Okay, so, we desperately need to get Halting Vortex up if fighting something with more Hamr than us, which the boss is probably gonna be. We won that one on the strength of Contested Movement and we can't rely on that...we need our emergency defense to not cost 8 orthstirr. I'm sincerely pretty sure there is no higher priority than that and that not focusing on getting that is decently likely to get Halla killed. So, keeping that in mind, I strongly urge people to switch their votes over to this plan:

[X] Plan Halting Vortex

-[X] (Personal) Spend time with...(Write in)
--[X] Gabriel and Jerasmus
--[X] Try and learn more about Christians
-[X] (Poetry) Try to realize an Inspiration (The Draugr)
-[X] (Personal) Spend time with... (Hallr)
--[X] See if he has any ideas on where you can take Ignition, and if he can help you train in its use. Now that you can do fire too, you want to do it well!

-[X] (Blackhand's Training) Try to develop old/train new hugareida tricks (Write in)
--[X] Train Halting-Vortex 8d6
--[X] Train Imaging Skill-Trick – 1 Reward Die courtesy of @jy3
--[X] Ask Hallr about how combining hugareida and muna works
-[X] (Steinarr's Training) Ask Steinarr to teach you a trick/some tricks (Write in)
--[X] Train Leaping-Cleave Trick 1d6
--[X] Ask more about Gabriel and Jerasmus's circumstances: Why haven't they been ransomed? It sounds like Gabriel is a member of some sort of order or brotherhood, don't they want to pay? Is there something else going on?
--[X] Ask both Steinarr and Hallr about how orthstirr transferring from the dying to their killer works, we've seen it a few times now and are curious how that functions
-[X] (Training) Hamr (30 successes to rank up)
--[X] Train Bas - 1 Reward Die courtesy of @Alectai
--[X] Train Glima 1d6
--[X] Train Throw 2d6
-[X] (Training) Hugr (31 successes to rank up)
--[X] Train Armorcraft 1d6
--[X] Train Composure 1d6
--[X] Train Housecraft 1d6
--[X] Train Scouting 2d6
--[X] Train Wordplay – 1 Reward Die courtesy of @Pempelune

-[X] (Orthstirr Usage)
--[X] 5 Hamr
--[X] 6 Hugr
--[X] 4 Fylgja
--[X] 3 Chop
--[X] 3 Defend
--[X] 3 Dodge
--[X] 2 Glima
--[X] 2/3 Composure (depending on whether we increase it with training)
--[X] 1/2 Scouting (depending on whether we increase it with training)
--[X] 3 Silver-Tongue
--[X] 1 First Impression
--[X] 3 Tactics
--[X] 2 Wildcraft
--[X] 3 Wordplay
--[X] 5/3 free for tricks (depending on whether we increase Composure and Scouting with training)

-[X] (Fylgja Capacity)
--[X] Shield
--[X] Good Work Knife
--[X] Set of Decent Tools
--[X] Travel pack of food, water, a blanket, and other survival stuff
---[X] Food and water replaced regularly if necessary (I dunno if storing stuff in the fylgja's capacity preserves it)

So, since we can't actually do more on the meteor this turn, we're left with other stuff. Poetic Inspiration does seem correct, and so does talking with Hallr. Additionally, the Christians are weird and exotic, let's find out more about them, both from them and from Dad. There's a temptation to write poetry about our own exploits but we're a mediocre poet at best...I think that can wait until we improve Wordplay a tad.

As for training, as I mention above, our first priority is a desperate need to get Halting Vortex Refined and thus down to 4 orthstirr if we can manage it...I'm hoping this will either do it, or get close enough that we can finish it off relatively cheap, but if not, I'm willing to throw as many dice at it as necessary next turn. I think we need what it does to win against a serious opponent with Hamr higher than our own.

We also need some semblance of Scouting before going on a raid pretty desperately, and could definitely use more Armorcraft, Glima, and Composure (it would also be a shame thematically to not throw at least a die into Glima after last turn). We're also picking up Throwing because our backup weapon seems throwable (being an axe), we throw out Inerita-Arresting Throw, we're about to have grenades, and Ignition seems very throwable...it seems relevant to our interests and should, I think, provide two more combat pool dice if we get level 1 (three more if we hit level 2, which is possible). We eventually need Management, Weaponcraft, Strategy, and Labor as well before the raid, I think (and Farmwork, Sailing, and Design during and after), but they're lower priorities comparatively.

