"Stop smiling," Fjolla mutters, eyeing Dolgi in annoyance.
"I'm just so happy for you!" he chatters excitedly, the dwarfs around them thankfully not hearing through the din of the bar, "Have you told Klorah yet?"
I'm with Dolgi, this is awesome. Of course, now we have to think of wedding gifts! Damned if we'll let the apprentices outdo us!
because you and Valka agreed on having the proper level of defences set up within the Karak proper;
"So, what defenses do you want?"
A round of hissing and nodding.
"What a waste of a Lava river that would be..."
I love the bickering/discussions among the more engineer-y of the Hearth Guard. They take such silly things so seriously.
"Three hundred and fifty-seven," Gimli mutters offhandedly as the elf pulls out the master-crafted weapon and hands it to him.
"That can't be right. When did you kill another 2?" he asks, looking at Gimli curiously.
with bags having the most growth while anything larger than a barrel saw smaller and smaller gains.
DAMMIT! That puts a real crimp in the "Mammoth Gronti Field Hospital" idea, which I really liked as an expansion of OId Grumbler's concept. Hopefully we'll have a research option to refine this rune.
The Rune had few to no similarities to any Runes you knew of.
Interesting. An orphan rune, like MWaking.
Of course one of the first things you tried to do was put a bag with the Rune of Stacking inside another bag with the Rune of Stacking. That in itself seemed fine, even when you put items inside that bag. But if that bag contained items in excess of its normal volume those contents would be jettisoned, either into the bigger bag or if that bag was full, then flying out through an opening or through the container if it was weak enough.
*whimpers in D&D*
The Hammerspite is silent, watching the latest in a long line of Stoneplates to come to his shop with inscrutable intent.
Well effing done, Nain.
We are such a good teacher.
Tinbeard? What self-respecting dwarf takes that name? It's got to be colour-related, it's the only thing that makes sense.
You hum, falling silent as Dolgi and Snerra begin speaking about his daughters' progress. The passing of time being marked by the sounds of construction below, the chanting of the current batch of Masters off in their own little section, and the idle chatter between your charges as Fjolla finishes pulling her length of wire.
Our Rune-Family is wonderful.
"We starting on three again or are you going to get overeager and fire your bow too early again?"
"What is it your folk say? Bah, I believe?"
"HAHA, NOW THAT'S AN AGREEMENT IF I EVER HEARD ONE," Gimli shouts, running at the Ghorgon faster and faster as his belt begins to glow.
"A DWARF CAN KILL BOTH!" he shouts, slamming the axe into the back of the minotaur's head with a yell of fury.
@soulcake, it's late and I'm having to suppress my chuckling to avoid waking people up.
"Metal of mind and body. Bound to the earth and stone, who shuns the sky. As the Stormcallers and Bloodhunters before you, I name your role and all those who follow you Silverbearer. Delve into your craft, create that which will aid our flock, anger not The Ones who Are From Stone, and you shall bear my blessing until you break mine trust," their Lord announces, voice echoing through the Unseen Winds tinged with Sapphire and Diamond, but now with minute flecks of Gold.
Holy. Shit.
KotS can pick up new winds from his subjects? And apparently has already picked up
Hysh as well? Ye gods, how long till he's working on
[ ] [Trial:] Write-in a trial for each Rune, or make it clear the trial is for both. Be general, set the aesthetic of the trial and Snorri will do his best to match it and keep within acceptable norms.
[X]{Trial: Rune of Repair] In Valaya's name, perform an act of charity in keeping with her traditions, the worth of which to be judged by Snorri. Examples might include runing a foundling ward or the headquarters of a new clan; donating sizable amounts of runework/resources to a worthy cause, etc.
[X][Trial: Rune of Stacking] A test of productivity - the journeyman must produce a large number of weapons of acceptable quality in a very tight time frame. Regardless of whether they are judged worthy, all acceptable weapons they produce are to be donated to the throng of a northern karak that can use them.