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[x] Plan Redshirt v2

I'm a bit confused about why there seems to be a higher priority for the Queekish-Reikspiel dictionary than the Queekish-Khazalid dictionary in a lot of the plans. I really want to have something to show Belegar by the end of this turn so I'm prioritizing the Queekish-Khazalid dictionary.
We explicitly can get lord Magister with a boon. Namely our Great Deed. There's just no real point, because we'll get it anyway conventionally.

Specifically we can test for Lord Magister when we actually want to with the Deed, with an easier criteria of only needing to hit 3 of 4 requirements (loyalty, ability, reliability, experience.) Probably likely we could muddle through, but could be we flunk it and spend the Deed in vain.

Without spending the Deed we're probably stuck waiting for The Olds to bring it up and call us in for it.
I don't think Lord Magister is a matter of that sort of test, in the sense of the Magister Exam.

It's a sober consideration of those political realities you listed, yes, but no proctors to fight or bamboozle.
I guess. Status gains tend to be a never ending treadmill. Also not something that you can really buy with money or Boon. Also it would be a waste for the purpose if it was.

Nah, status gains are, in fact, not a neverending treadmill, because at some point they hit diminishing returns, while at another they hit vastly diminishing returns, Moreover, there is an actual cap, if one unlikely to be hit. I know the distinction may seem academic, but let me elaborate.

Let me explain by putting the diminishing return tiers at S, SS and SSS and the cap being EX

At S, (becoming a household name, which may be somewhat above lord magister but not very) we are great and great things are expected of us. At this point, any merely great achievement is just a thing added to a list. Sure, we can be S+ if we have a long list or a particularly historical list or if there is a reason for people from many different walks in life or states to admire us, or S- if we have a particularly short list, but overall the difference is negligible. Any magister would defer to the worst lord Magister like they would to the best lord magister (their own Patriarch and the Great Patriarch exempted due to holding rank), and any dwarf would defer to the worst runelord just as much as they would to Thorek (not Kragg cuz he is a living ancestor). Prestige here still matters among equals (if you are Thorek, other Runelords accept they are somewhat inferior), but not so much overall.

At SS (legendary historical figure) anything we do becomes a song or a story but... not much will be gained prestigeways other than a longer epic. Sure, there are SS- and SS+ tiers achievementwise, but I reckon the reaction of say, a person meeting Magnus would be the same as that of a person meeting Mandred or Karl Franz (if he wasn't butterflied) or Teclis: admiration and absolute deference (or fear and hate if they are chaos worshippers). Their relative prestige would only matter if they were to try to one up each other and in playground "who would win" games. Problem is, this tier is very hard to achieve while one is still alive.

At SSS (god or god equivalent) you get worship, placation, fear or desecration no matter how much or little you do. Fullstop. At this point, it barely matters, but I guess more achievements may get you more worshippers or make your religion more important. But if the weakest order god came down in person and asked the high priest of Sigmar what for, then even the high priest of Sigmar, a person who is dedicated to another god, would at the very least have to answer to him as he answers to a high superior.

At EX (killing the chaos gods?) you are the greatest thing to exist. At this point, gaining more fame of stuff just doesn't matter. You are the absolute. Someone may surpass you one day, but even that will seem a fool's task. When you are not merely number 1, but unquestionably number 1, gaining more distance is futile, at least for fame and glory purposes. Of course, I do not think we can achieve this, so this rank is theoretical. Doesn't make it less real.
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I don't think Lord Magister is a matter of that sort of test, in the sense of the Magister Exam.

Besides the Prestige and freedom from tithing, what else would a Lord Magistership bring us?

Cheaper College classes? Unrestricted access to more sensitive material? Cheaper cost of hiring assistants from the Colleges because of the prestige of working for a Lord Magister on one's CV? Higher favor income from renting out one's service to Elector Counts for specific jobs?

Because these sort of arguments boil down to: Lord Magistership is valuable versus Lord Magistership is poor value for Great Deed value. Without knowing some of the benefits of Lord Magistership, which side is right boils down to a matter of speculations and assertions.
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I don't think Lord Magister is a matter of that sort of test, in the sense of the Magister Exam.

It's a sober consideration of those political realities you listed, yes, but no proctors to fight or bamboozle.

When I say flunking it I more mean someone in the group doing the considerations politely coughing and being like "So how about all that reading of the Liber Mortis our super secret spies have found out she's been doing?" :V

Assessment is the word I should have used though yes.
I guess. Status gains tend to be a never ending treadmill. Also not something that you can really buy with money or Boon. Also it would be a waste for the purpose if it was.
well, actually as a college wizard our status terminus is Supreme Patriarch (elector count equivalent) unless we good one of the other ways (border princess etc.) and survive the assassin if we actually get powerful enough.

and the point of getting it with money or Boon would be the power, influence and political rights etc etc that come with the title, though it proabley wouldn't be as cool or rewarding as earning it for Mathy in most ways. (tho i do think that if mathy needed the title for something or some project, she actally wouldn't care how she got it.)
Besides the Prestige and freedom from tithing, what else would a Lord Magistership bring us?