We also continue steady progress on Leaping-Cleave, and start learning about the explosive charm...especially since we might need to use it in the boss fight. I'd really like to have it at Rough Trick level at a minimum so we have it learned enough to complete if we need to do that.

In terms of orthstirr, I think we need to start walking around a bit more prepared now that we have the orthstirr for it. I can't imagine us ever investing less than the 11 orthstirr (plus Hamr) noted here into combat, so it's a minor paranoia salve that costs us nothing real. The other skills all potentially come in useful, and we should get used to investing in things like Tactics, Wildcraft, and Scouting for the future when we're going raiding.

For the fylgja capacity stuff, I know the fylgja can't use a shield, but I feel like having a spare shield for Abjorn, or even for ourselves if we get disarmed, is free and see no reason not to put it in there. It's a convenient place to store basic supplies as well...like, right now I'm treating it as an emergency survival kit, with everything we need to handle an emergency where we lost our normal gear. That would include another spare weapon if we had one (probably in place of the shield), but we don't, so we'll go without for now. We'll remove one or all of these things if we need the capacity for something a bit more likely to come up, but we might as well make some use of the capacity while it's just sitting there empty.

EDIT: Explosive Charm is not available apparently, and II don't think it'll really alienate mom, but as people are worried about it, I've moved one die from Explosive Charm to Housecraft.
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Look, all I want from Ignite is a Hugareida that shoots fire out of our eyes.

I know we need to have a hand free to use it regardless, I just really wanna do it.
Don't we have toallocate Orthstirr here?

Technically no, but if we don't everything we roll for the entire turn is at only 1 die (including the poetry attempt on the Draugr). It's a definite problem with the plan, though one that's presumably quick to fix.

You forgot Alectai's Bash Reward Dice


I notice that you're not actually training any feminine skills. I kind of want to keep the momdice, and I feel like she might get upset at us if we neglect her again. She... pretty much did warn us, after all.

[X] Plan: Basics are God

Because it does not have this problem.

I can move a die to Management or Housecraft if it'll get your vote, though I honestly think Composure should count. But we need to not die more than we need anything else.

EDIT: And done, one die in Housecraft it is. That's as much in Housecraft as Basics Are God, @Sirrocco you willing to change it up?
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Seriously folks, to get into some math analysis, Plan Basics Are God, on average, increases Glima 4/9 of the time granting one bonus die and probably doesn't increased a single other combat skill due to dice averages...if it does, it's probably only one of them. It theoretically sets them up to be increased later, but that's 8 dice this turn, probably more next turn, and a lot of gambling for a total of 2-3 extra combat pool dice with no other benefits. Like, it averages somewhere less than 2 dice this turn, and costs probably at least a total of 12 dice over two turns or more to hit +3 dice.

Halting Vortex, meanwhile, almost certainly adds +2 combat pool immediately (from Throw getting to 1, an 8/9 chance) and maybe another two from Glima going to 2 (1/3 chance, only slightly lower than Basics Are God) or Throw to 2 (also a 1/3 chance). So it's usually gonna actually be a 3 die increase to combat pool and higher than Basics Are God, for a cost of only 3 to 6 dice over two turns to get that to +4 combat pool dice total.

Plus Plan Halting Vortex actually increases Halting Vortex a bunch, which is our best defense by a lot and absolutely necessary to reliably survive a serious high Hamr opponent, and thus I think necessary for our survival.

Like, in terms of combat pool dice (which seem to be the goal of Basics Are God), Halting Vortex probably adds more than Basics Are God and does other things to help us survive as well. It's fractionally less likely to raise Leaping Cleave (it does so 3/9 of the time rather than 4/9), but we don't need to Refine that super urgently since we're not usually gonna be using it more than once per combat, which makes the higher cost a lot less problematic.

