Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
Even if we go Wizard, Emperor Magister Mandred II isn't impossible.

Like, if the Emperor keels over tomorrow, yeah not happening. But Luitpold isn't an old man, and twenty or thirty years is a lot of time for a sufficiently motivated Emperor to stack the deck. And there's a lot of deck stacking an Emperor can do. Then there's the fact that the Colleges aren't without political influence either and will back Mandred 110%.
Thing is, I don't know how much deck-stacking Luitpold would be capable of. Karl Franz in the OTL was pretty much as adept a statesman, diplomat and administrator as you could hope for in one man, and even then the best he managed in the first round of voting against Boris was a stalemate.

It has been said before; A Reikland Elector doesn't ever win the vote without the Cult of Sigmar. And good luck getting their support as a Wizard.
He's even worse in 4e.
He's in 4E? I'm pretty sure he was before the modern era.
Do we? Children sure, but I don't think we know if they're married.
It's an expression. Father-in-law is technically supposed to be for marriage, but if you've had a child with someone you'd still call them father-in-law. I 2000 words in I didn't have the energy to specificy that they may or may not be married. I use partner most of the time but it's difficult to express the fact that they've had children with that term.
I've seen those tidbits before, I believe in the wiki, and I think it's been regurgitated by people as well. It is definitely uncomfortable because it vaguely hints at a level of objectification that I don't like.

Yeah, the contrast between the two books on the subject is rather stark. For example, Stone and Steel says 'the bride is given the final decision on a marriage, and her favour is seen as a priceless gift rather than a commodity to be bought and sold', while Grudgelore says 'womenfolk are rare and thus quite sought after by amorous and ambitious dwarfs'. But Stone and Steel is written as factual whereas the section on 'Dwarf Womenfolk' in Grudgelore is explicitly the in-character writing of a human scholar who has 'gleaned a few scraps of information' from books, so it might be human projection rather than an outright lore inconsistency.
Grudgelore is written by a human? Sounds like the type of thing to get you grudged. How could you possibly title your book Grudgelore without spending decades taking the necessary lessons and instructions under a certified Loremaster?
@Boney I know you don't typically give character descriptions but I've been dying to know for a long while what Heidi looks like. Would you mind giving a basic description? My mind can fill in the blanks, I'd just like a place to start with.
Voting the neutral vote :V
I don't like the option of another god than Ranald: derailing his gambit by going for wizard is one thing, but I don't want to push Mandred to the competition.

[x] Wizard
[x] Ranald
Thing is, I don't know how much deck-stacking Luitpold would be capable of. Karl Franz in the OTL was pretty much as adept a statesman, diplomat and administrator as you could hope for in one man, and even then the best he managed in the first round of voting against Boris was a stalemate.

It has been said before; A Reikland Elector doesn't ever win the vote without the Cult of Sigmar. And good luck getting their support as a Wizard.
I think a better way of thinking about it is that Reikland Electors haven't needed the same level of support from the rest of the Empire because they have the Cult of Sigmar backing them. But even that's just a net +1 vote because the Ulricans and Middenland will reflexively oppose any candidate backed by the Cult of Sigmar. Being tight with the Sigmarities constrains almost as much as it helps.

Besides, this isn't OTL. If you lose the support base from the Cult of Sigmar you just need to build a new one. Reclaim Marrienburg, grant an Electorship to the Colleges, hell, give the Shayallans a vote if you're going to be pissing off the Sigmarities anyway. It's not easy but it's doable, and Heidi is a consummate operative.
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Worth noting that whatever the nominal opinion of ulric on magic is, Middenheim the center of the cult had a fucking wizard and alchemists guild way way WAY before Magnus the Pious got that shit legalized.
That's the origin of the guild in 4th edition, but not in 2nd edition.

More seriously, precedent would be entirely on Mandred's side, given that plenty of Grand Theogonists went ahead and declared themselves Emperor and it went unchallenged... in the parts of the Empire that still attended the Elector's Meets, during the Time of Three Emperors.
When did any Grand Theogonist declare themselves Emperor?

You've got fifteen Electors which means you need 8 votes:
According to Prince of Altdorf, you need 10 out of 15 votes to win.

Sigmar is not going to win, but I at least want Mathilde to consider it.

(Even if Sigmar won, I doubt that Heidi would go for it herself)

[x] Wizard
[x] Sigmar
[X] Grugni
Ranald is not well-suited for rulership, so why not go with a divinity that would fit superbly? Human worship of the Ancestor-God is an already existing thing and Sigmar should also be able to vibe with this choice.
It is a bit questionable whether Grugni would have experience with the whole 'Preventing Corruption' thing, but as a god he should be capable of figuring something out.
[X] Grugni
Ranald is not well-suited for rulership, so why not go with a divinity that would fit superbly? Human worship of the Ancestor-God is an already existing thing and Sigmar should also be able to vibe with this choice.
It is a bit questionable whether Grugni would have experience with the whole 'Preventing Corruption' thing, but as a god he should be capable of figuring something out.

Er... where would you find a priest of Grungi father of the Dwarfs willing to teach a human?
Paranoth is pretty callous. I suppose you could say he's looking at the bright side, but man, "this bad thing happening might be good because it means they'll come to us and that will make things better" is pretty cold. I suppose that's just part of his viewpoint. He was the guy that transitioned from "stop fighting" to "how can I benefit from this" in Araby pretty quick. It's probably how he survived so long.
He isn't outside of norm tbh. Us caring about people from other countries as more than abstract is pretty recent development. Mathilde herself likely thinks along those lines, at least, i haven't seen sign to the contrary yet.
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