Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
Voting is open
[X] Attempt to approach Morghur to see if he can be communicated with
[X] Attempt to scout the forest at the base of the Karak
[X] Attempt to infiltrate the Karak with magic
[X] Attempt to infiltrate the Karak without magic

Maybe I suck at risk assessment but at least there is reassurance that Mathilde's demise would lead to new quest rather than no quest.
I'm... torn. On the one hand, I really do feel like we're right on the edge of getting a clear picture of what's going on here. On the other, any further information gathering carries risks that probably vary from 'significant' to 'roll a natural 100 not to die'. I have no idea what to do, and as such I'm going to refrain from voting.
[X] Attempt to approach Morghur to see if he can be communicated with
[X] Attempt to scout the forest at the base of the Karak
[X] Attempt to infiltrate the Karak with magic
[X] Attempt to infiltrate the Karak without magic
[X] Approach the Kul camp peacefully and attempt to discuss the Karak with them
[X] Approach the Kvellige camp peacefully and attempt to discuss the Karak with them
[x] Approach the Kvellige camp peacefully and attempt to discuss the Karak with them
[x] Attempt to intercept a Kurgan war-party en route to attack the Karag and the Beastmen
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I'm not an expert on Runes
Hah. I mean it's true among Dwarves, but does Mathilde know of any Human that knows more than her about Dwarven Runes?
"If our descendants are going to be faced with another variety of Chaos Dwarf, any information we can give them would be of benefit," Sir Joerg says.
Huh. Didn't expect that of him.

Yeah. I don't have much to add other than that this chapter was awesome. A broad range of intelligence gathered and all of it ranging from "not really helpful" to "what the fuck is going on". I definitely enjoy it.

Then again, I already swore myself to madness and could live with a Quest that is about figuring this out, Kurgan anthropology and slowly but inexorably falling to some of the many flavors of Chaos.
[x] [X] Attempt to approach Morghur to see if he can be communicated with
[x] Attempt to infiltrate the Karak without magic
*Briefly breaks surface, just in time for bedtime*
Something noncontroversial then!
From what I've gathered from hunting communities, even in a cold environment a kill is no good after 24 hours. The Expedition can try to experiment with feeding bad meat to their heavy-hitters, but nobody's really keen on the idea.
Speaking personally as a hunter... it really depends. Your immune system plays a big part. If you've eaten frozen, vacuum sealed meat your whole life, and you regularly wash your hands, your immune system is going to be far less hardy than some nutter who lives in the woods and leaves his meat on a drying rack in the woods. Our knights of Taal would probably be able to gamble on meat that's been left out for two days with good odds of nothing worse than feeling slightly queasy as long as they cooked it thoroughly before eating. You can find some time lapse videos of meat decay on youtube which are fairly illustrative.
Animals such as their mounts? 3 days should be fine, not ideal, but fine; anything older than that is rolling the dice unless you doused it in salt or smoked it. Scavengers on the other hand can eat some very nasty stuff with few ill effects.
There's also an option of cooking the meat on the go; boiled will probably last week in this climate, not counting dhar poisoning.
The main parts here are:
-Offal, brain and viscera - This goes bad really quickly, and will spoil everything it is in contact with. However the viscera are also the most calorie dense parts short of the fat, feeding them to obligate carnivores is a great idea.

-Fluids - Blood, bile, all the miscellaneous juices. These are not intrinsically easy to spoil, but being liquids, if any part is contaminated, they will rapidly ensure that every part touching the liquid will be in short order. Drain and dispose unless you know what you're doing.

-Fur and hides - Spoils very slowly. Very limited nutritional value. However, they can trap fluids, so remove. There's probably some use for rawhide, but in the worst case they're edible enough.

-Bone - Does lose nutritional value over time, but has rather limited amounts of what you can get. Given water and heat, you can make bone broth/stew to stretch other food supplies, and the resultant broth can keep fairly well, even if its not especially nutrient dense. Takes a lot of boiling however, so watch out if water and fuel may be short.