Plan Halting Vortex also, at the moment, has our Poetry attempt at 10 dice rather than 1 die, and likewise our Silver-Tongue attempt to interact with people at 10 dice rather than 1 die. That might get fixed in Basics Are God, but it might also not so it seems worth keeping in mind.
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Okay. Since when does throw add to our base combat dice pool? I mean, I know that atgeir versatility lets us do some cheesy stuff with stacking combat skills, but I don't generally think of "two-handed polearm" as particularly throwable. If it somehow does work, it seems weirdly cheesy in bad ways, especially since we basically wouldn't ever throw the thing.
Okay. Since when does throw add to our base combat dice pool? I mean, I know that atgeir versatility lets us do some cheesy stuff with stacking combat skills, but I don't generally think of "two-handed polearm" as particularly throwable. If it somehow does work, it seems weirdly cheesy in bad ways, especially since we basically wouldn't ever throw the thing.

We regularly throw out Inertia-Arresting Throw, are likely to be throwing around other Hugareida attacks with our new fire-based one, can open combats by throwing Thievesbane if we really want, and so on...to say nothing of probably having grenades soon (that exploding charm, remember), which we'd definitely throw.

We have to use combat pool dice for all of those things, so I can't see any reason Throw wouldn't add to it. We're not throwing the atgeir...but we aren't grappling with it either and Glima still adds. As long as it's a viable part of the combat style it should add, and Throw certainly seems a viable part of our combat style to me.

Like, I'd assume Shoot and Slash wouldn't add because we don't have weapons or tactics that do those things, but we have exactly that for Throw.

Still, no reason not to check: @Imperial Fister does Throw add to our combat dice pool given that we have a bunch of throwing based combat tactics available?
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Orthstirr swirls around you just as afterimages flicker around the draugr.
again, the after image....
is it a Hamr 7 thing?
"Why does it feel like whenever I fight, I win because of luck rather than skill?" You whisper as you watch the draugr burn, your knees drawn up to your chest.

'Is there a difference?' Blackhand's answer draws you up short. 'And if there is one, does it matter?'

I decided to do it this way to emulate the importance of luck to the Norse. Also because I relish the suspense that dice rolling can generate.
Luck is a skill as well, Hallr is right about that.
I mean, it'd be really good for our hypothetical Enhanced Mobility Trick. Ignition absolutely should be able to be used to give you extra burst speed, and combining that with invisible platforms and you've got a very scary mobility combo.

Still, we should start with what we're most proficient at first. We can probably get a nice damage buff out of Ignition though without too much effort.

Still, while Standstill is a fantastic workhorse for us, it mostly comes into its own with sheer utility. This gives us bite.
as neat as ignition is, i would like to get a mobility trick that isnt a higreida. just so, we can use it in friendly competitions as well.
That after image thing is looking really good, for example....
-[X] (Personal) Gabriel
-[X] (Personal) Spend time with... (Hallr)
--[X] See if he has any ideas on where you can take Ignition, and if he can help you train in its use. Now that you can do fire too, you want to do it well!
-[X] (Blackhand's Training) Try to develop old/train new hugareida tricks (Write in)

You could do it as your free talking-while-training action
Yes, we can talk to them during training and sparring as well, yay for free actions!
Also, i think we should talk about what we learned from this fight with Steinar. He will surely be able to point us in the right directions.
Also, i wanna see what he and mom has to say about our late night adventure...
--[X] Train Halting-Vortex 8d6
It is important, yes, but throwing half our training dice on it? especially when its still isn't guaranteed to succeed? that's just too expensive.
I thank you for including the orthstirr question.

Now that i caught up with the thread, again....
Ignition: good, good, explosive tricks are neat. i see boost for movement and on attack explosions were mentioned. great.
Can i propose cleansing flames? mostly for the mundane utility, but well, the boss is venomous so...
There is also flare, both for attack and signaling. also, free throwing trick, again :V

i will throw up a plan later as well, because while both has things i like, they also miss something imo.
yeah, it does.

Anyways, I'm sleeping now

Sweet. Hope you get a good night's sleep.

