@torroar So I was looking around my giant pile of notepad files because I'm disorganization personified, and I found a half finished list of mercenary ideas for the quest, which I promptly, well, finished.
Ulric's Blades [Race: Human] [Origins: Middenland] [Description: Originally formed by a group of former Swords of Ulric who, while deemed too old to continue their service, refused to stop fighting lest they be seen as lesser in the eyes of their God. Over the years, new blood from their home province has seen the company expand far beyond what was originally expected. Now, dedicating themselves to the God of Wolves and Winter, they wander the Empire in hopes of embarrassing Sigmarites and making their home of Middenland proud.]
[Numbers: 1000 Swordsmen, 50 Former Swords of Ulric, 1 Siegfried Wulfheart]
Osmund's Outcasts [Race: Human] [Origins: The Empire] [Description: A group of former thieves, burglars, cutthroats and other undesirables who follow the mysterious Osmund, a self-proclaimed priest of Ranald, on his travels whether it be in the hopes of wealth, a sense of piety, or redemption in the eyes of Ranald. Due to their devotion to the Protector, alongside general past crimes committed, they are wanted in numerous parts of the Old World, and are rather selective about who they're willing to work for, whether that be combat or more clandestine activities.] [Numbers: 50 Stealth specialists, 1 Priest of Ranald Osmund the Devoted]
Aebrion's Oath &
The Quarrelsome Rangers [Race: Elf, Dwarf]
[Origins: The Old World] [Description: While technically two separate mercenary companies, after a night of self-praise by Aebrion at the expense of their temporary allies, followed by a barely-avoided grudge nearly being leveled, the two effectively became, ironically, joined at the hip. A fierce rivalry developed between them, and both are driven to outdo the other with their prides forever stopping them from backing down. Where one goes, the other follows, lest they be deemed the losers.]
[100 High Elf Archers, 100 Dwarf Rangers, 1 Aebrion the Honorable, 1 Mercenary-Thane Olaff Redbeard]
The Bloody Triumvirate [Race: Human, Orc, Elf] [Origins: The Badlands, presumed] [Description: A group of bloodthirsty elites tenuously united in the pursuit of battle. While their exact origin is a matter of debate, what is known is that anyone willing to pay for this ticking time-bomb will get their money's worth and more on the battlefield.] [Numbers: 63 Elite Norscan Berserkers, 60 Black Orc Big 'Uns, 75 Witch Elves, 1 Erik the Goresoaked, 1 Black Orc Big Boss Dorgul Grimfang, 1 Death Hag Anethra Fellshade]