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Any books we take from Drakenhof go into our private collection regardless of their contents, no one will gain say us and we're not going to give up any books just because they might have dark magic secrets in it. See the thing is ultimately no one will know what the books we find contain unless we tell people.

So far as I'm concerned they get locked in a vault like the Liber Mortis and we use them to expand our repertoire of anti dark magic skills as far as possible.
I don't think the forbidden texts will be in the Library to begin with. No reason not to keep them in Mathilde's personal library.

Exactly it's not like our personal and private collection stopped existing just because there's a massive library being built more importantly we have a personal vault that can be locked up with any sensitive and if it goes beyond that there's the other more locked down vaults.
Nobody is going to stop us from taking the vampire books.

Nobody is going to (successfully) raise a fuss about them, even if they get suspicious about our Dhar insight later.

We will remain a Lady Magister in good standing.

None of those things are in question.

What I'm trying to ask is if the existence of the vampire books changes the narrative people see when we justify our insight into Dhar.

Will thinking "maybe she's read the vampire books" make them more suspicious(even if they can't do anything about it), because we weren't supposed to read them? Or will it make them less suspicious, because the vampire books are a more innocent explanation than many alternatives?

It's not a super big deal or anything because yeah, the major concerns have been addressed. I'm just curious about the minor concerns, or if this might even be a positive.
Nobody is going to stop us from taking the vampire books.

Nobody is going to (successfully) raise a fuss about them, even if they get suspicious about our Dhar insight later.

We will remain a Lady Magister in good standing.

None of those things are in question.

What I'm trying to ask is if the existence of the vampire books changes the narrative people see when we justify our insight into Dhar.

Will thinking "maybe she's read the vampire books" make them more suspicious(even if they can't do anything about it), because we weren't supposed to read them? Or will it make them less suspicious, because the vampire books are a more innocent explanation than many alternatives?

It's not a super big deal or anything because yeah, the major concerns have been addressed. I'm just curious about the minor concerns, or if this might even be a positive.
We operate under the Grey College, whose standard procedure is constant paranoia and considering all possible scenarios. Mathilde has considered quite a few such scenarios and only eliminated them through logic, and even then she keeps it in the back of her mind, like Thorek's letter indicating a possible assassination attempt.

The Grey College has no reason to suspect that Mathilde has read the Liber Mortis. The Grey College would have reason to suspect that she read the Vampire Books if she lead an expedition to excavate them so she could personally take care of them, but that's just their standard procedure. Boney described the Deceiver's interaction with the Grey College to be Unstoppable Force vs Immovable Object, and that we wouldn't want to find out the result. A Grey not feeling suspicious or paranoid is a Grey failing to be a Grey. It helps that the suspicion falls under a trusted and proven individual.
Huh. So I've talked about how Kalita seems like Ladrielle, so He is evidnece that Ladrielle is Halétha, but now I've noticed something else. I read the wiki on Kalita and apparently it is said that He is sometimes said to be a nobleman in Dazh's court. Now, we have good reason to suspect that the Kislev Gods are perhaps Ellinilli, either the ones the elves worship or others who are unknown to them. Addaioth of the Elilinilli is a God of fire, just like Dazh, and previously I've said that I don't think He is a great fit for Dazh, but now I notice that Addaioth was saved by Ladrielle. Could it be that Halétha saved Dazh, and in return was granted a place in the Kislev pantheon? I suddenly find myself hoping that Karak Vlag happens to have some books on the Gods of Kislev...
Continuing my spontaneous reread...
"You have a price in mind, I take it." One that he does not want widely known, you would guess. That would explain why you're having this meeting here, far from any Dwarven ears except those sworn to Thorek's service.

"Two," he says frankly. "First, the descendants of ancient Dawi treason live fat, happy lives within Middenheim. There are many wrongs that must be punished before their own inherited sins are a priority for the Karaz Ankor, but they still hold the keys to Karaz Ghumzul. I need allies in the Empire to bring pressure to bear on them so they will surrender those keys, so that I might harvest a beginning of repayment from its ruins."

Most Imperial cities with a substantial population of expatriate Dwarves are very protective of such industrious and knowledgeable citizens, and Middenheim is no exception. Trying to bring pressure to bear on them would be politically fraught. But you knew that partnership with a Runelord as renowned as Thorek Ironbrow would not be cheap.
Is there an expected time table for when we should get around to doing this? Or, given that it was phrased as "Lend your influence to pressuring the expatriate Dwarves of Middenheim into revealing the secrets of their ancestral home", is it something that we're passively helping happen?

In the case of the former, is it reasonable to have the Hochlander do some preliminary investigation via the "EIC: Insert agents into a particular province, cult, company, or institution to start gathering their secrets" action?
Continuing my spontaneous reread...

Is there an expected time table for when we should get around to doing this? Or, given that it was phrased as "Lend your influence to pressuring the expatriate Dwarves of Middenheim into revealing the secrets of their ancestral home", is it something that we're passively helping happen?

In the case of the former, is it reasonable to have the Hochlander do some preliminary investigation via the "EIC: Insert agents into a particular province, cult, company, or institution to start gathering their secrets" action?
Has already happened. As in we wrote some letters. Which was apparently enough. This question has popped up independently of each other at least 4 times so don't worry too much, your not the only one not knowing.( I myself only remember from people asking)
Continuing my spontaneous reread...

Is there an expected time table for when we should get around to doing this? Or, given that it was phrased as "Lend your influence to pressuring the expatriate Dwarves of Middenheim into revealing the secrets of their ancestral home", is it something that we're passively helping happen?

In the case of the former, is it reasonable to have the Hochlander do some preliminary investigation via the "EIC: Insert agents into a particular province, cult, company, or institution to start gathering their secrets" action?
It's already been done. All it took was a letter. At the highest level something simple like that doesn't take much.
Continuing my spontaneous reread...

Is there an expected time table for when we should get around to doing this? Or, given that it was phrased as "Lend your influence to pressuring the expatriate Dwarves of Middenheim into revealing the secrets of their ancestral home", is it something that we're passively helping happen?

In the case of the former, is it reasonable to have the Hochlander do some preliminary investigation via the "EIC: Insert agents into a particular province, cult, company, or institution to start gathering their secrets" action?
Mathilde being known to have sent a letter may very well be creeping up on the level of Thorgrim officially enquiring as to what exactly you would be Umgi are mucking about with living in such a shoddy manner, and maybe two steps below Kragg personally showing up to glare at you wordlessly for your misdeeds.

But hopefully gentle hinting and pointing out that if they really want to keep their shameful secrets secret they should be actively aiding Thorek so they can claim guild or clan privilege on site did the job without the Elector Count's rep saying as if as an afterthought 'I will inform Thane Weber of your position'. Cuz that might actually make a dawi go Slayer.
@Boney Has Wilhelmine or Starke taken any apprentices before?
Also, would it be fair to say that Eike's aptitude and young age puts her as one of the best performing Apprentices in the Grey order percentile wise?
Taking a guess, I would say maybe for Wilhelmine and not likely for Starke. Wilhelmine is pretty old, having been there for Dieter's downfall in 2429 IC (around 60 years ago), so she's had plenty of time. Starke is closer to Mathilde in age and progression, as he is the second newest LM after Mathilde and hadn't seen Dragomas' previous coronation (coronation isn't the right word but I can't find the right word for becoming SP). The guy doesn't even have a staff yet because the last Turner died.

In fact, one could make fun of him for asking for an Apprentice before he got himself a Staff. I might do that.
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