Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
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[X] Approach the Kvellige camp peacefully and attempt to discuss the Karak with them
[ ] Fortify here and see if anything interesting happens over the next day
[X] Attempt to intercept a Kurgan war-party en route to attack the Karag and the Beastmen
[X] Leave
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[X] Attempt to infiltrate the Karak with magic

I say we go for it, Borek owes us some damn good explanations for this hot mess he left behind.
[X] Fortify here and see if anything interesting happens over the next day
[X] Attempt to scout the forest at the base of the Karak
[X] Attempt to intercept a Kurgan war-party en route to attack the Karag and the Beastmen

...I just want to see what happens.
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[X] Fortify here and see if anything interesting happens over the next day
Observe whether any Kurgen shamans are there and using magic without immediately mutating.

[X] Attempt to intercept a Kurgan war-party en route to attack the Karag and the Beastmen
Ranald Hax to try and get someone in that Karak to reach out.
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If nothing else, this is fact: Borek walked up to Morghur, was affectionately touched by Morghur in a Dwarven gesture of deep intimacy, and nothing happened to him.

I believe communication will work, or is at least worth the attempt.

Well, regardless, thanks for the...interesting deductive exercise that kept me up well past when I intended to be asleep @BoneyM . Goodnight.
[X] Leave

Yeah, we are done here, we tried everything we could do that wasn't excessively risky, Do I need to remind you all that more than our own life is depending on us at this point.

It is time to start heading home.
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While this definitely has been very interesting, I'm not more interested in getting to the bottom of this than I am of making it out of here.

[x] Leave
They were testing a good distance in and for a prolonged period. Stepping in to grab the first set of bones was considered probably fine because if there was anything super dramatic going on, it would have happened to Borek.
@BoneyM what did the barrier look like to them, from the inside? And was there any indication as to the age of the bones? (The relevant question there being if any are older than 180 years.)
You're disregarding the uniqueness of the situation which flies in the face of literally everything and the fact that Beastmen can give birth to more Beastmen. The latter of which I state in that same post.
It still doesn't change that the base your theory was built off of (the deserts of the equator are caused by a lack of Winds) has no evidence for itself, is directly contradicted by Khuresh (as I mentioned earlier), and even if it is correct I don't really understand how you feel it's relevant, since there's still a fuckton of Winds in the area.

Edit: Gods damnit this thread moves too fast. Anyway.
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[x] Attempt to approach Morghur to see if he can be communicated with
[x] Attempt to scout the forest at the base of the Karak
[x] Attempt to infiltrate the Karak with magic
"Teethmarks," says Seija from the one she was inspecting. "But not as many as usual for a Beastman feast. They filled their stomach and left the rest where it stood. That's how they act on a raid when they're wary of counterattack."
The beastmen don't think they're safe when they're not in the forest. Possibly even when there aren't any enemies they can see?

If this is a translocation, I wonder what this looks like in the place it's overlaying into?
The problem with the Smoke and Mirrors plan is that we don't know if it's safe to do yet, thanks to the whole supposed "mutate on the casting of any spell" aura.
Part one:
The former Karack is using a centuries old Beastman Prince.
The Prince is not forcibly bound.
The environment around the mountain has been warped dramatically.
There are a lot of beastmen around the mountain.
Botrek was not surprised by any of this.

Part two:
The Karack is not responding to traditional signals.
The beastmen consider the mountain sacred
The beastmen are "natural" no signs of forced transformation.
The Trees of the forest are geographically distinct, lack significant mutation, and are *very old*
the desert around the forest *isn't*breaking down the stone, it's switching it with *sand* from somewhere else using divine magic.
The desert effect began shortly after the Karak was cut off.
It still doesn't change that the base your theory was built off of (the deserts of the equator are caused by a lack of Winds) has no evidence for itself, is directly contradicted by Khuresh (as I mentioned earlier), and even if it is correct I don't really understand how you feel it's relevant, since there's still a fuckton of Winds in the area.

The deserts of the equator are based off the fact that Mallus is basically a slightly different version of earth and therefore the equatorial zones are some of the hottest parts of the planet, which in areas without a large source of water nearby tends to lead to arid conditions.

They would still be deserts even if the polar gates never went to shit.
I believe the plan is to supercharge smoke and mirrors to skip all the way to the karak.
I'd rather cast once to attempt to bypass the desert than constantly having to reapply invisibility while crossing over a mile of bare desert or the like.

Well, one: Using that much magic at once is likely many times more dangerous than the idea I already think is too dangerous.

Two: what's your plan for getting back out.
So... anyone else curious if Oreon's Band and their little forest in the southlands near Karak Zorn happens to be cannon to this quest? Because that would easily be trees similar to Athel Loren and also have the deserts of the southlands/nehekhara. Also being near Karak Zorn. So... no idea if any of that applies to anything but there it is.
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