A midwife is absolutely necessary. We are having triplets that are all giants blood. If we didn't have our current Hamr level I would say that would kill Halla tbh.
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Is that something we even need to specify or is that just "Common Sense" level things?
We can try shoving 25 d6 into Hamr training to get an extra Endurance.

We can also see if we can use Reinforce to.. well, Reinforce our body. More 'HP'.

Or even hire a Healer to watch over us during Childbirth as opposed to a midwife.
Then we should find a midwife of some kind and maybe as Jeremus to stick around to help with the birth.

We ideally want a midwife, yes. I'm not sure we know any, though, which might be an issue...maybe the seeress, but we still don't know where she goes for the winter. I'm not sure Jerasmus quite qualifies, but I'll add talking to him about sticking around until we give birth since we're already talking to him this turn anyway, just in case.

A midwife is absolutely necessary. We are having triplets that are all giants blood. If we didn't have our current Hugr level I would say that would kill Halla tbh.

We can keep from bleeding out with Stabilizing Palm as long as we stay conscious. But yes, experienced midwifery help would be great. Randi might know something about that, or Haydis, our new employee...

Is that something we even need to specify or is that just "Common Sense" level things?

I assume anyone nearby with midwife experience (maybe Randi or Haydis, Jerasmus if he's around) would help out as a 'common sense' thing. I dunno if calling in unknown help from further away falls under that, though.

We can try shoving 25 d6 into Hamr training to get an extra Endurance.

That's basically why 11d6 is in it this turn. We'll see how far that gets us and how long Halla thinks she still has...if it gets us anywhere close, then we go for Hamr 6...if not, it depends whether we'll be giving birth in Turn 2 or Turn 3.

We can also see if we can use Reinforce to.. well, Reinforce our body. More 'HP'.

We've been told this doesn't work with Reinforce Shield, and that's the HP buff...Reinforce might help, I guess? We can try, anyway.

Or even hire a Healer to watch over us during Childbirth as opposed to a midwife.

If we can get one, sure.

@Imperial Fister is there a midwife around to our knowledge? Who helped mom through the two births we're old enough to remember? Or Minna through her most recent one?
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[X] Plan Dealing With The Curse
[x] Muna: The Return of Stigr (Gives Twist: Hidden in Rags)
Do I have to specify specifically what we're putting in there if we try something?
As in trying to create something?

You don't need to, there is a default, but you can if you so desire.
so it won't be really silly until he hits full size and we can get him in some armor
He still has 2 shapeshifting slots available to him. He can get exceptionally goofy already.
for reference, these are gonna be 15–20 pound babies at minimum.

Also, with all the talk about murderkittens floating around, I feel I must make something abundantly clear;

Catgirl Halla is Certified Good Civilization.
The Vestfold Amulet, does Oslo exist yet in this timeline?
Fairhair's going to start his shenanigans soon-ish. I can't recall off the top of my head the details about Oslo's founding, but Fairhair had something to do with it, yes?
@Imperial Fister is there a midwife around to our knowledge? Who helped mom through the two births we're old enough to remember?
Yep, I believe I mentioned her way back when I was talking about medicine the first time. Nothing by name.

She's one of the strongest people in Asvir and the surrounding regions. Lotta people singing her praises, lotta people owe her their lives.

Somebody asked what the most populated town was in Norseland? That'll be Hedeby, in Denmark, with a population of around 1,500 Norse people.
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Oh, uh, did we get Gabriel's Squire Armor along with Gabriel? Cause that's a huge force multiplier for them.
Oh, uh, did we get Gabriel's Squire Armor along with Gabriel? Cause that's a huge force multiplier for them.

We did! It's listed in our inventory at the moment. I'm not sure what we need to do to give it to him. I'll add offering it to him as part of our action talking to him, I guess?

EDIT: Added offering to give it back to him prior to asking for help. We're not making it conditional, but can't hurt to butter him up a bit.
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We did! It's listed in our inventory at the moment. I'm not sure what we need to do to give it to him. I'll add offering it to him as part of our action talking to him, I guess?
We could just give it to him.

