Shadowmancer of the Shadow Cabal
I voted the same way, and I'm basically scared of Thorek blowing up the Runesmiths guild.
I'm with Alratan on that being inevitable if we're taking runesmiths from Azul at all.
Consider a few scenarios.
1) Karak Dum is standing but will have to evacuate.
In this scenario, there's no change from taking Thorek, an Azul runesmith or any other. Thorek will get the chance to interview the evacuees at some point and if the evidence is compelling to him. Boom the same thing happens.
2) Karak Dum is a ruin but there's evidence left behind about what happened.
in this scenario if the journeyman or Master Runesmith that accompanies us from Azul finds the information he's still going to tell Thorek, the same schism could still happen only this time the information is 2nd hand to Thorek which means the schism could be a lot more dangerous as instead of the rune lords taking the slayer oath if warranted perhaps they try and slander the junior rune smith to protect their reputation.
if the evidence exhonarates the runesmiths of the Karaz-ankor it would also be better for Thorek to be on hand to see it.
3) Karak Dum is a partial ruin, with hidden pockets of survivors in secret vaults or hideaways.
similar to the above.
I think the choice here if we think Thorek is likely to come if we ask isn't Azul runesmiths Vs Thorek but instead Thorek vs no runesmiths.
The information will leak out regardless as a journeyman of the other runesmithing clans not of Azul will still bring the information home if they find and if they have any honour they will demand something be done.