Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
Voting is open
Changing again. I do like the idea of this *not* being a tower- I don't want to get Belegar in the mindset that anything he asks us to do we'll build another tower for- that starts to seem monomanical. This is a much cooler, otherwise unavailable-to-dwarfs solution, which is basically what he asked us for. And 16 favor points isn't that bad- we do need to actually spend them for them to matter, so this looks like a good buy even if it was entirely on our own budget.

[X] Plan: Fight Dragon with Dragon

Still wish there was more social in the plans, since I am not seeing what IC is the motivating factor to put a nose to the grindstone. We are past the big immediate threats- we NEED to be able to slow down else we are going to die to our own arrogance and overwork.

Yes, I am very much in favor of spending AP on social efforts, ESPECIALLY since we were told that we need to do that to influence other characters- purely social actions are not sufficient. So let's put some effort into improving our living assets as well?
Still wish there was more social in the plans, since I am not seeing what IC is the motivating factor to put a nose to the grindstone. We are past the big immediate threats- we NEED to be able to slow down else we are going to die to our own arrogance and overwork.
Eh, IC conforms to OOC, and OOC most people apparently find fun in the high-effort things. Like, assassinating a college full of evil battle mages takes a lot more effort than, say, teaching Wolf how to speak, but there's a reason we always end up going for one of those things and not the other.
Still wish there was more social in the plans, since I am not seeing what IC is the motivating factor to put a nose to the grindstone. We are past the big immediate threats- we NEED to be able to slow down else we are going to die to our own arrogance and overwork.

Yes, I am very much in favor of spending AP on social efforts, ESPECIALLY since we were told that we need to do that to influence other characters- purely social actions are not sufficient. So let's put some effort into improving our living assets as well?
I'm genuinely unsure of what you mean, since I don't feel much has changed in our approach; it seems like we've been as nose-to-the-grindstone as we usually are, splitting our Personal AP between work, research projects, and self-improvement.

What actions would you suggest we be taking that we aren't? Stuff like these?
Personal Relations:
[ ] Spend time assisting with a fellow councillor's task: specify who and how.
[ ] Spend time investigating a character without their knowledge: specify who.
[ ] Wolf is fully grown, very smart, and a Very Good Boy. Train him further. (specify what he will be taught)
[ ] Wolf is fully grown and very magical. Deepen your familiar bond. (may unlock a new familiar ability; risks obsession)
Or pure write-ins?
Talk to Soizic about her motivations and intentions for the Karak.

Talk to Gotri about what drives his radicalism, and where he wants to see the Karak go.

Bake and eat some pies with the halflings, show some of the book club exchanges on-screen.

Work with Edda and Francesco to see how the silk business is going, what the main problems they face are, and see a bit more of both of their personalities, when they are in a situation where Mathilde is not the primary conversational partner.

Actually spend some time getting to know Gretel, our 'favorite' of the ducks, see what she is dreaming of for the future of her 100-year lease, and comiserate over our own aweful childhood.

Sit in on a class with Adela, watching Oswald and her brother as the artillerists are trained.

There's just a ton of stuff happening around us as payoff to our actions that we are ignoring, in favor of staying in a room alone. We had reason to do this when there was a Waaagh right around the corner, or when we were gearing up to assault Sylvania, but what is Mathilde's motivation now?
Talk to Soizic about her motivations and intentions for the Karak.

Talk to Gotri about what drives his radicalism, and where he wants to see the Karak go.

Bake and eat some pies with the halflings, show some of the book club exchanges on-screen.

Work with Edda and Francesco to see how the silk business is going, what the main problems they face are, and see a bit more of both of their personalities, when they are in a situation where Mathilde is not the primary conversational partner.

Actually spend some time getting to know Gretel, our 'favorite' of the ducks, see what she is dreaming of for the future of her 100-year lease, and comiserate over our own aweful childhood.

Sit in on a class with Adela, watching Oswald and her brother as the artillerists are trained.

