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And that's just silly.

No it isn't. The expedition has three weeks of supplies with no mockery of death, they lose a single land ship on the way back because say the road gives out and they're down to two weeks of supplies at best, they lose two and they're down to a week of supplies and they die for sure, if Mathilde dies the logistics situation becomes extremely dire, if Mathilde dies and one supply ship is lost then the expedition will be running on half rations an will not be in fighting shape on the way back and will have lost significant fighting force in the form of last cannons and so will be much more vulnerable to attack. Losing two land ships is the death knell of the entire expedition and losing two land ships is more likely than not on the way back as we're likely taking the same route.
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I know it's early days but infiltrate with magic is literally the 2nd most dangerous option we have on the list and if we do it and get chaos spawned every one on the expedition probably dies.
A hypothetical danger, given we have seen that the 'Shadowgrave' didn't turn Borek into a dripping pile of flesh upon immediate contact. So we have reason to doubt the validity of this being the actual legendary Beastmen, or if not that then the present capability of inflicting spawndum upon us. As so far we are assuming that effect is in play when it very much could not be at all, granted that isnt to say there is no risk to the Beastmen present regardless.
It shouldn't take more than 1-2 hours to talk to the Kvellige and we could gain very useful information from them, like if Cor-Dum has his aura.

All in all, I think it'd give us quite similar information to what we would gain fortifying in far less time, so I'm adding it to my vote.

[X] Fortify here and see if anything interesting happens over the next day
[X] Approach the Kvellige camp peacefully and attempt to discuss the Karak with them
A hypothetical danger, given we have seen that the 'Shadowgrave' didn't turn Borek into a dripping pile of flesh upon immediate contact. So we have reason to doubt the validity of this being the actual legendary Beastmen, or if not that then the present capability of inflicting spawndum upon us. As so far we are assuming that effect is in play when it very much could not be at all, granted that isnt to say there is no risk to the Beastmen present regardless.

Yes, but it's one we've done nothing to verify or check. There's precisely one sensible option if we're staying and that's to try and talk with the kvellige, only problem is we might end up interacting with a shaman of the four instead of the eight or the 1-2.
Actually how strong the Kvellige are? Like, if we talked to them and everything went wrong (but we managed to retreat to the expedition) could we take them?
Yes, but it's one we've done nothing to verify or check. There's precisely one sensible option if we're staying and that's to try and talk with the kvellige, only problem is we might end up interacting with a shaman of the four instead of the eight or the 1-2.
Have we seen any chaos spawn? Morghur has been here for like 200 years, and Kurgan test themselves against him, if he was in the habit of making chaos spawn, we would probably see chaos spawn.
I want to circle back to the gods theory, because we know something fucky is happening with the gods of the old world.

First, Sigmar refused to heal Van Hal, allegedly because Sigmar needs Van Hal's soul for... something. (Okay, this was a result of bad dice, but I trust Boney to have retcon'd in an appropriate in universe explanation).

Thanks to Kasimir's investigations, we also know that Sylvania still worships many old gods, some of whom are theorised to be keeping powerful vampires sealed away.

Next, humans have been worshipping elven gods. The first sign of this was the cult of Kurnous (god of the hunt) in Talabecland, the second was the cult of Styriss (god of poachers) that was worshipping Anath Raema (dark elf goddess of the savage hunt) that Gehenna found. Khaine was also an option for Mathilde at character creation as well, so he's around somewhere.

Then we find out the Eonir have embraced the worship of Ulric, and the Ar-Ulric is allied to them. I wouldn't be surprised if they adopt Taal and Rhea as well. They also want to link our waystones to theirs.

The Skaven are in civil war despite their only god divinely mandating unity, and the agitators of this civil war is clan pestilens, aka the most sus clan of all time, who wield Nurgle-like powers in their war against the slann.

There was also that ritual to separate Gork from Mork (instigated by Tzeentch), which we instead used to empower Ranald, who immediately used that power to marry his high priestess to the Emperor AKA the spiritual and legal successor of Sigmar.

Grombrindal is wandering around and joined the reconquest of Karak Eight Peaks, a war that probably saw a human general briefly possessed by one of the ancestors (I'm not sure how canon 'Karak Umgi' is). Humans have also started worshipping the ancestor gods.

We're friends with a dragon that believes that most pantheons are just cultural interpretations of the same set of gods, and that the eight winds might also be gods (a belief shared by the kurgan), but was shocked to discover the dwarven gods didn't fit their pan-pantheon theory.