"Here, your armor."

Gabriel: Somewhat more dumbfounded.

Clearing/Seeding/Tending Fields: Can we use Fire Hugareida speed up the clearing process? Like, use Campfire to burn everything down to fertile ash.
We could just give it to him.

"Here, your armor."

Gabriel: Somewhat more dumbfounded.

I feel like that's rude? I mean offering is the same as that only less rude, I suspect.

Clearing/Seeding/Tending Fields: Can we use Fire Hugareida speed up the clearing process? Like, use Campfire to burn everything down to fertile ash.

This is an interesting idea. I dunno if it's worth a Trick, and we don't need it during winter, but Clearing stuff faster would be good for when we start on our second crop in the Summer (we need 9 fields worth of grain for our animals every year...so one crop from every field is not quite sufficient).
Let's look at our journal. My annotations in Red.

Steinarr's Training
-You have one year before you're sixteen, which means any adventures you have between now and then are gonna have to be at least in the areas near Asvir. No dueling Jomsvikingar for spots in their ranks just yet, not that they'd take you, being a woman and all that. We're sixteen and an established raider now.
-You need a weapon to properly train! And you now have one!
-Your father's been around awhile, maybe he knows a few good tricks he can show you?

The Hading Witch
-Aki Runson pointed you towards a witch who, apparently, lives in the heart of the Hading. Maybe it's not a good idea to trust the word of a little blind boy, but when have you ever let something as minor as that stop you?
-Alright, so, turns out that the Witch isn't who Aki was trying to point you to. Which begs the question, who is the Witch? If the 'Witch' isn't the Seeress, it would be worth looking for them with Aki's help. We need magical mojo a lot.

Fire in the Sky
-Something fell from the sky and landed in the hills. Just *what* did that?
-Turns out, somebody threw it. There's also something inside of it. And it's very explosive. Great.
-It's not made out of iron or steel, but definitely is made out of something with a high-heat tolerance, like Fire-Glass or Sunstone.
-Aki came up with an idea. By replicating the runes on the meteor, you can figure out how they work and then disarm them. But you're the only person that has hands both slender enough to fit and steady enough to do it. You'll need to get better at painting before you take a crack at it, though. (Rank up Artcraft to at least Rank 2 and acquire Imaging Skill-Trick)
-Alright, looks like the key involves someone with small power, like Gabriel, to unlock it. Unfortunately, you're going to have to be friends (Relations 6) with him in order to get him to do it.

Who's Horra?
-Aki said that the newly built farm belongs to a man called Horra and that things won't end well if you tell Steinarr who lives there, apparently.
-...Well that's a bit of a big reveal. Horra Hasvisson is the killer of two of your uncles, so no wonder Aki said not to tell Steinarr who lives there. In order to get access to seidr, however, it looks like you're going to have to kill him... Great.
The Seer and Aki also both knew about Horra being related to half the valley, and The Enemy forbade us via (fate?) (or possibly targeted Hallr) from knowing this obvious and crucial contextual fact.

The Freedfire Kenning
-Drifa called your father by a name unfamiliar to you. The name 'Steinarr Freedfire'. Why is it only now that you find out about this? Frankly, you're getting a bit annoyed at being so out of the loop!
-There's something about kennings that makes men act in certain ways. We've got a kenning now.

Skirsvikingar and You
-You fought and barely managed to edge out a victory against a Slagson of the Skirsvikingar, thanks mainly to Abjorn's might and a *lot* of luck. But the question remains, what where Skirsvikingar doing in the Hading Valley of all places?
-You found a necklace bearing the words 'Skirsalr Entry-Key' and 'Slagson Hakon Atlason' on Hakon Atlason's corpse. The name suggests that Skirsalr is the hall of the Skirsvikingar, but that doesn't tell you that much.

Stigandr's Plight
-You and Abjorn have come to the conclusion that Stigandr is being plagued by nidheart. Unfortunately, neither of you know how to help with something like that. According to Blackhand, though, the Seeress in Asvir might know some rituals or techniques.
Stigandr's back!