There's just a ton of stuff happening around us as payoff to our actions that we are ignoring, in favor of staying in a room alone. We had reason to do this when there was a Waaagh right around the corner, or when we were gearing up to assault Sylvania, but what is Mathilde's motivation now?
Uhm, that's exactly why we have the social turns now? Like, I'm pretty sure "we want to spend more time with the characters without needing an agenda" was exactly the reasoning why those exist now. The reason those are still limited is Boney's writing time.
I'm honestly kinda confused what you're aiming at.
EDIT: Actually, "Talk to Soizic about her motivations and intentions for the Karak" is pretty much the result of our last social action with Soizic. So that already happened.
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My view of the Heaven's tower, it probably won't work against an ancient spell casting dragon, however it will work against say an orc warboss riding a wyvern, and other non-spellcasting flying monsters.

For fighting a dragon, dedicated artillery batteries that can support each other (probably consisting of high angle cannons, mortars and bolt throwers, hm what about net throwers, chain shot, and grape shot. Net throwers can serve as a way to try and drag a dragon down, chain shot would aim to hit the dragon with the chain, and grape shot covers a wide area and might damage the wings) where you saturate the sky, some form of gyrocopter support (although the current designs don't seem to be that useful against a flying dragon). For the ground at least one designated warrior with dragon slaying weapons and high-quality armour designed to deal with the breath weapon, magic resistance and the sheer strength of a dragon. Make a few specialised war machines (such as a bolt throw with was it heat seeking runes to add some reliability, don't group these up). And underground good solid gates, small corridors, and make it as unpleasant as possible for a dragon to try to traverse (and encourage it to fight on the ground outside). Maybe try and lead the dragon into dedicated kill zones where large numbers of hand gunners and artillery can focus on it (not sure how well that works underground).

The dragon item might work as a last resort

One should try and force a dragon to fight on the surface but not in the air, so that you can bring your numbers to bear.

You can't rely on a single method to fight a dragon, and this serves as part of a rough plan. I like the Wizard tower partly because it is useful against attacks from outside
All of those sound like social actions instead of regular actions, though. "Hang out with X," "get to know Y," and "see interaction Z" are what the social turns are for, in my understanding.
Thus concludes the work Mathilde performed these past months, but not every waking moment was filled with work. With whom did she spend her free time, this past year?
The regular turns are for work and projects, the social turns are for socializing. So I repeat: which actions, from the list of Personal Actions, do you think we should be taking that we are not?
Personal Actions: you have four actions you can apply without engaging in overwork.
Current overwork status: [-] [ ] [ ]
Each box will be filled by one action of overwork, and will take the two turns after that to fade as you recover. The first box incurs no penalty. The second will give a -10 penalty to all actions during the first turn of recovery. The third will give a -20 penalty to all actions on both turns of recovery.
Overwork incurs no penalties on the turns taken, only on the turns recovering from it. You can take as many actions of overwork as you have unfilled boxes.
When you use overwork it fills the left-most empty box, so [-][ ][ ] becomes [-][+][ ], not [+][-][ ]. All boxes recover in parallel and independent from one another, but second and third apply maluses on your actions during that cooldown period.

Current Task: Anti-Dragon (NEW)
[ ] Commission a suitable magical artefact from the Colleges of Magic, and train some dubious Dwarven volunteers in its use (specify what; does not cost favour).
[ ] Build a new tower with anti-dragon capabilities (specify Dwarven Rune or College spell it would be based on; does not cost favour).
[ ] Other (write-in; material and favour costs will be paid by Belegar)

Current Task: Queekish
[ ] Use King Belegar's pull to bring in some linguistics experts from the Empire's universities, though after proper vetting and swearing them to silence.
[ ] Despite him considering it treasonous, push Qrech to share the Moulder dialect of Queekish.
[ ] Despite him considering it blasphemous, push Qrech to share High Queekish.

Qrech Gambits (can be taken for free alongside pushing him for additional dialects or 'ask an acquaintance to train you' action targeting Qrech):
[ ] Convince Qrech that you seek an arrangement with Clan Moulder, and that you will release him as an ambassador for that arrangement once you are satisfied he'll cooperate.
[ ] Convince Qrech that the Under-Empire has no way of knowing he's even alive, and that he should prioritize the comfort with which he will live the rest of his life.
[ ] Convince Qrech you're ambitious and loyal only to yourself, and you're willing to repay his cooperation in ways that will benefit the Under-Empire.
[ ] Other (write in)

