Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
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[X] Karak Eight Peaks
[x] Laurelorn
[X] Border Princes

I'm surprised how lasting my good impression of Laurelorn is. None of the discussion so far have really made me move away from my initial preferences.
@BoneyM, I forgot what is the difference between Eonir and Asrai, can you please remind me what it is?

Eonir live in Laurelorn, and are basically Legolas. Asrai live in Athel Loren, and are basically that scene where the Ents attack Saruman's tower except instead of an evil industrial Wizard-God it's anyone who exists too close to their forest, and 'too close' is a varying distance that sometimes covers the entire Old World.

('Eonir are Legolas, Asrai are Feanor' is another possible answer, but probably unreasonably obscure)

Was not my intention, I apologize if that was the impression I made. If people don't want to work under Belegar, it's perfectly sensible (seeing as it indeed doesn't open any new doors, what with having enough dwarf favour to kind of get them on board regardless).
My intention was to point out that, unlike previous two-stage investigation-commitment vote, this time investigation of options locks out non-investigated options, in case of people thinking "well we already know about 8 Peaks, no reason to look into it more really".

I, for one, missed that line about lock-out on my first reading. :V

In general, if someone makes a valid vote and no other comment I'd prefer they not be singled out for questions at all, even if they vote for something like [*] Nagashizzar. If someone wants their only interaction with the thread to be reading the updates and then voting for their preference, I want that to be treated as valid.
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[X] Laurelorn
[X] Karak Eight Peaks

Laurelorn is my favorite here, because this project will require the cooperation of Dawi and Eonir. With our reputation and favors, we do not need to base in K8P to secure Dawi cooperation.

We are also trusted by dwarfs, to the point that they consider us one of them. We are about the only person would could base this with the elfs without burning important bridges. It also reassures the elven half of this equation.

But K8P is good also, if not I think optimal.
[X] Laurelorn
[X] Marienburg

Dwarven and Empire support are pretty locked-in regardless of where it's set up (with some inevitable wrangling and politics). Getting Ulthuan on board one way or another is by far the biggest boost to the project that could be bought at the low cost of choosing the right landlord.
Hmm, if we picked Laurelorn, could we use the Ancestor cults' proclamation to get the Sigmarites on side?
You know being a dwarf and all that :V
[X] Karak Eight Peaks
[X] Laurelorn
[X] Stirland
[X] Carcassone

I really want to see what Carcassone would entail - I'd really like for Mathilde to spend some time there too, as it's a fascinating place. So it got my vote!
One advantage of Marienburg: It will really fuck with people who have been following Mathilde's accidental "Fuck Marienburg" campaign. Only later will they realise the goal was never to destroy, but to suborn, and now she offers the carrot. Heidi is delighted by the possible advantages for her Ranald-plan. And if Marienburg declines the carrot... well, a sufficiently large carrot can also be used as a bludgeon, and a place full of imperial wizards and allies is a matter of some import if things were to get... exciting.

As is typical for a dwarf when matters of intrigue are concerned, the former Loremaster of Karak Eight Peaks will be quite surprised by the depth and brilliance of Lady Magister Weber's schemes when informed by a gushing fan.
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[X] Research Institute
[X] Karak Eight Peaks

Hmm, I'll have to check the discussion out more when I get a chance. This should do for now though, working out of K8P seems like a good choice since we have a waystone and runesmiths at hand. Also we already know the politics and have friendly relations.

Laurelon is surprisingly popular given that we've had very little to do with them other than a brief meeting and their generally mysterious nature.
... Is it just me, or does it sound like dwarves are obviously the better options between empire, dwarves, and elves? We don't know too much about the elves, the Empire won't let us use foreign magic users in a project that'll probably require lots of knowledge of foreign magic, and the only downside of going dwarves is that we can't get help from Marienburg. Do we care about that place? Would they actually be useful to our project? If not, I'm honestly not seeing why going dwarves is even a question for our project.
It's just you. For starters, how to work with foreign magic users as an empire project has already been covered
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