Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
Voting is open
[x] Fortify here and see if anything interesting happens over the next day
[x] Attempt to approach Morghur to see if he can be communicated with
[x] Attempt to scout the forest at the base of the Karak
[x] Attempt to intercept a Kurgan war-party en route to attack the Karag and the Beastmen
[X] Fortify here and see if anything interesting happens over the next day
[X] Leave

The thing is, as much as I want answers, I don't trust we are going to get satisfactory ones. And I don't trust the long-term safety of the expidition.

Maybe the Colleges can team up with Teclis to figure out what happened or something.
[X] Attempt to infiltrate the Karak with magic
[X] Attempt to infiltrate the Karak without magic
[X] Attempt to approach Morghur to see if he can be communicated with
[X] Attempt to scout the forest at the base of the Karak

I'm fine with any of these, we know that they aren't followers of Chaos, and it seems like its up to us to clear their name, since Borek decided not to tell us the full story, and it could be anything from "we're doing a sick runic kickflip" to "we're Malal worshippers now."

[X] Approach the Kvellige camp peacefully and attempt to discuss the Karak with them
approval voting this because I like it better than sitting around.
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[X] Attempt to infiltrate the Karak with magic
[X] Attempt to infiltrate the Karak without magic
[X] Attempt to approach Morghur to see if he can be communicated with
[X] Attempt to scout the forest at the base of the Karak

[X] Approach the Kvellige camp peacefully and attempt to discuss the Karak with them
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The deserts of the equator are based off the fact that Mallus is basically a slightly different version of earth and therefore the equatorial zones are some of the hottest parts of the planet, which in areas without a large source of water nearby tends to lead to arid conditions.

They would still be deserts even if the polar gates never went to shit.
...That's what I just said. I'm disagreeing with the idea that the deserts are caused by a lack of Winds, because that's the idea the other poster was putting up who I was arguing with.
[X] Attempt to infiltrate the Karak with magic
[X] Attempt to infiltrate the Karak without magic
[X] Attempt to approach Morghur to see if he can be communicated with
[X] Attempt to scout the forest at the base of the Karak

Do you forget the bit about the risk of turning into a chaos spawn?

No casting magic.
[x] Leave
Edit: approval voting
[X] Approach the Kvellige camp peacefully and attempt to discuss the Karak with them
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Well, one: Using that much magic at once is likely many times more dangerous than the idea I already think is too dangerous.

Two: what's your plan for getting back out.

I don't see why it would be many times more dangerous, we have no idea how the mutation effect works, but I can see a large amount of possible ways where it has no effect one way or the other. Personally I think it's vastly more likely to reduce risk in comparison to casting invisibility every 30 seconds.

I don't have a good plan for getting out, we'd just have to hope we find something inside that makes it not necessary to sneak, information telling us magic use is safe, or suck up trying to cross the desert without magic.
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Before I finally go to sleep can I implore everyone who is choosing to infiltrate with magic to consider changing their vote?
Just because Borek didn't get immediately mutated doesn't mean that Cor-Dums effect won't apply to us. Maybe whatever binding magic that makes him passive only works on Dwarves, maybe it controls his aura altogether, but risking a cast around him; especially using the powerstone to do so just feels like asking to become spawn.
One last question that really must be considered: why did Morghur give a Dwarven gesture of affection, and why didn't Borek turn into a Spawn when he was outright touched by him?
Preliminary vote, happy to change if something new and compelling comes to light as discussion continues.

[x] Fortify here and see if anything interesting happens over the next day
[x] Attempt to intercept a Kurgan war-party en route to attack the Karag and the Beastmen
[X] Leave

I think we're done. Going any further will be dangerous for our entire group, and the reward is basically only us knowing what the fuck happened. Even if we do figure it out precisely, it isn't going to change much, because Karag Dum is still gonna be sitting here and raising the middle finger to Chaos for the foreseeable future. It's sad, but we should probably just leave and record our findings and possibly do the external research we need to fill in the gaps in our knowledge.
This is unironically making me more certain of the elgi interference theory I supported last vote. Nevertheless... frankly, if they don't want to communicate, fine. Trying to sneak through a forest inhabited by Morghur and his pet beastherd without access to magic is literally one of the riskiest ideas I've ever heard, and even talking to Morghur involves going up to the Beastman Demigod (or disguised dryad or what have you) without the ability to run via shadowsteed or teleportation is scary as all get out.
Let's just leave -- pick up some food/cows, hit the pack ice, and head back.
[X] Leave
[X] Leave

Can we not commit suicide here, please? If the dwarfs turned to a non-Ancestor god that is grounds for a grudge anyway. No one is ever giving these people help or succor. They have done whatever they have done and now they have to live with it.
I'd like to infiltrate the Karak with magic but I'd like to check with the Kurgan to see if we're risking Chaos Spawnhood first.
Voting is open