Sweet. How many Work Dice, and I presume that'd also work for the tableware/ladle idea?
I'll say 1, as it is just a ladle so it would take only a few hours.

I'm not entirely sure what 1 effort dice would equate to in time spent on that task. Originally I was thinking 1 Dice=1 Hour, but that doesn't work out at all over the course of 2 months, let alone 1 week.
I'll say 1, as it is just a ladle so it would take only a few hours.

Sweet. We'll definitely do that then. Hmmm...other stuff to do next turn is trickier. Hmmm.

I'm not entirely sure what 1 effort dice would equate to in time spent on that task. Originally I was thinking 1 Dice=1 Hour, but that doesn't work out at all over the course of 2 months, let alone 1 week.

Well, if we assume Norsemen work the same hours as other farmers, and that mortal farmers max out at, like, 3 Work Dice (assuming they could hit only level 1 in each of the three skills), but most are more like 2 dice, then each Work Die would represent about one month of work by an average moral farmer. Or the amount of time the Norseman would need to spend doing that work, if it's work that's not helped by being superhuman.

Of course, that assumes a very low level of mortal competence. If they would average more like 4 dice, then 1 Work Die is more like two weeks work (and if they can manage 8 dice, then one die is one week's work). It's also perfectly reasonable that even things that fall below that level but are still meaningful would take a minimum of 1 Work Die. This does make me think that maybe Meat-Keeping Sticks and Explosive Charms should maybe be a tad less Work Die intensive, but everything else seems fine going by any of those standards.

@Imperial Fister standard very minor character sheet errors:

Total Work Dice: 76 (55 from Residents, 19 from Tools)

This should be 77 with 58 from Residents

Maximum Food Produced/Turn: 30

This should be only 25, even with the new Pot.

(X) Sowing Sight (No Cost): A farming trick that allows the user to see where to sow to achieve maximum effectiveness. This allows you to spend less time for the same result, with further refinements improving both time saved and final results. (Refined: 0/6)
(X) Harvesting Sense (No Cost): A farming trick that allows the user to tell exactly when crops are perfect for harvesting, which saves a lot of time allow the user to achieve the same results for less effort, with further refinements improving both time saved and final results. (Refined: 0/6)

Not exactly an error, but what do these actually do mechanically? Do they help out with Work Dice in some fashion or what? Like, we definitely need to know what they actually do before knowing if we want to invest the additional effort into getting them to Refined.
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The issue with this is that we want training items not just for us, but for our entire household. A falconry glove doesn't seem like it'd help Abjorn with his bear.

Then what could help different types of Fylgja? I can't think of many items that can be used by different types of animals in the same way. Maybe it should be something the human holds instead of the Fylgja? Like a leash or a whistle?
@Imperial Fister standard very minor character sheet errors:
Thank you
Not exactly an error, but what do these actually do mechanically? Do they help out with Work Dice in some fashion or what? Like, we definitely need to know what they actually do before knowing if we want to invest the additional effort into getting them to Refined.
Sowing Sight increases for resources (food) dice max by 1, Harvesting Sense increases base dice for the same stat by 1
When we're sure that doing so will not kill us horribly, which they presently will.
You don't know if they'll kill you.

On the fylgja training thing, you could make variably weighted harnesses that you can adjust to fit different-sized and shaped fylgjur
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Then what could help different types of Fylgja? I can't think of many items that can be used by different types of animals in the same way. Maybe it should be something the human holds instead of the Fylgja? Like a leash or a whistle?

Fylgja aren't animals, though, they are spirits and a part of your soul. I don't think regarding them as animals is the right way to do Training Items for them at all, the more I think on it. something spiritual seems much more correct.

Going back to the update:

On a side note, it seems that channeling fire-based attacks through Ashen Kiss reduces the orthstirr cost by half!

This is very interesting. We probably don't need this reduction most of the time on fire stuff, but it's worth keeping in mind when we do. Additionally, we clearly need to experiment more with this and see if we can halve the cost of other things. We can try casting Atgeir Tricks though an atgeir and Sword Tricks through a sword, for example. We should also try and find materials for Standstill and Gale based stuff.

So when are we going to plant those seeds Halla got from that meteor?

We probably plant one of them in the not-too-distant future to see what they're like, though in the real world, not our soulscape (which really might kill us). I dunno exactly how soon, though

Sowing Sight increases for resources (food) dice max by 1, Harvesting Sense increases base dice for the same stat by 1

Nice! That should definitely be added to Abjornsby's sheet, then. Would getting them to Refined make that 2 dice, or what?
If Flaming Iron halves the cost of our Orthsirr for fire based attacks would chanelling our fire based tricks from our fire aspected Aspects also reduce their cost?
wow, yeah, i can agree everything tasting the same is annoying.

Also! Got minimal protection from spirits!
A wall of frozen salt
was already said, but IF, can we use that salt?
If you were clever about it, there is a way, but it does require some out-of-the-box thinking.
... do we need to treat the pot like dishes so the mutton does not overpower everything? or do we need to add more bone ash to it?

[X] The Hut, where Hirkir resides

Also, just out of curiosity... With the Witch's death, Hikir is the owner of the house, right?

Or inflict on us a fate worse than death, make us evil, go insane, etc
or worse.... become the best spice we can have access to!
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Is Hirkir legally an outlaw because he has no declared place of residence, or does the fact that his family lives here automatically 'sponsor' him?

