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@BoneyM, we've seen the elf ambassador who seemed to be a spellcaster (or who at least had interest in magical theory + excellent magical items + comes from a place where learning a bit of magic can be "part of the job"). Similarly, although Arsanil doesn't make a big show of it he is a spellcaster who regularly lives and works in the Empire.
Does this suggest that recruiting elves would be easier if their official job title wasn't wizard, but was something like "ambassador from Lorelorn" or "expert woodsman and Waystone-finder we hired"? Would some bosses be more open to this sort of loopholes than others, or is it just "if they like Lorelorn elves they'll turn a blind eye, if they don't like those elves they'll raise a stink" ?
While that might succeed, you're likely to encounter pushback from other Wizards, who might arguably be justified in feeling alarmed to find themselves party to playing chicken with the Templars. 'The Articles are more what you'd call guidelines, than actual rules' is a hell of a hurdle to introduce to your recruiting efforts. And just because Elven diplomats with the full backing of Ulthuan can get away with it, doesn't necessarily mean that everything will be hunky-dory if Mathilde tries to make exploiting it an institutional policy.
It seems obvious to me that its way easier to look the other way at the magical elf getting away with being an ambassador when they're actually acting as an ambassador instead of doing magical research.
[X] Karak Eight Peaks
[X] Laurelorn
[X] Praag

Gotta have Karak Eight Peaks in the list because whatever info we get about the other ones we know Karak Eight Peaks is gonna be reliable for a lot of our desired metrics, Laurelorn is a major buy in that it'd be nice to know the benefits of and fuck it I want the deets on what remnants of the Fire Tower exist and/or what making a new one would look like.
@BoneyM I don't want to sound dissatisfied or anything, but I do find it slightly unexpected that we didn't get much of wrap-up/closure after the Dum Expedition before diving straight into planning our next job.

The narrative screen-time has given me the impression that Mathilde hasn't gotten any downtime to fully catch up on things. Stuff like meeting Thorgrim, what the Ducklings did, the Marienburg situation, etc.
I'm unsure if this is just part of the rework introducing a new story arc, but are we still getting them eventually? Since time must be elapsing while Mathilde is chasing down leads for the project.
@BoneyM I don't want to sound dissatisfied or anything, but I do find it slightly unexpected that we didn't get much of wrap-up/closure after the Dum Expedition before diving straight into planning our next job.

The narrative screen-time has given me the impression that Mathilde hasn't gotten any downtime to fully catch up on things. Stuff like meeting Thorgrim, what the Ducklings did, the Marienburg situation, etc.
I'm unsure if this is just part of the rework introducing a new story arc, but are we still getting them eventually? Since time must be elapsing while Mathilde is chasing down leads for the project.

It'd be much more organic and narratively satisfying to break this up between parts of the closure and wrap-up, but I've tried putting narrative first in the past and it did not go great. Putting an end to the question of 'what next' needs to happen to keep the thread manageable.
It'd be much more organic and narratively satisfying to break this up between parts of the closure and wrap-up, but I've tried putting narrative first in the past and it did not go great. Putting an end to the question of 'what next' needs to happen to keep the thread manageable.
Worst case, you can always change the threadmark order later on. Have the thread vote on "what next" now, then do the socials and lessons learned but put those threadmarks before the "what next" vote.
The narrative screen-time has given me the impression that Mathilde hasn't gotten any downtime to fully catch up on things. Stuff like meeting Thorgrim, what the Ducklings did, the Marienburg situation, etc.
I'm unsure if this is just part of the rework introducing a new story arc, but are we still getting them eventually? Since time must be elapsing while Mathilde is chasing down leads for the project.
There was also the issue of not getting the most situation appropriate shinies for the tasks ahead, because we did not know what the tasks ahead were going to be at the time of selecting them. Its best to get this out of the way.
Getting the Eonir further on board would be nice, it is also the only option explicitly mentioning Ulthuani assistance (outside of maybe Marienburg, and I don't think they want imperial wizards or dwarf runesmiths in their city right now), and the guardians of the vortex might still know a thing or two.
[X]Karak Eight Peaks
The friendliest landlord and by far the easiest access to runelore. Might also make it easier to recruit Thorek or Kragg, though I wouldn't hold out much hope for either of them. Also has eight waystones in relatively close proximity, which may be useful.
On the other hand, Mathildes standing with the dwarfs can get most of what Eight Peaks offers.
[X]Research Institute
Personally Grey Order looks better to me considering Algards support of the project, but I don't remember enough about inter college relations to know how beneficial/detrimental that reputation reset could be. The Jade Order especially could make valuable consultants.
That plus Grey Order is what I think might be the best options.
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[x] Laurelorn
[x] Carcassone
[x] Praag
I take it you do not want to ever work under K8P on that? Because, well...
Vote for as many possibilities as appeal to you. Mathilde will seek further details of the winning four and the final decision will be made amongst those four plus 'Grey Order', which is the 'default' position and has no further details to seek. Anything that does not make the final four cut-off will not be a possibility for the final vote.

Anything not voted for here will not be an option to work under.
Absolutely don't do this. Interrogating people over their vote makes for an extremely hostile thread environment.
Was not my intention, I apologize if that was the impression I made. If people don't want to work under Belegar, it's perfectly sensible (seeing as it indeed doesn't open any new doors, what with having enough dwarf favour to kind of get them on board regardless).
My intention was to point out that, unlike previous two-stage investigation-commitment vote, this time investigation of options locks out non-investigated options, in case of people thinking "well we already know about 8 Peaks, no reason to look into it more really".

I, for one, missed that line about lock-out on my first reading. :V
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