The Vestfold Amulet
-Asveig left you an amulet with her dying breath. Apparently, there's something in Vestfold it belongs with. No further details were given and you doubt there's much more you could learn from your home.
-The amulet has runes neither you nor Blackhand can read.

The Curse Wearing Mother's Face
-Asveig's death made a loud exit, but while you've recovered and moved on like a Norseman should... the rest of your family has stalled, lingering on her death like a bad taste in your mouth.
-To make matters worse, it seems to have afflicted your father in particular. He talks as if she can still listen and even waits for her to respond like he's expecting a response. While you doubt solving the curse would make him better, it can't hurt.

People who could help with The Curse:

The Seeress (except she's out of town)
The Hading Witch (desperate times.. desperate measures)
Aki's unknown Witch (whom we don't know)
Jerasmus the Medicament (if Steinarr doesn't kill him)
---Negligble/Less Likely---
Aki Runson's Raven Fylgja (Even vague prophecies can help)
Hallr Blackhand (even though his knowledge base is very fragmented)
Halla's Wizard Owl (MAX SUCCESS ON HAMINGJA during Owl Gacha ... could happen.)

Gabriel (there might be a prayer somewhere that can do things. Unlikely though.)

You know what our lingering problems have in common? Magic. Magic people help them a ton. Fight-y people don't help at all. Going forward we should try to recruit more magic and misc people into our home.

I don't think the Meteorite will help with the Curse. In my opinion it is much more likely to be a major combat boost of some kind, or esoteric understanding about cultivation instead.
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Aki's unknown Witch (whom we don't know)

The passage about Aki and the witch was about him first incorrectly directing us towards the Hading Witch and then correctly towards the Seeress. There is no other Witch, just the one we've met.

Oh, and pedantic note, but I'm not sure the Enemy kept Aki from telling us anything. He might just sincerely not have known why bringing Steinarr was bad, only that it was (presumably from a vision)...he was like 10 years old at the time, I think. Him not knowing something adults don't like to talk about is super plausible. The only one we know the Enemy interfered with is the Seeress.
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The passage about Aki first incorrectly directing us towards the Hading Witch and then correctly towards the Seeress. There is no other Witch.
So that just leaves Hading Witch, Seeress and Jerasmus as the big magical users we have available to us.

On Horra: Could we try having our Owl track Horra down instead of trying to hunt down where he hid his things from Seergaze? This would be faster than trying to scout all possible Seergaze-blocked location. But more dangerous. If we do this, some way to cloak our Fylgja would be helpful.

Looking at you, Dressed in Rags. And possible stuffing our Fylgja with tricks to keep it from dying if someone tries to kill it (Reinforce-Shield, looking at you).

Oh, also, Aki has Seeing Eyes. he might see more of the Curse, which might be helpful.
Gabriel: (7/10) Gabriel is a Squire, which honestly spooks you a little bit after the events of the raid. More importantly, though, is that he's sworn to help you annihilate the evil cursing your father's home.
Gabriel: (7/10) Gabriel is a thrall taken by Steinarr during a raid. He's about your age and is something called a 'Squire', whatever that means. He can apparently use that set of 'Knightly Armor' that Steinarr also brought back. He's started to warm up to you, if only a little bit.
Gabriel is 10/10 now. Good job us. He's also double-mentioned in Others.

We've speculated about it, but this *is* confirmation than Christian people who swear to us don't count for Jarlsoul.

I wonder if they also don't count for the various infocurses aimed at us. It would be an annoying pipeline to manage, but we might be able to get out censored information via a Halla -> Gabriel -> Whoever we want to tell, and vice-versa pipeline. Obviously this doesn't work if we want to make a good impression personally.. But it can be useful if we want to tell Abjorn stuff, for example.
"**Hardened-Soft Meets Black Man's End. Force of Fire is Low-Tide's Gift.**"="When the pottery breaks, it leaves an explosion behind"
Fister iirc mentioned the Whale Oil as even more clever than intended. What I wonder is if, would we write a new riddle, or re-interpret the existing riddle to allow, ex, Whale Oil?
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