[ ] Ask an acquaintance to train you in a skill: specify who and what.
[ ] Attempt to learn a spell from scrolls (specify which, will be harder than studying it at the Grey College)
[ ] Hire a trainer to come to Eight Peaks and teach you: specify what. (costs favours for Dwarf trainers, money for human ones)
[ ] Travel to the Grey College and attend lessons there. (1 College Favour per class; 100gc can be paid instead for non-magical classes)
[ ] Attempt to learn Battle Magic at the Grey College. (1 College Favour per attempt)
[ ] Gain enough control of your unruly shadow to still it temporarily.
[ ] Gain enough control of your attraction to smoke and gases to have it collect away from your face.
[ ] Try to see through Pall of Darkness with your improved magical senses.
[ ] Practice shooting while invisible. (applies to Substance of Shadow and Invisibility)
[ ] Branulhune's ability to disappear and reappear at a thought allows entirely new forms of combat. Try to create them.
[ ] Have one of Prince Gotri's pilots teach you to fly a gyrocopter.

Research and Publishing:
[ ] Study an artefact: select which.
[ ] Write a paper: select which.
Once per turn, you can write a paper without spending an action thanks to your Tower of Serenity.
[ ] Dictate papers: select which two, must be taken with Max's 'receive dictation'.
[ ] Investigate the possibility of using one Wind to directly manipulate another.
[ ] The Second Secret of Dhar teaches how to collapse it upon itself. Practice upon local Dhar taint, and very cautiously see if this works with Warpstone.
[ ] Try to establish a relationship with the Cult of Verena, with the intent of offering them access to your rarer tomes in exchange for copies of some of their own.
[ ] Record all the entries of the Grand Urbaz vaults and select a good-quality example of each minting to save from the smelters.

Aethyric Vitae (21 gallons):
[ ] Attempt to interest a prominent and knowledgeable Runesmiths in the interaction between Runes and Vitae. (will start at the top and work your way down)
[ ] Attempt to interest a young Runesmith with ambition and flexibility in the interaction between Runes and Vitae. (will give a selection of candidates)
[ ] Call in favours to get a specific Runesmith to examine the interaction between Runes and Vitae with you.
[ ] Using what you've learned of how it reacts to Runes, create new means of storing and moving the Vitae in complete safety. (NEW)
[ ] Experiment with integrating the Vitae into enchantments. (NEW)
[ ] Investigate how the Vitae reacts with Divine Magic.
[ ] Investigate how the Vitae reacts to a power stone.
[ ] Investigate how the Vitae reacts to being subjected to power stone creation methods.
[ ] Using the secrets you already know of the Vitae, attempt to weaponize it.

Enchantment and Spell Creation:
[ ] Enchant an item with a Moderately Complicated or easier spell (specify what and which)
[ ] Attempt to deepen your skill with Enchantment (will be more difficult than studying it at the Grey College)
[ ] Attempt to create a spell (see Approved Spells threadmark)

Karag Nar Penthouse: each turn, you get ONE free choice in this category. Additional selections cost actions.
[ ] PENTHOUSE: Have a tower built atop Karag Nar: -100gc for 1 room, bonus to room's purpose.
[ ] PENTHOUSE: Have additional rooms excavated underneath your Penthouse: -125gc for 5 rooms.
[ ] PENTHOUSE: Your dungeon was built with a reasonable amount of paranoia. Apply an unreasonable amount of paranoia.
[ ] PENTHOUSE: Add security measures to your Penthouse to prevent forcible entry.
[ ] PENTHOUSE: Have firing platforms built around the Penthouse so that it can be defended from flyers or climbers without granting access to it.
Setting up rooms for specific purposes will have to wait until new rooms are constructed or excavated. Only one construction or excavation can take place at a time, but you can do one of each.
Building downwards will increase by 1 each time; second set of excavated rooms will be 3 rooms, third will be 4, and so on.
Building upwards can be added upon; towers can be added on to or additional towers can be built. The distinction between the two is entirely cosmetic.