Cheaper College classes? Unrestricted access to more sensitive material? Cheaper cost of hiring assistants from the Colleges because of the prestige of working for a Lord Magister on one's CV? Higher favor income from renting out one's service to Elector Counts for specific jobs?
The favor economy might become a little more in our favor. For example teaching us becomes a bit prestigious in it's own right. Also working for us looks better on a person's resume so more are interested in doing it.

I think that currently we are the world acknowledged expert on Warggh magic counter-spelling so anyone that wants to get better at that might be willing to pay a lot of favor to get us to teach them.
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The favor economy might become a little more in our favor. For example teaching us becomes a bit prestigious in it's own right. Also working for us looks better on a person's resume so more are interested in doing it.

Honestly, given our Favor income, if a perpetual apprentice RA to do lab tech grunt work results in more research actions possible per turn (even without a roll bonus), it might be a very good idea to shell the two to four favors per year, especially if we are going to start on Waystone Projects. Maybe we can shake some favor budget lose from Algard if the College-Eight-Peaks-Eonir waystone project is a go?

Anyway, I think the Favor Economy being in our favor for LM would make alot of potential projects much more viable.

I think that currently we are the world acknowledged expert on Warggh magic counter-spelling so anyone that wants to get better that that might be willing to pay a lot of favor to get us to teach them.

It's an AP game. 1 AP to sell College Favor, which can then be converted to hiring someone that can help us improve our AP economy. It's basically a question of what's the exchange rate between Lectures and additional Research Actions per AP. If that's how hiring research assistants work.
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Is there a vote that takes the preservation action for the vaults? Preferably with the "sell to collector" action?
5.Self-actualization needs
- Clearly, there are two things we need:
- A longer lifespan
- More AP efficiency, because we have so little time compared to the things we want to do and we don't have the lifespan of an Elf or even Dwarf to take our time to do then.
- Literally, the path to self-actualization IMO is Mathilde working to increase the efficiency of the usage of her time. It doesn't matter what you think Mathilde aims for, since the bottleneck is always time - not money, not reputation, not access (in the Empire and Karaz Ankor). And of course, patience, which the thread has issues with.

Conclusion: Any purchase (no matter how it's paid for) that helps Mathilde with her time is invaluable from her perspective. Any purchase. She needs manhours. Lots of Manhours.

Does anyone disagree with me that the one real thing Mathilde needs regardless of what she actually wants or even values, is time and efficiency with her time? Because almost everything she conceivably could want she can eventually get, if she has enough time/manhours to do so. Shame Speed of Light to brain meat is an act of suicide.

Yes, even resurrecting Abelheim. She just needs to shake loose the time... and be willing to live with the consequences to her sanity and safety such an action would bring.

I think we have enough AP. We are managing to do pull off feats that would take others a lifetime, or that would be the jewels of their crown, at a rapid rate. Mathilde isn't even forty, (I am not sure if she is even 30, but I do not want to do the math) and she has achieved several things like that. From least to most important:

-The eye of Gazul (less important than the next 2 solely because she needed tons of help from asically everyone important, not because it is less impressive)
-The matrix
- The MAP (these two would be lifetime achievements for some magisters, but admittedly, not so big for Lord Magisters and only moderate achievements for high tier magisters)
-Helping a lot in revitalizing Stirland
-Being a pivotal part to reconquering Sylvania, a unprecedented feat,
-Being the most important individual on the K8P reconquest other than perhaps Belegar. (note the word indivindual, it acknowledges she couldn't do it without an army or other competent people)(Belegar may be more important than her depending on how much providing the legitimacy and bringing every person together counts for, which is a big argument that is not the point of this post, after all, for the vast majority of people being there would be enough, and even for high players playing a pivotal part would secure their fame)
-The academia shattering Waagh and Peace, that will change the way people fight the orcs

She is also at good pace to achieve 2 more relatively soon

-The setting changing queekish translation (more important than Waagh and Peace, but less people will learn about it)
-The introduction of Aethyric vitae (importance pending)

I know the way turn count and thread pace works her pace seems slow, but she rakes achievements that would net one a history book or academic book namedrops faster than Sigmar did. What more do you want for her pacewise?
Honestly, given our Favor income, if a perpetual apprentice RA to do lab tech grunt work results in more research actions possible per turn (even without a roll bonus), it might be a very good idea to shell the two to four favors per year, especially if we are going to start on Waystone Projects. Maybe we can shake some favor budget lose from Algard if the College-Eight-Peaks-Eonir waystone project is a go?

Anyway, I think the Favor Economy being in our favor for LM would make alot of potential projects much more viable.

