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If there's an enemy dragon on the field, everyone is already exposed to the risk of being trapped in a permanent transformation into a corpse.

The Ambers might be able to work something out, but there's no guarantees.
Valid. Hope it never comes to that, or that we never need to field these against aerial gribblies with spellcaster backup or the like.
Honestly Im surprised that Empire is not trying to create army of dragons with that spell. Im sure that there would be plenty of volunteers.
The Ambers might be able to work something out, but there's no guarantees.
Do they turn into mindless Dragons, or are they of normal intelligence (and people-eating inclination) for a dragon of their size?
Honestly Im surprised that Empire is not trying to create army of dragons with that spell. Im sure that there would be plenty of volunteers.
How do you make sure that all your volunteers aren't Chaos Cultists ready to eat Altdorf? Only one needs to defect to make the destruction of a major Imperial City a serious concern. Plus, it involves spamming battle magic, which is the sort of thing which gets you sucked into the Warp on a good day.
You can dispel the lingering part of the spell that would allow them to turn back.
This would imply that the Ambers(higher ups at least) have the ability to permanently transform people into dragons. Immortality + vast amounts of power just a single battlemagic + dispel away. I haven't seen this supported anywhere and it makes no sense to me. Surely it would have been used at some point in the College's history? I mean, if that is how it works here then fine, it's your world, but it is really jarring.
Honestly Im surprised that Empire is not trying to create army of dragons with that spell. Im sure that there would be plenty of volunteers.
Either they just didn't think of it, which is fair—weaponizing what's commonly considered a failure takes certain levels of crazy that even wizards don't usually reach—there's other downsides that makes it unfeasible, or they probably refrained from conservation of power. Having an army of dragons is nice, but if you don't have a definitive way to control said army... also, supporting the dragons probably takes a lot of resources.
On my reread, just after the Stirlandian League was destroyed:
I expected trade to slump before improving, but both overall trade and our revenue from it are already up from six months ago."

Everyone at the table already knew this, but there's a congratulatory round of applause anyway. Anton and Schultz especially look delighted
There was another example about Schultz being happy with better trade in a somewhat earlier update. I never noticed that until Mathilde told Roswita that he was there for the Talabecland trade. He must be super happy, other people keep doing his job for him.
It does make me wonder what other details I'm missing. I guess that's something for the next round (and it's super neat that I can keep coming back to it and find more neat things).
Incidentally, we'll be hitting 500k length pretty soon.
its not a meme if it works.
If it works, then it becomes extra meme.
Derpmind, this quest was always a meme :V.
Did the Daddy Dating Sim in the Media threadmarks not show you that?

This is taking the comedy that's sometimes seen in the thread discussion and trying to inject it directly into the story proper. I can't help but feel extremely dissonant at the idea that the thread would both vote for this and that Mathilde-the-character would try such a hairbrained and meme-y idea. If the narrative straight-facedly goes along with this stupidity I don't feel like I could read the quest anymore because it's such a complete tone break.
This is taking the comedy that's sometimes seen in the thread discussion and trying to inject it directly into the story proper. I can't help but feel extremely dissonant at the idea that the thread would both vote for this and that Mathilde-the-character would try such a hairbrained and meme-y idea. If the narrative straight-facedly goes along with this stupidity I don't feel like I could read the quest anymore because it's such a complete tone break.
That's fair, yeah. I'm not voting for similar reasons (and partly out of avoiding having to analyse the plan because I'm on a lazy break from quests rn). Tag me if you propose a decent alternate, and I'll go along I guess. Would prefer not to see someone drop this for immersion break as a reason.
Wait, @BoneyM it's possible to get stuck as a dragon? Like, an actual dragon, full stop?

Or would it be some horrible abomination that slowly goes insane with Dhar poisoning, or something?

There's quibbles to be made with the 'actual' part, but yes, they could be permanently dragon-y. Anyone who's not an Amber Wizard who uses Amber transformations is rolling the dice to some degree.

Honestly Im surprised that Empire is not trying to create army of dragons with that spell. Im sure that there would be plenty of volunteers.

Most citizens of the Empire would look at transformation into a dragon to be equivalent to dying.

Do they turn into mindless Dragons, or are they of normal intelligence (and people-eating inclination) for a dragon of their size?

They start as their same self inside a dragon-shaped body. Long-term mental effects are largely untested.

This would imply that the Ambers(higher ups at least) have the ability to permanently transform people into dragons. Immortality + vast amounts of power just a single battlemagic + dispel away. I haven't seen this supported anywhere and it makes no sense to me. Surely it would have been used at some point in the College's history? I mean, if that is how it works here then fine, it's your world, but it is really jarring.

There are similar rituals that use human sacrifice to summon/create a manifestation of a specific wind, known as Incarnate Elementals. This strikes me as the most fitting Amber equivalent.
This would imply that the Ambers(higher ups at least) have the ability to permanently transform people into dragons. Immortality + vast amounts of power just a single battlemagic + dispel away. I haven't seen this supported anywhere and it makes no sense to me. Surely it would have been used at some point in the College's history? I mean, if that is how it works here then fine, it's your world, but it is really jarring.
They're the Wild Animal Wind, not the Thinking Wind or the Calm Wind. Creating a gigantic monster that's not biologically inclined to think in human terms, no matter how nice or loyal it starts out, is a problem for human polities, not a boon.
This is taking the comedy that's sometimes seen in the thread discussion and trying to inject it directly into the story proper. I can't help but feel extremely dissonant at the idea that the thread would both vote for this and that Mathilde-the-character would try such a hairbrained and meme-y idea. If the narrative straight-facedly goes along with this stupidity I don't feel like I could read the quest anymore because it's such a complete tone break.
We're Memeing about it, but the basic idea is straightforward and quite reasonable. If you don't want a giant monster eating you all, make a giant monster that can fight the other one and is on your side. It's not like we just came up with this idea, it's a canonical battle magic spell for precisely these situations.
This is taking the comedy that's sometimes seen in the thread discussion and trying to inject it directly into the story proper. I can't help but feel extremely dissonant at the idea that the thread would both vote for this and that Mathilde-the-character would try such a hairbrained and meme-y idea. If the narrative straight-facedly goes along with this stupidity I don't feel like I could read the quest anymore because it's such a complete tone break.
Mathilde is the character who lit a mountain's shadow on fire as a defense system.

Turning people into dragons is exactly the type of over-the-top usage of known magics she does.
This is taking the comedy that's sometimes seen in the thread discussion and trying to inject it directly into the story proper. I can't help but feel extremely dissonant at the idea that the thread would both vote for this and that Mathilde-the-character would try such a hairbrained and meme-y idea. If the narrative straight-facedly goes along with this stupidity I don't feel like I could read the quest anymore because it's such a complete tone break.
It doesn't seem like a bad idea?

There is no single weapon that can be relied upon against a dragon, not if it is smart and avoids the weapon.
Having someone to fight him mano-a-mano while the cannons get in position seems like a solid plan.
Not perfect, as he is still more powerful and has magic, but that argument can be applied to every attempt to counter an old dragon.
...that's a biiiiiig oof. I don't think I can support this plan anymore, as awesome as it is. Exposing our volunteers to the risks of being completely trapped seems extremely bad.

Though, would a second casting of Transformation of Kadon allow them to resume their original form? Or would their new form as a dragon be considered their original form for the second spell's purposes?
Maybe talk to people and see if any of the Undumgi would be willing to volunteer despite the risks before we decide whether to purchase the altar?
If there's a couple dozen who are jealous enough of dragons to be willing to risk getting caught in transformation, then it'd still work.
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