We also learned the Ancient Widow desires reconciliation between Ranald and the Kislev gods. Ranald was wary of this offer, but not, I think, dismissive, and we'll probably arrive back in Kislev just in time to witness a state visit from the Emperor and his wife.

And now we have a spooky forest, a beastman demigod*, and a divinely created/transposed desert that's probably made from Nekaheran sand surrounding a waystone that's eating Dhar, all in the middle of the chaos waste, and it's all apparently in service to dwarves that have rejected their ancestors wisdom.

Like, what the fuck is going on?

There is some seriously divine fuckery going on and it's freaking me out.

*not actually a divine being, just worshipped as one.

Also, worship no longer looks like a real word anymore.
No it isn't. The expedition has three weeks of supplies with no mockery of death, they lose a single land ship on the way back because say the road gives out and they're down to two weeks of supplies at best, they lose two and they're down to a week of supplies and they die for sure, if Mathilde dies the logistics situation becomes extremely dire, if Mathilde dies and one supply ship is lost then the expedition will be running on half rations an will not be in fighting shape on the way back and will have lost significant fighting force in the form of last cannons and so will be much more vulnerable to attack. Losing two land ships is the death knell of the entire expedition and losing two land ships is more likely than not on the way back as we're likely taking the same route.
Okay, so maybe they're on half rations for the last two weeks of the trip. Maybe they have Deathfang hunt for them. Or maybe they starve. Does any of that matter?

If Mathilde rolls a 1 and Morghur one finger death punches us into a mindless Chaos monster, who cares about what happens next month?
Okay, so maybe they're on half rations for the last two weeks of the trip. Maybe they have Deathfang hunt for them. Or maybe they starve. Does any of that matter?

If Mathilde rolls a 1 and Morghur one finger death punches us into a mindless Chaos monster, who cares about what happens next month?

Mathilde if she has any sense of morality. Treating the world as if it ends with you is solipsistic.
Okay, so maybe they're on half rations for the last two weeks of the trip. Maybe they have Deathfang hunt for them. Or maybe they starve. Does any of that matter?

If Mathilde rolls a 1 and Morghur one finger death punches us into a mindless Chaos monster, who cares about what happens next month?

If this is actual Morghur that isn't the realm of a critfail it's the realm of an average roll. More importantly I care, yes it matters. The quest ending alone would be bad enough but getting every one who came with Mathilde killed because of curiosity would suck.
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If Fortify does win, wow, will Mathilde convince the Council to stick around? Has she already accumulated the authority needed for them to agree to her plan instead of their near-unanimous desire to gtfo? This feels like a really hard sell, as I am certainly not sold on it.
Actually how strong the Kvellige are? Like, if we talked to them and everything went wrong (but we managed to retreat to the expedition) could we take them?

We don't really know much of anything about them, just that there's a moderate sized encampment. That's very unlikely to be their entire tribe but it's probably all that's relevant to us. So depending on what moderate means (I'd guess it means around 1 thousand) and what sort of high tier units they have both change the odds significantly.
[x] Ask for a volunteer to approach Morghur to see if he can be communicated with
[x] Approach the Kul camp peacefully and attempt to discuss the Karak with them
[x] Approach the Kvellige camp peacefully and attempt to discuss the Karak with them
[x] Attempt to scout the forest at the base of the Karak
[x] Leave
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I like that, it's like a more respectful fortify, wait and see. Not much more risky than fortifying and probably has better chances to get some peaceful contact from the Karak or the beastmen.
Then you might want to vote for it.

Way I see it, if the Karak is still standing after all this, I don't want to piss them off. Which is what going to their enemies to ask them about the Karak will do. If they can survive in the Wastes, they deserve respect, not to be pissed on further after trying to warn the rest of the Dwarves the storm was coming. I'll bet you they already have Grudges aplenty, let's not give them a reason for more.

With the Divine Energy confirmed as Not-Chaos, this turns into Diplo, not Intrigue. Try Intrigue shit on Paranoid Dwarves living in the Chaos Wastes, and you waste your only chance to do what we set out to do, open a channel to the rest of the Dwarven world. Just by going to talk to the other Chaos people, we'll be tainted to the eyes of any hidden dwarven watchers.
I'm off to bed, hopefully when I wake up I won't have to go through a mountain of posts like with the last update. That took me over an hour and I still did more skimming than I was comfortable with.
If Fortify does win, wow, will Mathilde convince the Council to stick around? Has she already accumulated the authority needed for them to agree to her plan instead of their near-unanimous desire to gtfo? This feels like a really hard sell, as I am certainly not sold on it.
I guess saying there is some Non chaos divine magic helping Dum will change a bit the expectations of the other leaders.