Foreign Relations:
[ ] Join the war between Stirland and the vampires in northern Sylvania.
[ ] Personally search for the Talabeclander buyers of peat from the vampires. (NEW)
[ ] Throw your reputation, and that of the Grey College, behind Roswita as she tries to browbeat the Talabeclanders into submission. (NEW)

Personal Relations:
[ ] Spend time assisting with a fellow councillor's task: specify who and how.
[ ] Spend time investigating a character without their knowledge: specify who.
[ ] Wolf is fully grown, very smart, and a Very Good Boy. Train him further. (specify what he will be taught)
[ ] Wolf is fully grown and very magical. Deepen your familiar bond. (may unlock a new familiar ability; risks obsession)
Because it sounds to me like you wish to write in "spend time with X" as a Personal action, which I am sympathetic to (because I love the various characters and want to see more of them) but which I think runs counter to the intent of the turn structure.
There's just a ton of stuff happening around us as payoff to our actions that we are ignoring, in favor of staying in a room alone. We had reason to do this when there was a Waaagh right around the corner, or when we were gearing up to assault Sylvania, but what is Mathilde's motivation now?
These other things we're choosing are also fun to do. That's her motivation. She's not 'staying in a room alone', as if we're eschewing worldly pleasures for the sake of duty.
All of those sound like social actions instead of regular actions, though. "Hang out with X," "get to know Y," and "see interaction Z" are what the social turns are for, in my understanding.

The regular turns are for work and projects, the social turns are for socializing. So I repeat: which actions, from the list of Personal Actions, do you think we should be taking that we are not?

Because it sounds to me like you wish to write in "spend time with X" as a Personal action, which I am sympathetic to (because I love the various characters and want to see more of them) but which I think runs counter to the intent of the turn structure.

Social actions don't take up AP and therefore don't have tangible effects on the narrative. Glau is basically proposing that we take more [DUCK] actions, where we do stuff with characters and it also has a measurable effect on the setting. As an example, the [DUCK] Hubert action that's infesting most of the current popular plans are basically "Hang out with Hubert," but it's more involved than a pure social action.
These other things we're choosing are also fun to do. That's her motivation. She's not 'staying in a room alone', as if we're eschewing worldly pleasures for the sake of duty.
Yeah, she's even setting up her future dates with her crush.

Though, thinking about it, the restriction on needing a dwarf there to activate it is really awkward. It's good that Belegar is such a Bro, he makes a great wingman (hehe).
Which sounds like a meme: K8P is reconquered but in return you have to deal with wizardMathilde shenanigans.
There's just a ton of stuff happening around us as payoff to our actions that we are ignoring, in favor of staying in a room alone. We had reason to do this when there was a Waaagh right around the corner, or when we were gearing up to assault Sylvania, but what is Mathilde's motivation now?

In no particular order:
  1. Doing her job
  2. Improving her skills which makes her more likely to both advance professionally and stay alive
  3. Studying magic and pushing the boundaries of the art
  4. Working towards the betterment of the Empire and Karaz Ankor as a moral duty
Mathilde just isn't a very social person. We did not call her the Ranaldian Hermit of Karag Nar for nothing and what social interaction she requires is covered in the social turn.
[X] Plan: Skaven Knowledge Bomb
[X] Plan: Skavenslayer with Less Vague Artillery
[X] Plan: Skavenslayer with Artillery
[X] Plan: Skavenslayer
[X] Plan Versatile
Uhm, that's exactly why we have the social turns now? Like, I'm pretty sure "we want to spend more time with the characters without needing an agenda" was exactly the reasoning why those exist now. The reason those are still limited is Boney's writing time.
I'm honestly kinda confused what you're aiming at.
EDIT: Actually, "Talk to Soizic about her motivations and intentions for the Karak" is pretty much the result of our last social action with Soizic. So that already happened.

Pretty much as @ReImagined said- the social turns explicity do not change the other characters, so we aren't influencing them via social turns. I'd like to actually push the supporting characters into a more coherent community, and that requires AP.

As far as Soizic, I'm a bit confused, given that Mathilde explicitly ends that segement by ruminating on the way she doesn't really understand Soizic's motivations or long-term intentions.

Improving her skills which makes her more likely to both advance professionally and stay alive

Advancing professionally is pretty much a non-issue, given she has the ear of the emperor, empress, Patriatrch, Supreme Patriarch, and King Belegar. There is very, very little 'advancement' left in a system that runs more on personal connections than accomplishments, with titles mostly a formalization of influence rather than a way to create it. She stays alive by not going out and taking stupid risks- everything else she is already pretty well set for.

Which means I can understand your described motivations for a new wizard, but for one who ALREADY has pushed the knowledge of magic in new, very publicly acclaimed directions, and has also done a great deed plus reclaimed a Karak as moral duties, it seems a bit much. Mathilde doesn't need to prove anything anymore, and she is in a place where her job is what she says it is.

