Anton Kiesinger II: Former Diplomat to Abelhelm and the Baron of Blutdorf for all intents and purposes as his father is settling down to retire. Gregarious, honest, kind and very likable, he's so nonthreatening that he achieves diplomatic miracles on the regular. Solved the Flensburg problem, hired Asarnil, negotiated outrageous trade deals, and he's currently sitting on both a Crossbow and Gun factory in his province, dominating Stirland's ranged weapon construction. Considers Mathilde his little sister. His aunt was a Jade Wizard who died in service. Recently adopted Anton III as his heir and decided marriage was not for him, even if he enjoys Reinhild's company.
Anton Kiesinger III: Anton II's first cousin twice removed and currently his adopted son. 14 year old former ensign in the First Imperial Navy in Altdorf. Always puts his best effort at everything and a generally serious and diligent person. It was his idea to name himself Anton.
Anton Kiesinger I: Anton's father and the former Baron of Blutdorf, boisterous, jolly and energetic old man who is dedicating his twilight years to terrorizing the animals of the Nattern Forest. Currently suffering from forgetfulness and possible dementia in his older age.