It's an AP game. 1 AP to sell College Favor, which can then be converted to hiring someone that can help us improve our AP economy. It's basically a question of what's the exchange rate between Lectures and additional Research Actions per AP. If that's how hiring research assistants work.
Why get a perpetual apprentice when we can get a normal apprentice and assign him/her lab grunt work just as well without having to pay favor?
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Honestly, given our Favor income, if a perpetual apprentice RA to do lab tech grunt work results in more research actions possible per turn (even without a roll bonus), it might be a very good idea to shell the two to four favors per year, especially if we are going to start on Waystone Projects. Maybe we can shake some favor budget lose from Algard if the College-Eight-Peaks-Eonir waystone project is a go?

Anyway, I think the Favor Economy being in our favor for LM would make alot of potential projects much more viable.
I'm not sure Mathilde actually has a favour 'income' per se. Like, there's things she earns favour for, but I can't really imagine a system where you get favour for doing something you're told to. So it's possible Mathilde gets asked to teach someone something, and earns favour for doing it, but it'd still be an active choice of a thing to do, rather than just being told to do soemthing, and getting favour for it. If the College is interested in the Waystone project for example, I can't imagine Mathilde getting told to do it, and then getting favour for that as well, but I can imagine that her costs are covered (so if she asks for another wizard to help with something specific, the College spends the favour necessary instead of Mathilde doing so).
Besides the Prestige and freedom from tithing, what else would a Lord Magistership bring us?

Cheaper College classes? Unrestricted access to more sensitive material? Cheaper cost of hiring assistants from the Colleges because of the prestige of working for a Lord Magister on one's CV? Higher favor income from renting out one's service to Elector Counts for specific jobs?
your essentially a baron as far as imperial law is concerned, and have all the protections, rights and powers of that level of nobly.

like, Lord Mathy could in theory walk into a city barracks in the empire and round up an small army if needed as a Lord Magister, tho she would need to explain why after the fact if she did.

or just say 'arrest that man' and have it done as long as they were a hedge knight or lower.

or walk into a nobles house and expect to be hosted for the night when traveling.

etc etc.

A lord magister is actually pretty powerful title in the setting and greases a lot of wheels, you are, in all prepossess, High Nobility.
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I know the way turn count and thread pace works her pace seems slow, but she rakes achievements that would net one a history book or academic book namedrops faster than Sigmar did. What more do you want for her pacewise?

Probably to be able to move down the AV, Waystone and Multi-wind tech-tree a little faster, with the ability to take synergistic actions per turn.

Why get a perpetual apprentice when we get get a normal apprentice and assign him lab grunt work just as well without having to pay favor?

Because half the thread thinks/asserts an Apprentice is an AP sink.

I'm not sure Mathilde actually has a favour 'income' per se. Like, there's things she earns favour for, but I can't really imagine a system where you get favour for doing something you're told to.

I mean, room of Serenity means Mathilde accumulates College favor reliably almost every turn.
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Can't wait for the Empire to get Henry-Martinis from the Dwarves.

I prefer the Rome version, personally.

[X] Plan: Spoken Queekish v4
[X] Plan: Spoken Queekish with better gambits
[X] Plan: Spoken Queekish v4 with convincing
[X] Plan: Spoken Queekish and AV preliminary research done. V3
[X] Plan: Save the History! also AV and Job I guess...
[X] Plan: Rat Spider Snake and Wolf
[x] Plan Redshirt v2
[x] Plan: Cunning Linguists, No Overwork
[X] Plan: Spoken Queekish v4 with Better Max
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Uh, aren't you the one who strenuously argued for interacting with new characters rather than continuing to interact with the same ones we already knew several times? This is a shocking change of stance. :V
Do I contradict myself?
Very well then I contradict myself,
(I am large, I contain multitudes.)

Kragg is the chink in my armor that proves I am a messy organic intelligence and not an AI soberly executing on a utility function. I have voted to social him at literally every opportunity it has come up. I am aware of my mortal failings, but he is my tsundere grandpa and I love him.
I get that from a gameplay perspective, but as an in setting argument, it sounds preposterous considering how fast her research in everything is advancing.

Even from an in-setting perspective, Mathilde being able to only conduct one experimental series per turn (if she is lucky) means alot of her projects starts and stops, and stalls depending on contingency. It means alot of experiments that might narratively synergize with one another are happening six months apart. Basically, her basic research are a series of stacatto starts and stops, which means that she's probably not able to build any kind of in-world momentum.

You are also assuming Mathilde's research rate will continue at a similarly rapid rate. This probably may well not be the case, given that her projects may well involve longer and longer action trees, as they become more ambitious. One research action per turn may well be that she would actually die of old age before pursuing many of her research trees, especially if they are going to get longer as time goes on, because they become more difficult.

I'd be astounded if ten actions give you access to publishable results for Multi-wind casting. I'd be astounded if ten more actions concludes AV. Diminishing returns are a very real thing.
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Because half the thread thinks/asserts an Apprentice is an AP sink.
I have read a lot of the recent thread and that does not seem to be the case. I expect an Apprentice would save us at least as much time as we invest in them. Also if they become at all successful in the future they become passive favor generation for us.
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