You shake your head. "I'd strongly advise against that. The Knights of Taal's Fury are dedicated to Taal, and the Winter Wolves to Ulric. It would be like if you picked one out of Morgrim and Smednir to give superiority over the other." You leave unmentioned the political troubles, since you'd rather not air the Empire's dirty laundry in front of its allies unless you really have to. The Winter Wolves are no longer part of the Empire and the Knights of Taal's Fury very much are. There likely won't be trouble if they're simply fighting against a common enemy, but if one is given command over the other it will get political very quickly. But considering the grimaces on the faces of the three Dwarves, your simile has hit its mark.
"Point taken," Borek says. "Both it is, then. I take it you're familiar with those organizations?"
"Fairly familiar personally, and Masters Esbern and Seija are among the Knights of Taal's Fury, and Journeyman Hubert is King Belegar's Envoy to the Winter Wolves."
"Then I'd appreciate if you could find whoever is in command of them and bring them to this meeting."