What is driving her to do more? And not just more, as in, continuing, but more as in discarding her sucesses and spoils in favor of newer, crazier heights to climb?

Mathilde just isn't a very social person. We did not call her the Ranaldian Hermit of Karag Nar for nothing and what social interaction she requires is covered in the social turn.

'What social action she requires' sounds like starvation rations phrased slightly differently... I'm seeing that persona as a trauma-driven response attempting to gain more control over her life. I think it would be better for her as a 'good' person to have more connections (because morality is easier when you have other sentients whose opinions you care about) and as a healthy person, who might in the future be able to relax. (Like the first time she explicitly took time off to think and write, where we discovered the wonders of giant baths.)

Tl;dr- Mathilde is going to burn out and I'd like to steer away from that, rather than push hard into a breakdown.


What is her motivation, right now?
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Advancing professionally is pretty much a non-issue, given she has the ear of the emperor, empress, Patriatrch, Supreme Patriarch, and King Belegar. There is very, very little 'advancement' left in a system that runs more on personal connections than accomplishments, with titles mostly a formalization of influence rather than a way to create it. She stays alive by not going out and taking stupid risks- everything else she is already pretty well set for.

Which means I can understand your described motivations for a new wizard, but for one who ALREADY has pushed the knowledge of magic in new, very publicly acclaimed directions, and has also done a great deed plus reclaimed a Karak as moral duties, it seems a bit much. Mathilde doesn't need to prove anything anymore, and she is in a place where her job is what she says it is.

What is driving her to do more? And not just more, as in, continuing, but more as in discarding her sucesses and spoils in favor of newer, crazier heights to climb?

Advancing professionally does not just mean knowing the right people, it means actually being more competent, reaching the point where she is proposed for Lord Magister. The goal is obviously in sight but not there yet, that (along with all the other points brought up above) is another reason to become a better wizard, a better spy, a better diplomat etc...
Advancing professionally does not just mean knowing the right people, it means actually being more competent, reaching the point where she is proposed for Lord Magister. The goal is obviously in sight but not there yet, that (along with all the other points brought up above) is another reason to become a better wizard, a better spy, a better diplomat etc...

Which, compared to knowing the right people, does literally nothing for her professional advancement. The people who know and are trusted by people are the ones who get sent on important missions or given key secrets, not the anonymous mooks with high numbers. This isn't like a modern, meritocratic/bureaucratic advancement.

Being more competent is easy to see in OOC numbers, impossible to see IC. Which is why I say it does nothing: she need to create the impression of being competent on the ones who matter. You don't advance because your numbers go up. You advance because you are nominated.
Which, compared to knowing the right people, does literally nothing for her professional advancement. The people who know and are trusted by people are the ones who get sent on important missions or given key secrets, not the anonymous mooks with high numbers. This isn't like a modern, meritocratic/bureaucratic advancement.

Being more competent is easy to see in OOC numbers, impossible to see IC. Which is why I say it does nothing: she need to create the impression of being competent on the ones who matter. You don't advance because your numbers go up. You advance because you are nominated.

I'm going to assume that if you are the patriarch of the Grey college you can assay actual talent at least as well as the front page does if not better. Otherwise the empire is in rather dire straights.

Secondly and perhaps most importantly you do not advance just for knowing the right people, that is called nepotism and corruption, which is generally not how Grey Magisters of all people advance. Rather one is known by one's deeds which are attained by greater skills.
Pretty much as @ReImagined said- the social turns explicity do not change the other characters, so we aren't influencing them via social turns. I'd like to actually push the supporting characters into a more coherent community, and that requires AP.
OK, that seems fair to have as a goal. I don't think that's an issue with the voting per se, though; such actions (to interact socially with someone with the goal of influencing them in a certain way) are pretty much limited to our Duckling actions, and the only other example I can think of is back after Karagril when Belegar was depressed and we had the option to try to help him through it (which we were warned was unlikely to work). So I'd take it up with Boney, if I were you; personally, I'd square this circle by allowing certain Social Turn actions to affect background narrative things, like "hang out with two characters, who might become friends," but I'm not the QM here.
Being more competent is easy to see in OOC numbers, impossible to see IC. Which is why I say it does nothing: she need to create the impression of being competent on the ones who matter. You don't advance because your numbers go up. You advance because you are nominated.
I mean, our numbers go up, increasing our capabilities, and then we do things like "knock over a Necromancer school" or "translate Queekish" which generate the impression of confidence in the decision-makers above us. Belegar doesn't look at our stat sheet, he looks at our track record, and our track record is in part founded on our high mechanical capabilities.
'What social action she requires' sounds like starvation rations phrased slightly differently... I'm seeing that persona as a trauma-driven response attempting to gain more control over her life. I think it would be better for her as a 'good' person to have more connections (because morality is easier when you have other sentients whose opinions you care about) and as a healthy person, who might in the future be able to relax. (Like the first time she explicitly took time off to think and write, where we discovered the wonders of giant baths.)