-Fat - This actually keeps fairly well once cooked and represents a very large amount of calories, if disgusting to eat on its own. Emergency food, or padding for high volume,low calorie foods. After all, almost anything's palatable once deep fried in lard...

-Muscle - This keeps pretty good if dried out or smoked, both of which we have many means to do so with. Jerky is likely the most palatable long term foodstuff.
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This is a case of what the fuck. I'm not asking for volunteers to test Morghur's corruption aura and maybe become spawn. Not going to vote to be a guinea pig ourselves. That leaves infiltration (very dangerous) and asking tribes. But they won't know what happened and asking too many questions can arose suspicion. So wait and see or just leave. If nothing else, nothing happens, or someone comes to us.
[X] Fortify here and see if anything interesting happens over the next day

[x] Leave
[X] Fortify here and see if anything interesting happens over the next day
[X] Attempt to scout the forest at the base of the Karak
-[x] Attempt to collect specimens to examine for clues.
[X] Continue examining the bones focus on beastmen and human bones, find evidence of any rapid mutation or lack of rapid mutation to acertain the abilities of Morghur.
[X] Attempt to approach Morghur to see if he can be communicated with
-[x] Try throwing in a letter attached to a rock, or any other methods that allows you to maintain distance, throw as many letters in as many language as you can, include Asarnil if elven language is needed, and include easy instructions that shows signs that Morghur or the beastman understood the letter.
-[x] Make a gift basket, fill it with some of Borek's belongings, give him his money back and what you owe him
-[x] Consult the dwarves on how to communicate with Karag Dum either with the banner or a symbol of peace and parley.
-[x] Ask Asarnil and some dwarves help, write letters in different languages to both Borek and Morghur, enclosed in the gift basket, the letters contain writings of Mathilde's tittles, her deeds to help the dwarfs, how the WE spiders were accepted, K8P was reclaimed, Congratulate Karag Dum for all their work in surviving the odds, and that their endurance is about to pay off, try to claim the life debt from saving Borek, Plead with him by writing about the sacrifices of Gortek and the engineers that died, by asking him to write back to you, ask him to continue his duty to Karag Dum, by cooperating with you to help reunite with K8P and the main dwarven capital, your willing to vouch for them with your accomplishments in helping dwarfkind, Karag Vlag has been rescued, despite the odds, and you need him to work with you to help Karag Dum, he should not give up yet, write to Morhur too, and write that you want to talk to him and help his people and Karag Dum, and if either the beastmen or Morghur can understand you please stick Mathilde's personal banner in the forest edge and place some plants near the desert.
-[x] Include in the gift basket some food and some dwarven weapons.
-[x] Carry the banner of K8P and Karag Dum or their equivalent of a symbol along with your personal banner and the gift basket, and maintain a safe distance (how far Morghur was from the expedition) between you and the beastmen, if either of beastmen approaches drop the basket and maintain safe distance and observe them. If they don't approach the basket , wait for them to leave than carry the basket up to near the forest or slightly inside it.
[X] Approach the Kul camp peacefully and attempt to discuss the Karak with them
[X] Approach the Kvellige camp peacefully and attempt to discuss the Karak with them
[X] Attempt to intercept a Kurgan war-party en route to attack the Karag and the Beastmen
- Hopefully, this will trigger the Protector and implant the knowledge that you protected them in both the Beastmen and any remaining inhabitants of the Karak.
If attempted diplomacy fails with Morghur. Infiltrate as last resort.
[x] Attempt to infiltrate the Karak without magic
[x] Attempt to infiltrate the Karak with magic