Otherwise no idea.
[X] Attempt to intercept a Kurgan war-party en route to attack the Karag and the Beastmen
- Hopefully, this will trigger the Protector and implant the knowledge that you protected them in both the Beastmen and any remaining inhabitants of the Karak.
[x] Try to protect both groups by preventing needless bloodshed.
-[x] Have Mathilde do it alone, try to peacefully resolve this without bloodshed, afterall the kurgans did save the expedition lives by giving food for silver, so try to return the favor, ask why they are fighting and risking their lives for, do they not have families and friends, who will miss them, when they get killed, so why are they willing to risk death in the first place. Tell them that since they have saved her people, she is trying to return the favor, by trying to get them to turn back before they get themselves killed.
-[x] Try to learn how human they are, if they are capable of normal human concepts such as love, friendship and compare them with normal human behaviors, to gauge how corrupted they are by chaos.
-[x] If asked, admit that Mathilde's reason for coming here is that she has people to protect, and is willing to risk death to accomplish it.
-[x] Admit that you met with Col Dum, and have experienced his power, seen the remains of past challenges, if victory is even possible, it will be to costly for your people, which is why your going to confront the Col Dum by yourself.

[X] Attempt to approach Morghur to see if he can be communicated with
-[x] Before doing anything, show the rock to sand phenomena to the counsel, explain about the divine nonchaotic energy you found, tell them about the event with Mork and Ranald, which affected you enough to be able to see divine energy, show them Ranald's coin as a measure of trust. Tell them that you are convinced that the dwarves are not chaotic, but still have by dwarves standards in at least Borek's mind done something unforgivable. You will attempt to knock some sense into him. Tell them everything you discovered, including the theory of the dwarves potentially making deals with elven Gods, or another order God, explain to them that, whatever the dwarves did, is slowly fighting against the chaos wasteland.
-[x] Tell the ice witch, if something happens to you, your college will help pick up the burden of finding the artifact she seeks.
-[x] Consult dwarves on how to diplotmatically deal with Karag Dum, their customs for parley, and basic niceties, what language to use, Tell them that if something happens to you, they are free to return back home. You are certain that Karag Dum is not chaotic, but radical. Be sure to tell a trusted person if necessary about what you learn about the waystone being uncorrupted, and any vital info to relay to Belegar.
-[x] Tell the counsel to pray to their Gods, to help enable a peaceful diplomatic meeting with Karag Dum by Morghur
-[x] Get within respectable distance of the forest and call out to Morghur, introduce yourself, your name, your position as loremaster, with all your fancy tittles, accomplishments, your representing Ranald, friend of the dwarves and etc..
--[x] Show your sincerity by disarming Your dwarven sword,staff and belt and submit yourself to Morghur.
-[x] Get the names of all the dwarves that died, include Gotrek's name, use them later to try to shame Borek into showing himself by reminding him, how you saved his life, he has a duty to save Karag Dum, so if he is willing to complete his duty then, he should help you save Karag Dum. tell Morghur about your desire to help the dwarves of Karag Dum by reuniting them with Karaz-A-Karak. Remind them both how King Belegar accepted the We spiders, implemented radical solutions which saved Karak 8 peak, which is thought impossible. So he should not give up that easily. Afterall if Karag Vlag survived, then so could Karag Dum.
-[x] make a speech and praise Karag Dum, on how they perform their duty admirably, against all odds, defend Karag Dum and survive, not only that, they somehow are actually fighing back against the chaos wasteland, now that Borek and the expedition are here to save them, and relieve them of this burden, their patience and perseverance have paid off, swear on your honor and life, that you will help protect them and reunite Karag Dum with Karaz-A-Karak. the dwarves sort of owe you big, and they have not fallen to chaos, so you will vouch for them and if necessary protect them with your life. So they should help you help them. Appeal to Borek's sense of duty, and how he owes you to help you help him help Karag Dum.

Trying to kill the kurgans after accepting food from them is a dick move, and Ranald probably won't be happy if Mathilde just butchers them, especially when Mathilde is invoking the protector aspect of Ranald.

So why not try to protect both groups form killing each other.
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If Fortify does win, wow, will Mathilde convince the Council to stick around? Has she already accumulated the authority needed for them to agree to her plan instead of their near-unanimous desire to gtfo? This feels like a really hard sell, as I am certainly not sold on it.

I mean Snorri and Sir Joerg want to know what is going on. Snorri to know why Gotrek died and Joerg to get more information if this is another variety of the Chaos Dwarfs.

It's not like we're actually forcing them to stay or anything, there are people in our expedition who wants answers.
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