Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
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Mathilde's good enough to sneak past some beastmen, and either Morghur no longer has his corruption powers or that's not Morghur.

[x] Attempt to infiltrate the Karak without magic
[x] Attempt to infiltrate the Karak with magic
This seems like the worst possible choice given that fucking Cor-Dum is down there. I'm thinkin' casting a whole bunch of magic to sneak into a Kharak is a little too spicy even for me. I'd any of the (much safer) investigative options.
Agreed. In light of this:
- Among Morghur's reputed abilities is that anyone casting spells near him as a change of turning into a Chaos Spawn. Just something to keep in mind.
[] Attempt to infiltrate the Karak with magic
Seems like one of the worst possible next steps. Maybe the worst. Incredibly risky.

There are other things that can be done outside, first, if you do want to stick around. Please consider voting for those instead.
Before I finally go to sleep can I implore everyone who is choosing to infiltrate with magic to consider changing their vote?
Just because Borek didn't get immediately mutated doesn't mean that Cor-Dums effect won't apply to us. Maybe whatever binding magic that makes him passive only works on Dwarves, maybe it controls his aura altogether, but risking a cast around him; especially using the powerstone to do so just feels like asking to become spawn.
I find that risk preferable to the risk of turning around and leaving having gone halfway to hell without ascertaining the status of Karag Dum.
No she is fucking not.

The forest is their home ground damnit!

And every infiltration we've ever done used a shit ton of magic!
Then use magic.

Morghur's anti-magic effect comes from the raw mutability he's constantly putting out. One way or another, that aura is not in effect here, as evidenced by the lack of mutation of the trees or Borek.
Mathilde's good enough to sneak past some beastmen, and either Morghur no longer has his corruption powers or that's not Morghur.

[x] Attempt to infiltrate the Karak without magic
[x] Attempt to infiltrate the Karak with magic

Good enough to sneak past Beastmen in their natural habitat when she has no experience with forests that does not involve ridding through them at full speed on a shadow horse...? I don't know what not call this but hubris.
I think we know the gist of things, we don't need to know the exact specifics. I vote to GTFO. Every other option is too risky compared to the potential payout.

[X] Leave

[X] Fortify here and see if anything interesting happens over the next day
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[X] Approach the Kul camp peacefully and attempt to discuss the Karak with them
[X] Approach the Kvellige camp peacefully and attempt to discuss the Karak with them
[] Fortify here and see if anything interesting happens over the next day
[X] Attempt to approach Morghur to see if he can be communicated with
[X] Attempt to scout the forest at the base of the Karak
[X] Attempt to infiltrate the Karak without magic
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[X] Fortify here and see if anything interesting happens over the next day
[X] Leave

Unless it's certain, I don't fancy using magic or going up to Morghur ourselves. Hunkering down and watching the tribes' attack would help put that fear to rest, as well as nail down Morghur's capabilities if he decides to take the field.

I'm also open to leaving, because the risk being too much for some is understandable
I'm going to bet that if Mathilde investigates the new unknown nature god being worshipped in Talabecland when she gets back, it's going to look a lot like Cor-Dum.
Mathilde's good enough to sneak past some beastmen, and either Morghur no longer has his corruption powers or that's not Morghur.

[x] Attempt to infiltrate the Karak without magic
[x] Attempt to infiltrate the Karak with magic
Is she? She has 0 -- literally 0 -- experience hiding in forests, and there's a literal army of creatures with animal grade hunting instincts and senses. I don't care how sneaky you are in an urban or cave environment, but in a forest where you can't e.g. mask your scent, where you've never been, against its natural inhabitants who have senses many times more acute than yours? While your main (e.g. magical) toolkit is taken away? That is, frankly, a terrible gamble.
I'm definitely against any plan that has a likely result of 'and then Mathilde was a chaos spawn'.