Tl;dr- Mathilde is going to burn out and I'd like to steer away from that, rather than push hard into a breakdown.
To be honest, I find this attitude somewhat insulting. I'm not a particularly extroverted person. I enjoy hanging out with friends, sure, but if I don't for a week or two, then that isn't a big deal. Suggesting that this is trauma-driven, or that it's unhealthy (because she does clearly get a decent amount of socialization) or less 'good' is at the very least insensitive.

Note that "pushing too hard into a breakdown" is already kind of a mechanic. We call that overwork.

What is her motivation, right now?
She's got a couple of secondary things, but no major driving thing. Which is perfectly fine. We had a similar situation after Abelheim's death (and arguably for a good part of the time he was alive), and there's a few possible big projects on the horizon.
Social actions don't take up AP and therefore don't have tangible effects on the narrative. Glau is basically proposing that we take more [DUCK] actions, where we do stuff with characters and it also has a measurable effect on the setting. As an example, the [DUCK] Hubert action that's infesting most of the current popular plans are basically "Hang out with Hubert," but it's more involved than a pure social action.
Social actions do have narrative consequences. E.g. Johann social action chain had plenty of those. They basically can't be used for problem solving but we can learn new information in those and establish our character.
Social actions do have narrative consequences. E.g. Johann social action chain had plenty of those. They basically can't be used for problem solving but we can learn new information in those and establish our character.

The ones we initiate do not. The Johann interaction started after we gave one up for an NPC random event.
Social actions do have narrative consequences. E.g. Johann social action chain had plenty of those. They basically can't be used for problem solving but we can learn new information in those and establish our character.
In addition, there's this part:
Roswita, Anton, Oswald, and the Ice Dragon all have at least a quarter of the vote, and as such will be options for social actions intended to get to know them better and investigate the possibility of a deeper relationship.
Unless you don't count "Who will Mathilde end up smooching" as a narrative consequence.
To be honest, I find this attitude somewhat insulting. I'm not a particularly extroverted person. I enjoy hanging out with friends, sure, but if I don't for a week or two, then that isn't a big deal. Suggesting that this is trauma-driven, or that it's unhealthy (because she does clearly get a decent amount of socialization) or less 'good' is at the very least insensitive.

Note that "pushing too hard into a breakdown" is already kind of a mechanic. We call that overwork.

She's got a couple of secondary things, but no major driving thing. Which is perfectly fine. We had a similar situation after Abelheim's death (and arguably for a good part of the time he was alive), and there's a few possible big projects on the horizon.

That's fair- but loneliness is a risk factor for death almost as high up there as smoking. It is pretty stressful and bad for you, assuming it falls below threshold. I'm reading you as saying your threshold is pretty low- but I'm reading Mathilde's as being higher. (and more off-screen than on, given things like the book club and friendship with Edda that were presented onscreen as fully formed, with months of background.)

I'm also reading Mathilde as coming from trauma due to her parents and the constant background of 'you have to be good enough or you will be kicked out' that exists in the colleges and in the intrigue advisor role. Knowing that people who should love you and be your greatest defenders can and will ditch you as soon as you do something wrong, plus never being in a situation after that where failure doesn't lead to the loss of all her social contact... Like the new Van Hal demonstrated so well.

I think that here and now is actually going to be very hard for Mathilde if she gets introspective. She isn't going to lose her people in the Karak. She isn't going to get kicked out, almost regardless of what she does next. So, with those fears that drove her work ethic increasingly laid to bed, what is she doing? Why is she doing it? What would actually make her happy?

It's like the 'sucess' version of the same existential crisis that lead her to signing up with Belegar in the first place. Except this time it isn't failing and having nothing left to do after- it's succeeding and having nothing left to do after.
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Voting is open