see the future through examining flames, that sort of thing.
Most of those things aren't bunk in this setting, and are instead part of other magical traditions.
Does that indicate that masteries can pass the other way as well? That is to say if Eike develops a mastery she can teach it to Mathilde?
That would be very helpful because now all the low level spells are so easy for Mathilde that she doesn't roll them even in fairly stressful situations. Meaning no chance for mastery anymore. Certainly makes getting apprentices worthwhile to be able to see your own paradigm though new eyes.
Yes, at least while their paradigms are still compatible.
Does Eike sleep in Mathilde's home when they're in K8P?
Have we ever got any update on that elf/dwarf experimental elemental/golem thing we gave Kragg? Would the new books help with that?
Any progress on that front would require Kragg to be able to view Runes that don't exist in the material world.
Are Verenans from the Empire barred from the Great Library of Verena in Marienburg? If yes, how do they feel about that.
Usually. They're not delighted about it.
Do we know anything about how extensive/prestigious Verena's library in Nuln is, or the amount of "book loot" we could've acquired from them?
The Verenan Library in Nuln is almost unique in that it holds practically no books. Being the Temple of Verena in the biggest concentration of learning facilities on the continent means having their own books would be redundant. They were never going to contribute book to the deal, just the favour or disfavour of the Cult.
What's stopping us from importing Eastern books by putting a higher price? So that their price-per-poundage is comparable to exotic trade goods like spices. (Is this a dumb question, is it too expensive to do so in bulk?)
The higher price would be
very higher. It is possible that the origin of the phrase 'worth its weight in gold' comes from the cost of spices and silk imported into Europe from Asia, and that's without Ogres and Chaos Dwarves running about the place.
Are people getting worried about Roswita's seeming lack of plans for her succession (enough to affect local politics)?
In a vacuum they might, but as is, they're seeing that an apparent lack of heir worked out great for them the last two times and having an established heir completely failed to prevent the previous dynasty from being a disaster.
Speaking of which, are Roswita's siblings still being kept hidden away, rather than being brought to Stirland now that she's better established?
Did Mathilde give a report to Roswita that the Alberich business was handled afterwards?
Yes, by letter.
Is the mother of Boris' two known illegitimate children the same person? Couldn't find it in canon details.
I haven't investigated it enough to have a quest canon answer.
Would it be a viable action for Mathilde to write a book on her insights into Dwarven diplomacy/culture? Since the Imperial school of thought overlooks many nuances of Dwarven society based on her meeting with the Imperial Chamberlain.
In theory, but now's a bad time to do it while the conequences of Vlag, Eight Peaks, and the 2nd Silver Road Wars are still up in the air.
As a Grey Wizard, did Mathilde not qualify for the position of Belegar's diplomat back when the K8P council was being setup? (As it wasn't an available choice)
She didn't actually know that much about Dwarven diplomacy back then.
How does one become a Magister Vigilant, is that a dedicated role where it's your main responsibility like the Waystone Project?
Invite only.
Is Mathilde considered an unofficial Magister Vigilant?
Not really. She might be called on to pursue and kill a Black Magister if she's nearby when they're sighted or if she's particularly suited to it, but that's true of all Grey Wizards.
How many papers does the standard Magister or LM churn out in a year, or to be more specific: how high/low is Mathilde's rate of publishing compared to the average?
There technically is an average, but it's skewed both ways by those who dedicate their life to research and pump out one every couple of months, and those that never personally write a paper at all and just send interesting things back to the Grey College to be picked at by the first group. Mathilde would be seen as above average but not exceptionally so.
Was Tochter active in Wurtbad/Stirland during Mathilde's Spymaster years? Do we know how old she is?
No, only post-Black College.
Did Solmann end up getting inspiration for his Azyr elemental magic from Ljiljana during the Karag Dum expedition?
The thread will find out if he reappears in the story or if I have him as a future social option.
Is there a canon date/year for the first Karag Dum Expedition OTL, the one that led to Gotrek becoming a Slayer?
What happens to vampires eaten by Strigoi, presumably the parts inside of the Strigoi are prevented from ressurrecting?
It's yet to be studied by College Wizards.
