Please explain your plan to help them
None of what I hope to achieve by investigating or learning more has anything to do with
helping Karag Dum. All other things aside, I think Borek is correct in his resignation. He has probably thought through various "break points" on what would be acceptable and what would not.
Honestly. This are two of my reasonable hopes, assuming we can talk to people here:
We find out if the magic coming from this Karak is a reliable source, or if it is at active risk of corruption and needs to be cut off in the future.
We get metal to cover the damaged bits of the track, or at least get some of this wood and have Max cast Law of Form on the wood (strength and rigidity of steel) on it. (Hmm. Would layered an sewn cowskin count as "an object," or would we need a number of wooden beams? I don't wanna annoy BoneyM about this atm)
This are several of my more wild hopes:
Provided the dwarves here are not corrupt by empire standards (even though they have (as I take from Borke's statements), failed in some absolute manner by dwarven standards), then talking to them and learning
every-damm-thing possible sounds good. If they are not corrupt, but just maximum kickflip, we (and other wizards) can ask
all[1] the questions.
Theories have been posted about the Rune of Valeria being made into a big Rune of Valeria's Vengeance to burn off dhar. What if those notes could be written down and brought (on Mathilde's honor) to Runesmiths in the Karak Ankor. Those runesmiths might be able to reconfigure/modify some waystones in places in Sylviana to be set to "burn dhar in the area".
Or other insights that it might be useful for other wizards on the expedition to bring to the colleges that it might be... impolitic for Mathilde to be aware of (Though weather those insights can be sanitised enough to be politically safe to use is another mater)
Do the dwarven engineers in this Karak give a
fuck about guild secrets at this point? I'd not ask Max, Johann or even Mathilde to try this, but if any of the other humans were to get notes or in depth hints/instructions, well, that would be lovely
Just some thought about the possible benefits. (But a big one is getting an idea of how reliable the magic channel is)
Edit: [1] I mean it, if this Karak has gone "maximum pragmatic, throw out all tradition (but
do not fall) to help the Karak Ankor
survive, then the Empire will never be in a better position to ask for teachings in science, engineering and possibly even magic shit - all the Empire has to do is promise to never use these secrets against the Karak Ankor (and carefully sanitise them) and boom! Deal done!
It's not a suicide pact, but this isn't suicide. Mathilde can trivially sneak past the beastmen to take a sneaky look in the dwarf hold, which she's an expert at from her time in K8P.
BoneyM made mention of how Mathilde casting the "Ulgu Telescope" lens cantrips may be unwise in the presence of this demigod, and her "trivial sneaking unless people are looking for magic" thing is based on her having access (as I understand it) invisibility and smoke-and-mirrors.
The beastmen know we are here, and without magic Mathilde will be moving over open sand. She can not hide without casting.