Again, this assumes Gretel isn't content to simply live the good life in her tower. I wouldn't be so certain about that.
Of course, we are not certain about that, because it's almost certainly roll dependant. as with many things in this quest, just like offering Panoramia the option to deweed the Karak with the Eye. Remember, wealth is still on her character sheet as a motivator.
You cannot be certain that
this is all there is to Gretel. As you said, you are assuming Gretel is actually content, and won't relish something potentially interesting. This is probably all up to the dice.
Again, why are people inherently protesting at the possibility of recruiting Gretel
other than grounds that such recruitment might fail, which is true for just about
any action we try to take.
And if the action failed because Gretel is not interested, then following the precedence of Panoramia, that half action can be re=assigned again to
another Duckling Club action. If it succeeds, we have a competent, proven sub-ordinate with a known motivation, that Mathilde has an affinity with and looks upon favorably. Since Mathilde
does not trust almost anyone, the real question is, can Mathilde work well with an individual? For any random handler chief, whether a perpetual, a Ranaldite Handrich found, a potential EIC employee we know not yet, the answer is that
we do not know if Mathilde can work well with any of them . We know Mathilde can work well with Gretel.
It's a risk-free option to ask Gretel, just as it was to offer to use the tower of Gazul to help Panoramia. There was no mechanical penalty other than the action failed to even get off the ground, choose again.
we do succeed. What is the case against asking besides failure? Is succeeding objectionable, if the only objection to the risk of failure and not the idea in itself? Because I'm seeing an attack on the viability of the idea, less so
on the idea itself. Clearly, the idea doesn't sit well with those objecting to the viability, so what is the objection to the idea in itself, were it to succeed, assuming it is potentially viable, which the QM has ruled
it is.
It's perfectly in character for Mathilde to offer the Duckling she likes the most,
who has a known motivation, whom she knows she can work well with, whom she knows can hold her own in a fight, to at least extend an invitation to Gretel to take up a position within the EIC.
So suppose the rolls dictate we succeed: what is wrong with the idea? I cannot engage anyone on the possibility the idea might fail when it's been ruled it might also succeed, especially when the failure consequence is literally: try another action, so the risk of attempting is zero from that end. What, then, are the demerits of the idea if it succeeds?