Gnoldron, a lost ancient Runesmith hammer from Stone & Steel, canon to the quest? If so, was it recovered with the return of Karak Vlag?
If I decide it would be interesting to introduce it to the story.
Koros-dar Nael, an Elven Liche from WHFRP 2ED, be canon to the quest?
If I decide it would be interesting to introduce it to the story.
I think you said you were willing to run the quest if the thread somehow voted to go off the deep end (like becoming Nagash 2.0), but is a involuntary change (like being forcibly turned into a Vampire) a quest-ending proposition?
I'd probably have a vote on the matter.
With the Dwarf Favor system becoming obsolete, what would it require for Mathilde to inspect the Phoenix Crown now?
Come up with a reason why it's a good idea to let her.
Just to confirm, Was Alric able to have that much influence over Egrimm because he was both his Patriarch and former Master?
When first meeting Alkharad, did he not recognize the Ulgu Shadowsteed? Since he listed off guesses like a Myrmidian priestess or Witch Hunter, who shouldn't know that spell. (Vaguely remember this might be a repeated question)
He didn't. Rotting bear eyes aren't the sharpest.
@Boney, was one of the minor colleges the Academy of Wizardry or have they been replaced by the Elementalists? I'm wondering what books they have and what they're about.
The only canon information on them I've ever encountered is that it was very briefly mentioned as where an OP Elf holocron ended up in 1e, so I've decided they either aren't quest canon or it's a particularly aggrandizing name for the College of Elementalists.
Might be poking at abstraction here - but I'd like to confirm my understanding:
We received +1 bonus from the Skaven book on Chaos Dwarf anatomy... which has the same textual content as the Imperial translation of the book in our library?
Theoretically this could be better modelled by having each people have its own differing cap on how much of a bonus their books can supply, with that cap being increased by things like Qrech and the Skaven books adding a shitload of Skaven information into the Empire corpus, but that would require a nightmarish amount of research and worldbuilding for something that doesn't actually add much to the quest. So it's abstracted into a binary state, every people either has books on a topic or they don't.
Oddly enough, I am most curious about the Extensive Imperial books on Hashut. How do Imperial scholars relate to him?
The simplest way to put it would probably be 'like Stromfels for Dwarves'.
And how much of it is written by a certain (L.) M. Grey?
Impossible to say. The Grey College has a lot of experience with laundering information, and has become very good at it.
I don't understand. Which four limbed ones are we talking about and how do they end up green(skins)?
Any of the humanoid ones. If the Ambers can turn flies into crows, then Mathilde could turn humanoids into Orcs or Goblins.
@Boney I had a few, questions about how this would work.
I think it's been mentioned that we could define what kind of books we wanted being as specific or vague as we wanted so would this work: "Any magical book, not imperial not dwarven. Any book not from the Old World (Asur, Cathay, Ind, Nippon, Araby, etc.)"
And how would it work mechanically, as in, would we receive books at the end of each turn about the topic we set without spending further AP for as long as we don't cancel the bounty, or would we only receive them once and then need to either renew or set up a new bounty (spending 1AP) to continue receiving books?
You'd set it up and you'd get books periodically until you pull the plug. Exact details to be determined.
Also related to KAU, does the Cult of Ranald have books? If so is there a way we could access them?
It generally doesn't maintain libraries, no. Some of the Protector sects have a fair amount of literature, but most of them are better described as screeds.
Do all wizards in this quest's system follow the same mechanical power progression of starting at magic 1? (and getting stronger as they get a Mark of X, staff, etc.)
Or do outliers like the specific Perpetual apprentices who's issues are narratively noted to be not having enough magical strength to progress further start with a -1 to magic or something, while super prodigies like canon Balthasar Gelt for instance start with a +1 to magic?
In theory there are outliers, but in practice I don't actually maintain a full charsheet for most Wizards.
This second form of bookmining isn't something we could speed up with dwarves, is it?
They have Dwarves. Nuln has one of the largest Hill Dwarf populations on the continent.
If the Skaven have ran away from Nuln is there any chance they have left their books in the tunnels? If so we could pass by to loot them
It was not a hurried retreat. There were about eight years between the failed Nuln assault on the Under-City and the sinkhole opening up. They would have stripped those tunnels bare before they left.