I mean, I know that atgeir versatility lets us do some cheesy stuff with stacking combat skills, but I don't generally think of "two-handed polearm" as particularly throwable.

Total side note, but I also wanted to address the 'cheesy' thing here: The atgeir is good for being able to use three different skills, but not unique by any means. The most obvious other weapon that can do the same is the sword (most of which can definitely do Slash, Chop, and Pierce), and I suspect most weapons can do at least two (the fact you can Bash with the atgeir means you most likely can with almost any polearm). It's an advantage, to be sure, but seems part of the system assumptions.

again, the after image....
is it a Hamr 7 thing?

I think it's a '2Fold Hone' or '3Fold Hone' thing...that's what the two people who did it were using, and the Draugr seemed about on par with us in Hamr.

It is important, yes, but throwing half our training dice on it? especially when its still isn't guaranteed to succeed? that's just too expensive.
I thank you for including the orthstirr question.

I mean, 8 dice still average only 5 successes (which is the number we need). It sounds like a lot of dice, sure, but it's actually the bare minimum to give us good odds of actually getting the needed successes.

The point of front loading them is to ensure that, if we don't get it this turn, we at least can invest 3 or 4 dice and hopefully ensure our success next time. I'm not kidding when I say that I think it's very plausibly the difference between life and death for us to get it to Refined...no amount of success efficiency is worth dying over.

And if we do succeed and get the Trick Refined, then we won't have to put a single die into it next turn, which is certainly my hope and would let us do a lot of other good stuff.

And no problem, asking questions costs us little.
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what's the difference between a rough trick and a refined trick?

A Rough Trick one we've gotten to three successes...it's usable but costs double Orthstirr (8 in the case of Halting Vortex). Another 6 successes (9 total) and it becomes Refined, with normal cost (4 Orthstirr for Halting Vortex).

Dropping our defensive trick that makes most attacks automatically fail from costing 8 orthstirr to only 4 is a bigger bonus to our combat prowess than...almost anything, I think. Certainly bigger than anything else we actually have access to. We are 5 successes away from achieving this.

Like, in the proceeding fight, we had to gamble with Contested Movement to defend ourselves because Halting Vortex was too expensive to use all the time...if Halting Vortex were 4 Orthstirr, we wouldn't have gotten hit once that fight, and could do the same thing even vs. an enemy with higher Hamr than us (right now, vs. high Hamr enemies, we're not in good shape at all defensively).

Additionally, if we're actually gonna wind up protecting our baby brother, Halting Vortex can protect two people per usage at our level of Hugareida, so it's ideal for that specific situation.
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Additionally, if we're actually gonna wind up protecting our baby brother, Halting Vortex can protect two people per usage at our level of Hugareida, so it's ideal for that specific situation
If we need to use it that way, we are already in deep shit though.
Not to mention we would be either cornered or holding our baby brother in our arms, meaning no escape or no weapon.

And honestly, we should probably use IAT on the boss if it only has natural weapons.
I'm still worried about the possibility of it having a venom/poison spit attack...
If we need to use it that way, we are already in deep shit though.

I mean, yes, but I think it's the most likely scenario for an unavoidable boss fight. We obviously avoid that scenario if we can, but I'm pretty sure we shouldn't assume that it's avoidable.

Not to mention we would be either cornered or holding our baby brother in our arms, meaning no escape or no weapon.

Uh...no? My point was that, at our level of Hugareida Halting Vortex can protect both us and another person we are not holding, so it would let us readily protect our brother while still fighting,

And honestly, we should probably use IAT on the boss if it only has natural weapons.

Sure, but the two aren't mutually exclusive and IAT can be broken out of. Making Halting Vortex cheaper actually makes IAT more usable since we can afford it more easily rather than needing to hoard as much orthstirr for defenses.

I'm still worried about the possibility of it having a venom/poison spit attack...