Change my mind about the Kurgan, technically we are supposed to be protecting Karak Dum and rescuing them. So we would have clash with a chaos warband eventually.
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[X] Approach the Kvellige camp peacefully and attempt to discuss the Karak with them
[X] Fortify here and see if anything interesting happens over the next day
[X] Leave
This is a case of what the fuck. I'm not asking for volunteers to test Morghur's corruption aura and maybe become spawn. Not going to vote to be a guinea pig ourselves.
Theres quite a lot of evidence suggesting Morghur doesn't have a corruption aura, or if he does, there is a lot of energy invested into ensuring that what it does is being undone
Just saying, our job was not to evacuate or establish a new line of communication to Karag Dum here. Our job was to get there are see what could be done. If there were still holdouts barely clinging on, it would have been evacuation. Borek, in his optimism and desparate hope assumed that we might be able to restablish contact; if they were all gone, it would have been to salvage what artifacts were left and get the hell out. We now know roughly what happened, the Dwarfs of Karag Dum did something that their heir assumes the rest of the Karaz Ankor would damn them for knowing.
Staying only makes the resulting knowledge more or less tragic in some way and represents a not-insignificant danger in doing so. While sticking around for a day is probably the least dangerous of the options, talking to the Dolgan last time involved a roll to see if they had a Slaanesh shaman with them that would notify them of our reclamation of Karak Vlag and I'm not willing to risk getting harried by a raiding party on the way back and losing some more people.
[x] Approach the Kul camp peacefully and attempt to discuss the Karak with them
[x] Approach the Kvellige camp peacefully and attempt to discuss the Karak with them
[x] Fortify here and see if anything interesting happens over the next day
Slightly behind on catching up to the thread but -
With a tiny fizzle of Divine energy, a tiny piece of rock disappears from the lip of the crater, replaced by a few grains of sand that tumble down to join the rest of the desert.



The checkmark is the result rolled, 'canon' is the situation in Gotrek and Felix.

Could it that the axis on this is Space-Time displacement?

Vertical is space and horizontal is Time?
Adding the talking actions to my vote. I wonder if we'll get to see "Morghur" in action?

Also, if they're amenable to talking, then we can just ask their shamans if casting near "Morghur" comes with a serious risk of turning into a Chaos Spawn.

[x] try throwing in a letter attached to a rock.
[x] This is clearly some Divine non-Chaos effect. And it's fighting Chaos and the Chaos Wastes. So you are obligated to try to help, but no more. Go the the edge of the forest and set up a table to wait till nightfall. Have a Dwarf either/and or carve the name, rank and station of Loremaster of K8Ps and the Karaz Ankor, or announce you(or whatever else the procedure is for a formal envoy approaching a friendly Karak in Karaz Ankor). If anyone does show up, thank them for their service against Chaos and ask what message/assistance they require and see what knowledge they might be willing to give back, to be preserved. Do not step one foot inside the forest without an invitation.
[x] Approach the Kul camp peacefully and attempt to discuss the Karak with them
[x] Approach the Kvellige camp peacefully and attempt to discuss the Karak with them
[x] Attempt to approach Morghur to see if he can be communicated with
[x] Attempt to infiltrate the Karak with magic
[x] Attempt to infiltrate the Karak without magic
and as for the Everqueen, it wasn't long after that she found she much preferred the brother of your Teclis than the company of the Phoenix King
Obviously hearing things through the lens of Asarnil's view is a rather biased account, but I did wonder- you're going with Allarielle being the Everqueen before the Dark Elf Invasion around 2300 IC?

Well, that or Allarielle's mother also had the hots for Tyrion.
Technically speaking, I don't think Borek is the prince? Or at least, there's no evidence of that I've seen in-quest, though he is a member of the royal clan.

He's not even a Thane of Karag Dum. He's a Thane of Karak Kadrin, and they only gave him the title so he could have actual authority over the expedition.

If they hadn't, Mathilde would probably have been the highest ranking dwarf on the expedition.
[x] Approach the Kul camp peacefully and attempt to discuss the Karak with them
[x] Approach the Kvellige camp peacefully and attempt to discuss the Karak with them
[x] Fortify here and see if anything interesting happens over the next day
Voting is open