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I mean, there was that Lord Magister we brought in for the Eye project that made reality forget his birthday because he was angry that he was getting old...

"Oooh, you got Weber for Xenodiplomacy? Lucky. Just hold on to your hat. And I mean that literally - she somehow turned herself into a dragon back in the nineties and flies the entire class around the continent for practical lessons."
On the upside, her teaching assisstant is a colony of spiders, so you get some nice silk blankets for the ride.
Indeed, just like all amber wizards who use the spell go mad from the Amber-Red magic turning into Dhar.


Seriously guys 'suddenly daemons' requires you to be personally channeling a lot of magic. The transformation itself cannot miscast like that because it's an item.
I'm pretty sure Amber mages transform into Amber aligned dragons. I doubt they can do anything else.
And again, most dragons aren't spell caster. And even the boosted version of the spell doesn't get you an Emperor dragon.
I mean, there was that Lord Magister we brought in for the Eye project that made reality forget his birthday because he was angry that he was getting old...

"Oooh, you got Weber for Xenodiplomacy? Lucky. Just hold on to your hat. And I mean that literally - she somehow turned herself into a dragon back in the nineties and flies the entire class around the continent for practical lessons."

This is a beautiful vision of the future that we must endeavour to make true.
*looks at thread*

*sees meme plan winning*


[X] Plan Versatile
[X] Plan Versatile
It's possible that Versatile's tower won't be enough against an Emperor Dragon, but the other leading plan is too meme-y for me.
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The one problem I see with eventually turning into a dragon is whether it might interfere with plans for ascension into a goddess.
*looks at thread*

*sees meme plan winning*


[X] Plan Versatile
It's really not a meme plan. The memes came into it after the plan was made on fairly logical grounds and gained enough support that it actually seemed possible. Honestly, the "meme plan" comments seem more like a form of fear-mongering than anything.
*looks at thread*

*sees meme plan winning*


[X] Plan Versatile

it's not a meme plan.

its perfectly valid, and probably gonna work better than just shooting lightning at it, we have no real counter to the dragon that can move fast enough, so we need something that can slow it down.

The best idea for that, is another dragon.
I think the biggest advantage of the Dragon plan over a lightning tower is range- a lightning tower would protect Karag Nar and it's surroundings, but with the Dragon plan, we'll be able to interdict flyers anywhere in the Karak, or even at a distance.

I don't think the dispelling is much of a concern- most things, when they see a Dragon coming at them, aren't going to be thinking about dispels, they'll be thinking about battle magic. And the ones who know how the spell works would also probably know that dispelling wouldn't help them.
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Ahh, Versatile has taken the lead again. If it wins, I'm really hoping we see Mathilde's inner conflict on this decision.

(Ranald, tip the scales here my man. You know you want to see Mathilde go full batshit dragon alter)

How about that, huh? Do it for Ranald. He needs the entertainment, and the more Mathilde amuses him, the more he favors her.
I think the biggest advantage of the Dragon plan over a lightning tower is range- a lightning tower would protect Karag Nar and it's surroundings, but with the Dragon plan, we'll be able to interdict flyers anywhere in the Karak, or even at a distance.


Vote For

Plan: Fight Dragon with Dragon

It's the plan most likely to actually work and with the greatest benefits!
The one problem I see with eventually turning into a dragon is whether it might interfere with plans for ascension into a goddess.

It's really not a meme plan. The memes came into it after the plan was made on fairly logical grounds and gained enough support that it actually seemed possible. Honestly, the "meme plan" comments seem more like a form of fear-mothering than anything.
Looking at the reasons a lot of people have given for their votes and having read the whole discussion, I can safely say that even if it's not a meme plan it certainly comes off as one to me. And even if I'm wrong and it's not, there have been enough not-so-subtle hints from BoneyM that the dragon plan won't be as clean or simple as 'use altar, instant dragon' that I couldn't support it anyway.
Thought experiment for the people calling this a meme plan:

If it were a spell that summoned a dragon for an hour to fight for you, would it still be a meme plan to make an item to do this? If not, what makes this different?

People are memeing around it, as @Ericwinter said, but I don't think that's the same as it being a meme plan. Besides:
- The dragon task has a huge amount of latitude, and creativity is encouraged.
Can't say this isn't creative.
*looks at thread*

*sees meme plan winning*

If you think the plan is bad, please, demonstrate to the thread why it's actually bad - because as far as I'm concerned, the plan stands up well on its own merits.
To break character for a moment -

We've been going back and forth since the update dropped trying to come up with a good dragon counter and we've been having a devil of a time with it because it's just hard to counter dragons. Some of the other plans involve single visible points of failure, some are just "use your artillery, but, like, better", all of them fail to address the problems posed by tunneling dragons when the dragon the prompted this task attacked by tunneling. Simply making another dragon to at least tie down the real one is honestly one of the best plans I've heard for how to deal with the thing.

Especially since we can use our Penthouse action to make an AA-tower on top of that, if we decide to include some more traditional defenses.

So if it's a meme but also arguably the best idea on the table, I don't think it's that absurd to go forward with it.
We're not just shitposting here, mate, so please don't act like we are.
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