Halting Vortex would work to stop that.
Like, what do you think is better for us to get than Halting Vortex? Because I sincerely can't think of anything that is even close to as good, and if you're moving dice away from it, they should be to something better, shouldn't they?
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mean, yes, but I think it's the most likely scenario for an unavoidable boss fight. We obviously avoid that scenario if we can, but I'm pretty sure we shouldn't assume that it's avoidable.
Yes, avoiding that situation to begin with is the most important, and honestly, I just can't se how Halla would stay alone with his baby brother. Mom and our other siblings should be there too to get them away. Especially if it happens at home.
Uh...no? My point was that, at our level of Hugareida Halting Vortex can protect both us and another person we are not holding, so it would let us readily protect our brother while still fighting,
I do admit I forgot about the upgrade.
The fact still remains though we would need to be close to our brother. And no baby should be near a fight.
Sure, but the two aren't mutually exclusive and IAT can be broken out of.
True, it can be broken and the boss will have the muscle power for it, most likely. Doesn't mean it's useless or that HV is better in every situation.
Like, what do you think is better for us to get than Halting Vortex? Because I sincerely can't think of anything that is even close to as good, and if you're moving dice away from it, they should be to something better, shouldn't they?
Oh, I do not disagree, it's important.
But not spending half our training dice important. 6 is the most I'm willing to spend.
Yes, avoiding that situation to begin with is the most important, and honestly, I just can't se how Halla would stay alone with his baby brother. Mom and our other siblings should be there too to get them away. Especially if it happens at home.

I mean, my suspicion is magic. Something snuck in and killed a previous sibling without getting caught. The scenario I'm envisioning is Steianarr and maybe Sten being away and everyone else being magically kept asleep with Halla only able to resist due to Hallr's presence. That's not necessarily correct, but it's possible and seems a scenario we should be ready for.

Oh, I do not disagree, it's important.
But not spending half our training dice important. 6 is the most I'm willing to spend.

Why is that important though?

The purpose of training dice is to acquire things. At 1-2 dice they do so slightly more efficiently, but that efficiency break amounts to, on two dice, less than a single success. What thing getting, generously, an extra 2 successes (by moving two dice from Halting Vortex to something else) is worth delaying getting Halting Vortex, and increasing the risk we won't get it in time?
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mean, my suspicion is magic. Something snuck in and killed a previous sibling without getting caught. The scenario I'm envisioning is Steianarr and maybe Sten being away and everyone else being magically kept asleep with Halla only able to resist due to Hallr's presence. That's not necessarily correct, but it's possible and seems a scenario we should be ready for.
Eh, doubt it will have that kinda magic or our late baby brother died whit such magic used.
If it's strong enough to keep adults asleep, it would have killed them too, probably.
Good old stealth can be just as scary and less obvious.
As for the scenario you brought up... I doubt it will be like that. Even if that comes true though, no way it can keep up the sleep magic in battle, especially if we throw some granades on it.

Why is that important though?

The purpose of training dice is to acquire things. At 1-2 dice they do so slightly more efficiently, but that efficiency break amounts to, on two dice, less than a single success. What thing getting, generously, an extra 2 successes (by moving two dice from Halting Vortex to something else) is worth delaying getting Halting Vortex?
As you said, we only need 5 successes.

As for what is worth the two dice?
Getting a defence, dodge or movement trick to vague, for example.
Eh, doubt it will have that kinda magic or our late baby brother died whit such magic used.
If it's strong enough to keep adults asleep, it would have killed them too, probably.
Good old stealth can be just as scary and less obvious.
As for the scenario you brought up... I doubt it will be like that. Even if that comes true though, no way it can keep up the sleep magic in battle, especially if we throw some granades on it.

It's a worst case scenario, but given that we're dealing with what's probably a necromancer summoning the undead to murder his enemy's children, I'm not sure that I buy 'that would be illogical' as a reason he wouldn't do something. I do suspect it wouldn't work on Steinarr...but that's why I suspect it will happen while he's away.

As you said, we only need 5 successes.

Right...and getting that on anything less than 8 dice is gonna be, like, a 1/3 chance at best. Probably less at 6 dice.

As for what is worth the two dice?
Getting a defence, dodge or movement trick to vague, for example.

Why is is better to do that this turn rather than next? I agree it'd be nice, but it doesn't need the redundant chances of success that I think Halting Vortex does as its increase in our combat prowess will likely be minimal (in the short term anyway).
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