Being an outlaw and having no legal residence aren't quite the same thing. Having no legal residence is bad, but people aren't prohibited from helping or talking to you or anything...if you're an outlaw, people helping you is generally illegal, or at least heavily frowned on. You also obviously can't just get a house and stop being an outlaw.

But I bet his address of record is still with his family and thus he's not even legally without a residence.
Training Tools



"My wielder learns the way of wielding weapons." (One side of the Sword)
"Hours of honing begets honed skill." (Other side of the Sword)
"No true harm do I bring to my sparring blade-partner." (Hilt)

Should this work? Pretty straightforward.


"Thinking brings clarity of thought." - Bracelet or crown


"I burden with weight to hone the edge of life." - Weighted shackles
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My own thought for a Training Tool is a Tafl board with, inscribed on the bottom "Those who use this set shall find their thoughts growing clearer and their will stronger." - Intended as a training item for Hugr

I think that sounds good.

Training Sword Runes:

"My wielder learns the way of wielding weapons." (One side of the Sword)
"Hours of honing begets honed skill." (Other side of the Sword)
"No true harm do I bring to my sparring blade-partner." (Hilt)

Should this work? Pretty straightforward.

I suspect it works, but I'm unsure what it works on. Would it apply to all the different skills involved in swordsmanship (conservatively, Slash, Chop, Pierce, and Defend)? Or what?

@Imperial Fister is something like this viable and what would it apply to?
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"Smouldering sparks teach Logi's laughing lesson." ("Fire Hugareida is learned faster.") - Might weaken Fire Hugareida while wielded as a side effect, or inflict fire damage on the wielder.

or even

"Blackhand's disciple learns the way of Dreadfire." if we want to be a bit cheeky although I do not think this is a good idea.
Or just seasoned to the eaters tastes.
I don't think making food 'always delicious' is a good idea in the longer run (our children will expect always delicious food, won't taste new things), better to make food 'Taste as it should be'.

"Restful sleep teaches day's lessons."


Can we fuck up an enemy's weapon or armor by using Forge Weld to stick a metal bit with runes on it onto their sword or armor?


Hey Blackhand,

Is Forgefire fast enough that I can carve runes with it using a trick?
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This is a very good question. I doubt the fence itself is the source...

Oh wait, Seeking's found it. So we need to what, unblock our spiritual grove's keyhole?
Maybe get into more spiritual grove stuff besides cultivation.
We don't have a nisse.
We probably do the bare minimum of spirituality.

It could just be clogged by general disuse and its clog would start to clear when we use it for its usual purposes.
Et cetera censeo we don't know how to contract a nisse and all the other small Seid stuff mom would have taught us in a normal family, due to her disappointment in us being a daughter of ash.
Well, my first thought would be that we could make a really blinged-out Hnefatafl set.
Speaking of tafl...
@Imperial Fister
1) Is fishbro (audrik) within general visit range?
2) On the mutton fiasco: Can we use boneash from different kinds of animals mixed in a single craft?

Your laugh is a stressed one as you gaze at the tree the Kindle Spinner exploded against. Turns out, grabbing a trick with Recall makes the trick fly at you!
We should try to develop a projectile guiding trick. Have the affected go to where we choose rather than back to us.
On a side note, it seems that channeling fire-based attacks through Ashen Kiss reduces the orthstirr cost by half!
Should diversity the test (different tricks through Ashen Kiss, different tricks through Sagaseeker), see If there are other effects.
And if the runes have any discernible effects.
Sagaseekers runes could buff our Standstill stuff. Or increase speed for us while doing the trick. Or increase the tricks speed.
Just show Steinarr the Black Seeds, he should be able to identify their qualities. Blackhand said that he's the best farmer he's ever seen including farming gods with that observation.
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Just show Steinarr the Black Seeds, he should be able to identify their qualities. Blackhand said that he's the best farmer he's ever seen including farming gods with that observation.
"Oh, these are wretched evil seeds."

Steinarr wildfires the seeds to ash

(He wouldn't even be wrong either)


Speaking of which, we should try infusing our fields with Orthsirr and see if that improves their fertility.
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materials for Standstill
It's going to be really freaking difficult to find stuff for Standstill, lmao
was already said, but IF, can we use that salt?
I mean, if you want to die then go right ahead. Salt-rime is the half-life of eitr.

While it loses a lot of potency, which allows certain entities to consume it safely, it's still extremely toxic to the vast majority of life in general.

It's salt that's been iced over. Salt. Salt doesn't exactly freeze to my knowledge.
Nice! That should definitely be added to Abjornsby's sheet, then. Would getting them to Refined make that 2 dice, or what?
@Imperial Fister is something like this viable and what would it apply to?
hesitant to say yes to all. At most, it might apply +1 dice to training the stats you mentioned
Hey Blackhand,

Is Forgefire fast enough that I can carve runes with it using a trick?
'You could do such a thing with slashing and your fingernail, if so desired, but yes. Do remember that writing long phrases takes longer.'
1) Is fishbro (audrik) within general visit range?
2) On the mutton fiasco: Can we use boneash from different kinds of animals mixed in a single craft?
Depends entirely on how the thing is built. Two separate pieces of metal that get joined? Sure! One continuous piece? No