Which, to be clear, is any plan that involves using magic or getting closer to Morghul.
[X] Fortify here and see if anything interesting happens over the next day
[X] Attempt to scout the forest at the base of the Karak
[X] Approach the Kvellige camp peacefully and attempt to discuss the Karak with them
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Regarding the Elven theory:
"They're definitely Old World species," Journeyman Cyrston says, peering through a telescope. "I'd need to get up close and collect seeds and samples and bring my own Magesight to bear to say with any certainty, but if I had to guess, I'd say northern. Drakwald, Laurelorn, or Forest of Shadows."
The trees are not of the sort found in Athel Loren.
"I wasn't a part of that jaunt, but three of my cousins were," Asarnil says. "Finubar's attempt at building bridges. The Forest of Arden had been corrupted by Morghur and Beastmen flocked to it from across the Old World. L'Anguille called for aid against a foe they could not understand, the Everqueen pushed for its restoration, and the so-called 'Glade Lord' Araloth that was preparing a great hunt for the beast had a lineage greater than that of some Princes. Finubar the Haggler saw a chance to earn credit with three polities at once, and was all too eager to spill Elven blood for it, so Prince Eldyr of Taranoc and Handmaiden Ystranna raised a mighty host. Many of them never returned." Asarnil chuckles darkly. "Bitterness over that poisoned any hope of improved relations between Ulthuan and its abandoned colony, the Bretonnians gave all credit to their Lady, and as for the Everqueen, it wasn't long after that she found she much preferred the brother of your Teclis than the company of the Phoenix King. Finubar has a gift for snatching defeat from the jaws of victory."
No way does this guy go along with any plan but "kill the filthy beast".

Good enough to sneak past Beastmen in their natural habitat when she has no experience with forests that does not involve ridding through them at full speed on a shadow horse...? I don't know what not call this but hubris.
Is she? She has 0 -- literally 0 -- experience hiding in forests, and there's a literal army of creatures with animal grade hunting instincts and senses. I don't care how sneaky you are in an urban or cave environment, but in a forest where you can't e.g. mask your scent, where you've never been, against its natural inhabitants who have senses many times more acute than yours? While your main (e.g. magical) toolkit is taken away? That is, frankly, a terrible gamble.
She explicitly has a trait that says that she is in fact that good, and it's not limited to caves or cities.
Morghur's anti-magic effect comes from the raw mutability he's constantly putting out. One way or another, that aura is not in effect here, as evidenced by the lack of mutation of the trees or Borek.

The Kharak is in the middle of a place that's most well known for having shit loads of Chaos worshipers, Shamans, and magical power in abundance. Do you really think that even if it's not a case of him now being able to control that aura, that the Kharak hasn't faced other infiltration attempts before? That they probably have a myriad of other countermeasures in place to detect and prevent exactly this?
Let's look at the bright side, at least we were able to get 2000 gold worth of magical knick knacks for free out of this expedition. Since I doubt Borek will be coming out anytime soon to get his money back.

Best not to take any undue risks, and I'm skeptical that the chaos tribes know more about things than we do.
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She explicitly has a trait that says that she is in fact that good, and it's not limited to caves or cities.

You mean this?

Unseen: Unless specifically on the lookout for magical infiltration, active defences are no obstacle to you. +2 Intrigue.

It blatently depends on using magic to veil herself hence why it s weak to magical detection. A forest is also not an active defense, it's and environment.
If they're apostates why would they care about the opinion of the Ancestors?
Think someone going radical inquisitor in 40k. They still revere the God Emperor, but they damn themselves using evil tools for what they see as dire need. I suspect they are beyond Slayer in terms of shame and they know it. Nothing can regain their honor. But they can spit in the eye of Chaos one last time. They can save their southern kin from having to deal with the forces they kill. They are already damned. Nothing is taboo.
[X] Attempt to infiltrate the Karak with magic
[X] Attempt to infiltrate the Karak without magic
[X] Attempt to scout the forest at the base of the Karak

[X] Approach the Kvellige camp peacefully and attempt to discuss the Karak with them
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Voting is open